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<br /> �- � � a,a a�er eooa ana �atuable aoensi i�o�. � .: : :.. , �
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<br /> ._ ;.;.� �o � oF Gr nd s , I�ebraslca, here�.���:�e�i�;�e",
<br /> .,`,� �. ' one or more do�es ebY � , ao�►eY axl re�sase��.�:"t��lat,te .
<br /> � � : Nattu'el RP.SOta�Ce D3.sltx'S.ct� GI'arld ISl,and� NEbMa�liat t1a'@ft�`��i'�`-.'�e��r i� -
<br /> � �
<br /> " ; ,. suoa�a.s arid a�fg�s � pe�'petual e��eo�ee'�t it�� o�ver a�ct-�;�e�:�:�;." .
<br /> ;�. ;t • . . ' .. - �
<br /> � . �; : descMbed lard situated 3n the Cotnty o� Hal l _ � _„.�.��ar .
<br /> � . � ; to aiti: - .
<br /> _ � .....
<br /> -: � 3.7 Acres - W� SW% Sec. 13-12N-9�1 for permanent easer:feT�.�"�a`���'��� attacbed .
<br /> � . ' plat � �� �.:.�. :
<br /> �` : : 3.3 Acres - NE'. SW't Sec. 13-12N-9W for permanent easemer4',.�� �1'rr�;�r� �_•n �atta�hed �
<br /> .: . � � • plat � � . - .
<br /> _ �. . ; 1.4 Acres - W% i,� SE4 Sec. 13-12N-9W for permanent easeme�ti �$ �GRC� �n attached
<br /> , plat . . .
<br /> � � for the purPose of ar in oonrjeetion with the eonstruct.ian of a n�rr� t�
<br /> � � and �o �a�prove the existing dsar�riel an � `� : .
<br /> � . . :.':; ; . ,
<br /> : . ;i . 1qca�ed on the above described lands, eon�Lruction to inaluc�" � �.��, :
<br /> . .�5, �+"�6h��'�B, ax! clearing and sna�gBinB oF �rees� brus� � a�. � .. �,.. : �
<br /> . debr'is, fa' or i,rt oory'�ec�ion wikh ti'�b oDa'atian, �ainte'sarice a'd � �' . ,
<br /> ,;'; :�... sue�chamel bena and c�ar�nel ax1 far the t`l�o�raBe oF any Wa�ers fn, oMerp c�an a' . ,
<br /> . '��roa�a nx�h channel bra�m and chanrjel. : .'�
<br /> � •�� 1t�e rlghts and p'ivileges het'ei�n �"att�ed ahall be aub�eet to the followf� �@� , • E'=:�
<br /> j; � � ; arx! oonditions. .
<br /> '' 1. �e aonsideratia^� r�eited her�in ehall aonstitute pay�aat,in tL� �`�c
<br /> ' ; all dama�r,e s�sta�ryed or to be �tained bY the C�ar►ta^ by reasan of the e�sr�isie,. � '�
<br /> ; '` ' of an� �f tcba r�g3�s or activities �scribed or �antal by the above. : .�
<br /> � � � :
<br /> 2. �hi.s �r�t ineludPs irhe right of ir�gress and egre�s at any tis�e aa�
<br /> ' and � the ease�t a�ea of the Grantor as spaoi�`1ca11Y desa"16ed abo�ve. .
<br /> ' 3. Zhere ia reserved to ti�e Gran�or� his heirs and asstp�.s, the rig� � � �
<br /> : privilege to use the above described ],and of the Crantor ati any tiime in any � ,
<br /> ; � mar�ner and i ta �s and a�.si istenf �r�� �����'►ti b� ..
<br /> �tse Grantee, 1 8� �:.:
<br /> � ;�ted• —
<br /> • � , �Av Tbe Grant,ee shal7. eonstrucb, operate and maintain the abo�ve desa•ibed � .
<br /> wa'� �Y improveaent within its discretivn. � �
<br /> . � . ._
<br /> � � 5. 1hi�s easen�ent �sall not pasa rior �tw].l the aaroe ba c�str�ied to pass� ta ,
<br /> �' � ,� , the Crantea any fee sinople interest or title to the�abo�ve dexribed l,ands.
<br /> .— ! � 6. Ztye Grantee xill aonst.ruct a tanporary eleatria fence along bott� bariks
<br /> ! � of the fmpro�ved s�a�xsel (where needed) and Lnstali a aolar powered fenoer. Zhis .
<br /> ' sy�tem wSll be ut�lized For two (2) �'�or+L�6 aea�atts t�fxr'eat'rer beoamin6 t1w ,
<br /> properiy or the traritor. .�a .����,Q} �, t�c.��:�� ,
<br /> , . ►�a "�1�� �✓�.Nf�� w:1� '�b�.sfvvc� Ine ��J Cro�fi�� w� ,
<br /> _ _ ��r�.•`�� '�e�Pu.y�'�. _, � -_.�_.__
<br /> :-�
<br /> � . . �
<br /> T8� W14t� iWD TD HOiD tne aforesaid e�a�ment in� ov�r and Won the above dtscribed ' � i ,
<br /> -- . ' I.�n� a�`fht �a�7�i�,� aI2 t3�a �'3�� ��Cr��t�ee� it��s � � , . -' .
<br /> - - . ��... � .,�' �+ �inin6i `�
<br /> . L a�� rar�war. �
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