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2� 1 ��8�5� <br /> Transfer of the Pr�perty or a Benef�cial I��t��e5t in Bo�ra�ver.�f a�1 or any par�of.the Praperty ar any in�eres� <br /> �n i� is sold or transferred �or if a beneficial ��t�rest in Bor�ower �s so�d or transferred and Barr�wer is �fl� a <br /> natural person}�wi�hvut Lender's prior wr�tte� consent, Lender may, at its option, re�u�re �m.mediate paym�n� in <br /> full of a�l sums secured by �his Security In>;t�.ment. �Io�vever, this opt�on sha�l rio�t be exercised by Lender �f <br /> exercise�s prahibite�by federal�avv�s of the date of th�s Securit�r�ns�rumen�. <br /> �f L.ender exercises this apti�n, Lender sha].I g�ve B orro�er �.ot�c� of accelera��on. The no�ice shal� pro��de a <br /> period Qf nat �ess �than �he minimum numbe}� ��days es��bli�he�.by Applicable La�r fr�m the date �he not�ce is <br /> de�ivered or rnailed vvi�hin vt�hich Borr�virer mus� pay all sums sec�ed by this Secu;r�ty Znstrument. �f I��rro�wer <br /> fa��s �a pay�hese sums prior to the expira�ifln of this p�riod, Lend�r may invo�e an��remedies permi�t�d b� �his <br /> S e curi�.y Ins�ru.ment without fur�her notic e flr �emand on B an otiv�r. <br /> BQrra�ver's R�ight �o ]��instate. �f Barr�wer meets cer�ain cond�t�ons, Borrower �;ha�� have the right ta have <br /> enforc�ment of�his Security Instrument d�sc�antinued at any t�me prior to the ear�ier�af: �a} 5 days (or such fl�her <br /> per��d as App��cable La�v may spec�fy f�r reinstatement�before sale �f the Proper�y pt�rsuant to a�.y power of sale <br /> con�ained �n �hrs Security �nstrurnent; or (1�� entry of a �udgmen� enf�rcxng th�s S�cur�ty �ns�rum�nt. Those <br /> cond��ions are tha�Borrower: �a} pays Lend+�r �.11 sums v�rhich �hen�vould be due under this Security�nst�rument <br /> and�h�C�ntrac�as if n�accelerat��n had occurred;�b�cures�ny default of any other��venants or agreements; �c� <br /> pays ail expenses incurred in enforcing this S��ct�rity�nstrumer��, including,bu�not lim�i�ed to,reasanable a��orne�s' <br /> fees�o the �xten�perrn�tted b�Iavv; and �d}tak�s such ae��on as Lender may reasona��y requ�re ta assure tha�the <br /> lien of�his Security Instrument,Lender's rig�.�s in�he Pro�ert�r and�3orr��wer's ob��ga�.zon to pay��.e sums s��ured <br /> by �his Secur�ty Instru.ment shali cor��inue ur.changed. Upan reir�.s�a�emen�by Borrov���r, �his Secur�ty Ins�z�� <br /> and �h� ob�igations secured hereby shall remain fu�ly effe�:t�ve as i:�na accelerat�on had occurred. Hovvever, this <br /> right to reins�a�e shal�nat apply zn.the�ase o��acce�era���r��under�th�sectian�it�ed Tr���sf��vf th�Pr��e�ty or a <br /> Bene�cial Interest in B�rrower. <br /> Hazar�dous Sub�ta�c��,SQ�-rovver sha�I��t��ause or perrr�i�the presen.ce,use, d�spos�l, storage, or rel�ase�f any <br /> Hazarc�ous 5ubstances on ar in the Proper�y.�3axrovver sha��no�da,��r a�Iow anyone��se�o da,anything aff�c�ing <br /> the Property that is �n v��la�ion �f any Envi:��r�men�a� La-w. The preced�ng �wo sent�nces shal� �o� apply�� t�ie <br /> presence,use,or storage Qn�he Fraperty of srna�l quan���ies of Hazardous 5ubstances�ha�ar�genera�ly recogniz�d <br /> �o be apprflpr�ate ta normal residential uses ar��to maintenanc�flf�he Proper�y. <br /> Borrov�er sha��promp�ly give Le�der writ�en notice of any iriv�s���a���n,claim, dernan.d, laWsuit or o�her action b� <br /> any go�ernmental �r regulatory agency ar p�-ivate party i�valv�ng the Prop�rty and ��ny Ha�ardous Subs�a.nce or <br /> Environm�ntal Law of vvh�ch �3orr�wer h��s ac�ua� kn�vvl�dge. If Borrtitiver �ea:rns, ar is no�ified by any <br /> g�vernmental or�o�y authori�y, that an�r r�moval or oth�r rem�dia�ion of any Ha.zard�us Substance aff�c�ir�g <br /> the Praperty is necessary, BQrrower shall promp��y �a�e aII necessary remedial �.��io�s in acCordance ur�th <br /> Env�ro�mental Law, <br /> As used�n �his paragraph, "�azard�us 5u�bst��nces" are thflse substances defined as�o���c ar hazardous substances <br /> by Enuirorimental Law and �he fol�n�w�ng s�ubstances; g�soli�.e, k�rosene, other fla:mmable or ��xic p��ra�eum <br /> pradu�ts, taxi� pes�zc�des an� herbicides, vt��ati�e solven�ts, materiai� cnn�air�ng asb�s�os �r formaldehyde, and <br /> radzoactz�e materials. As used in�his paragra��h, "Environmen�:a� La�" means fed�ral]:�v�rs an�laurs of�he s��.te of <br /> Nebraska that re�a�e�o heal�h,safety or�nvirc�nr�en�a�pro��ction. <br /> A��e�eratior�; R�med�es. L�nd�r sha�l ��ve� m�tice tv �vrr��er prior �� acceleration fo�Zow�ng �orr�v�er's <br /> br�ac�of a�.y c�venant or�gre�ment in this�ecur�ty Instrument or the�ontract:under wh��h ac�elera���n <br /> i5�erm�tted tbu� not prior to acceler�tion ur�der the sectivn titl�d Transfer�f th.e Property ar a Bene���al <br /> In��re�t�n �3orrower, un�ess Appl��able L��w pr�vides o�h�rwise�. Th� natiCe sha�l spe��fy: �a} t�e �efault; <br /> �b) �th� a�t��n require� to cure th� �ef�iul�; �c} a c�ate, not less than the rr�inimum number �f days <br /> established by,A.pplicable Layv fr�m the d��t�the notice is g�ven t�B�rrower,by which the defau�t mus�be <br /> �ured; and �d) that failure t� �ur� the dei au�t on or bef�re th� date specified i�r� �he not�ce may r�sult in <br /> a��e�eration flf the sums secured �y thi5 S�cur�ty Ir�strument and sal� nf the Praperty. T� the e��ent <br /> permit�ed b�law, thQ nv���e sha��further:inf�rm B�rrow�r �f the right to reYns#:ate af�er accele�-at�an and <br /> the right tv br�ng a court a�tYon tv a���rt t�ie n�n-ex�st�r�ce Qf a d�faul�or any oth�r d�fense of B�rr�yver t� <br /> acce�era��an and �a�e.If th�default�s �ot icured o�. ar bef�re the date specified ir� the notice,Lender at�ts <br /> opt�on may requ�re �mm��iate paym�r�t i:n fu�l of a�I su�s se�ured by �hxs Sec�urity Ins�rument �vithvut <br /> further demand ar�d m�y Ynvoke the power �f sale and arny other rer�edies pernnitted by App��cab�e Law. <br /> Tv the extent per�tted by law, Lend�r sh��I be �ntit�ed t� �ollec� alI expenses �ncurred �n pu�su�ng the <br /> remed�es prflv�ded�n this Sec�ion, ir�cludxng,�ut no���x�n���d.�o, ��as�nable attor���y5'fees and co��5 of�xt�e <br /> e��den�e. <br /> If the povver vf sa�e�s�nvoked, Trust�e 5h��ll record a n�t��e of defau���n each ca�unty�n which any pa�rt af <br /> fhe Property����ca�ed and sha�l ma�� copi��s of such na�B�e in th�mar�ner pres�r�b� Appl��able Law�o <br /> BorroYver and to the �ther persons prescri�bed by App���ab�e L�w. .A►.fter th� tim� requ�red by App���able <br /> Law, Trustee shall g�ve pub�ic n�t�cQ �f s:�ie ta �he per�o�s an� in �he mann�r prescr�bed hy Applicab�e <br /> Law.Truste�,w��hou�d�mand�n Borr�w+�r, shail se���he Prop�r�y��pub�i� au�:t�on �o �he h�ghest bidder <br /> at the t�me and place and under the te�ms��.es�gna��d in th�noti�e of sale in Qne or mvre par�eis and�n any <br /> arder �rustee deterirunes. Trustee may ��o�tpone sa�� of all �r an� parcel o�� the Prap�rty by public <br /> announcem�nt�t the�irr�e and place of�ny previausl.y�ch�dule�.�ale.Lender�r[t�de�ign�e may purc�ase <br /> �he PropQrty at any sal�. <br /> Upon re�eipt of paymen� of the price bxd, Tru��ee �ha�l deliver �o �h�purchaser Trustee's c�eed �vn�eying <br /> the Praperty. The recita�s�n th�Tr�xs��e's d��d shall b�pr��na fa�ie�viden�e of t�e truth of the s�atem�ents <br /> C�240�-20I 5 Compliance Systems,Inc.6l 8A-981 l-20I 5.12.3.I.1 I�S <br /> Cflnsumer Real Estate-Security Znstrument DL2a36 Page 4�f 5 www,compliancesystems.carr� <br />