. . . ,._. .,....
<br /> v�t�� �'.::•��-��s:��.:;:��_.�a�;�i.•�..r'---�y� :, ' ,. . ; ; :.� �.�.� .
<br /> ��y 5., ,p�- .... �. _. _ _ .�. r
<br /> . '4i_^'S�Y�'� �[r�f'�'J��1 _�'..�IQt��'��`-i���VF^.� l_ ��r��..Z ClF�2i��Hi��'2�-'w_�N �i��ic�.__.
<br /> . - ...__._.-_-.-- �� ._-t-_ _c--._ z._�.. ��.� u___.-... . .._'_- .—'.-.-_`__—r ,..-a-.��-«. � ... ..,_.
<br /> __ _ �.'...� .�� �._.'�_ - �;\ :.nv-.w� -- _. _ .__._"_—_ _�
<br /> . � �.� - � . „� �
<br /> -�_.- -.� - '.-_-..—" '�'�...—_ .-__—. .... � - ' . .'�� .".r .'��_. �.��_�'�...�"���__�_�� --__"� "�__—�.-.�__..._ . �-�.���_
<br /> . .' � � 9�"" ��uL��1� Page 1 ot' 1 .
<br /> CONSTAUCTION EA.�EN�t�� ���1 yG�� .
<br /> - • For arid in �onsideration of��,rrk�.�r u,���r,:;�,�Q�a.�«.«.r��.N�G�rb+�and ' .. .
<br /> � ` and ott�er good and .vai�oble con�iderat:�n�, t!� r�sea�.�.::rrhereof i �eereby : : .
<br /> taknowledged. l�ei-Rub-Bi11 Ho1st�;r,S, Inc. , . ,
<br /> � ar „ �r�and.i sl a nr! _ � G��t��:�.r�, dq:�reby grant, conveg and :
<br /> . release unto the CEMT�AL P6A17E NAT{1RA4 RFS�I�t�GE3. D�����?CT', 215 HORTH KAUFMAN '• �
<br /> � � AYEltUE. GpAlID ISLAiiD, NEBR�45KA, Gran�e�, ���, sur.r.p��c�-�ar�rl assign�, a perpeLs�al . !' �
<br /> essea�rnt in. over and upo� the fo2loirirtg;deaarfE�:d. I�r�,:situated i� the Co�ty of �
<br /> _.�: � Wat 7 . State�of NeQraska, to xi�.� • , .
<br /> � k�st Half af the West Ha�f of the Sa��:�sd�t �rjarfi�:r �f Sect�on 13, Tawnsh�p 12 � �
<br /> • North, Range Q Kest of the 6th P.M. d�a�i,�aun�3�, Si�:blt�stca, said tract con�aining
<br /> ' 6.3 Acres mor� or less �
<br /> . . � .,
<br /> � for ��t� purpose of ar �n connection With,:aonptruction. operation, mafat��sa,.�ee, 's
<br /> . and ��t�p.ection of Mo�res Creek Rp.�'�n�i�n �7 . � -
<br /> . Por tht �Yost�ge of any watera in� over up�n� cr �rough such easeaeat area. � � �
<br /> The rfghts �r�d priv�Iege� herein granted shall be sub�ect to t�e �, �
<br /> foiloxing teros and �nditions. � �
<br /> ' � 1. The conaideration reafCad herein shall conatitute pay�er�t. fn Full � �
<br /> � for all damages sustained or to be auatained by the Grantors �nd their s�ccessora
<br /> tiy reaaon oF the e�a,,,���-uation. operatiac.� maintenance and inspec�ion of �ie �rorks
<br /> of imprcvesent ����.if�� above. --
<br /> � .
<br /> �
<br /> ` 2., �ht Grantora ahaZ1. provide the Gr��tee with iegfess and egress as : , �,F�:
<br /> � ��°'� ' required te carry ont ��te prasf��iona of this easement as part of the
<br /> considtratian recited C�+erein. ��:: '-
<br /> ' ,,�
<br /> 3. There is reaerved to the Grantors� their heirs aad asaigns, the � � � u
<br /> _ � right and privilege to uae the above deaaribed land of the Grantors at any time, � .
<br /> , in ar��r aanner and for� any purpo�e not l�s:onsistent With the full use and
<br /> . , enJc;��nt by the Grar�:ee, its suaaes�a� and assigns. of the rights and '
<br /> privi2.ege� herein granted. •_
<br /> � ; � � ' 4. 7tte Grantee is gr�ated the right to clear out the �e�fin�ent vr �
<br /> � : ath��a�se saintafn a� it see� fit auch eaaement area. ;
<br /> . ,
<br /> 5. Thi� easement ahall not pass, nor �hall the sam� be ��r�strued to �
<br /> , paos to �he G�antee any Fee simple interest or title tn the abov� �escribed
<br /> � lands. .► _-
<br /> � ,:..__
<br /> ; TO HAVE AHB j0 HOLD the afore�r�td ease�nent, in� over and upon �he above "
<br /> de�crfbed lanc£ �F the Grantors With aJl the rigliEs� privileges a�rd appurtenances '
<br /> � � theretv belonging or in a�y wise appurta�ning, tinto the Grantee, if,a aucces�ors �
<br /> , and a�aeigns� forever. � �
<br /> IM HIT SS WHEHEQF the Grantora� have executed thia instru�nent on the
<br /> i �,��ay of • 19 .
<br /> ��
<br /> � E� , .
<br /> ..�u .���/� a� ,� _...�� _��s�...,���.�.�
<br /> ; 'Si�nature of Grantor � Sigrtature o Grar�tor
<br /> St705 9 Y 3�5/ry .
<br /> Sooisl Securitr Nu�ber Social Security Humber
<br /> � SiAT£ qF NEBRASKA .--------
<br /> on is, the aa "�a oF , 19�Q_, before me the
<br /> undersigned , a N ary Public, duly ,
<br /> - , co� sioped d quallfied for and rr� ing !n Nebraska, per901la1_�y ca�ne '
<br /> � to n[e known to be the identical �
<br /> orr�nta) �ho na�e_�� efri••� t� tt�� far�gri�rg 3���,e,��utn�ni and a�knowYedge� the -
<br />� L aaM to be voluntary act and deed. Nitnes� my hand and Notarial
<br /> &eil ear la�t above written. �
<br /> ������
<br /> �c��°M"'� Not �ubl i ;�
<br /> Mr Co�issfon Ex�iP�� the �d�y o�` � �g���
<br />.
<br /> . J
<br /> :
<br /> �
<br /> �� ,
<br /> �;�,,.�,
<br /> r:• :. � .
<br /> jc �
<br />