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2� 1 ��8� 17 <br /> con��nue to pay to Lender the amount of��e separately designa�ed payments tha�wer�due wh�n the <br /> �nsuranc�cov�rage ceased to be in�ffec�, Lender wi�l acc�pt, use and re�ain�hese payments as a <br /> non-refundable�oss reser�re in l�eu�f Mortgage�nsurance. Such�oss reserve sha�l be nan-refundable, <br /> natwi�hstanding the fac��hat�he L.�an�s u�timate�y paid in fu�l, and Lender shal�n�t be r�quired��pay <br /> Borrav��r any interes�or earn�ngs an such loss reser�re. Lender can no �onger requir�loss reserve payrnen�s <br /> if Mortgage�nsurance c�verage��n�h�amoun� and for th�periad that Lender requ�r�s}pro�ided by an <br /> insurer seiec�ed by Lender a�ain be�omes a�vai�ab�e, �s ob�ained, and Lend�r requires separately d�s�gnated <br /> payments toward�he premiums f�r Mort�age�nsurance. �f Lender r�quired Mor�gage�nsu�ance as a <br /> condi�ion of mak�ng the L,�an and Borr��ver v�ras requxred to make separa�ely des�gnated payments�oward the <br /> prerniums f�r Mor�gage�nsurance, Barrov�er shall pay�he premiums requ�r�d ta mainta�n Mor�gage <br /> Insuran�e in effec�, or to pro�ide a n�n-refundable�oss reser�e, un��� I�ender's r�quirement for N�or�gage <br /> �nsurance ends in accordan�e wi�h any writ�en agreement betvw�en Borrower and Lender pr�viding for �uch <br /> terminatxon or until terminat�on is required��Appl�cab�e Law. Noth�ng in�his Sec�i�n �0 affe�ts <br /> Borrov�er's ab�igatian�a pay in�eres�a�the ra�e prov�ded in�he No�e. <br /> Mortgage �nsurance re�mburses Lend�r���r a�ay en�i�y�ha�purchases the N�te} for certa�n Iasses x�may incur <br /> if Borrawer d�es not repa��he Loan as agre�d. Barrower is not a par�y�o the M�r�gag� �nsurance. <br /> M�rtgage insurers evaluate their total risk on all su�h�nsurance in force from time�o t�me, a�d ma� enter <br /> in�o agreements with other part�es tha� share�r mod�fy�heir r�sk, or reduce losses. These agreemen�s are on <br /> terms and cand�tions that are sat�sfactory to the mortgage�nsurer and the o�her party �or par�ies} �o thes� <br /> agreemen�s. These a�reements may requxre the mor��a�e insurer�� make pa�rmen�s using an� source of funds <br /> tha�th�mortgage �nsurer rnay ha�e avai�able (which may �nclude funds abta�ned from Mor�gage�nsurance <br /> premiums}. <br /> As a result of these agreemen�s, Lender, any purchas�r af th�No��, another insurer, an�reinsurer, any other <br /> en�i�y, or any af��ia�e of any af the forego�ng, may re�e�ve tdirectly or ind�re��I�} amoun�s that deri�ve from <br /> �a��ight he�haracterized as} a par�ian a�BarrovF,�er'�pa�rment� far Mo�g�ge�nsur�nce, in exchange for <br /> sharing or modifying the mor�gage insurer's ri�k, or reducing �osses. �f such agreemen�prc��ides tha�an <br /> af�lia�e of Ilender takes a share af�he�nsurer's r�s� in exchange for a share of the premiums pa�d to the <br /> insur�r, �he arran�emen� �s of�en�ermed "capti�e reinsurance." Further: <br /> �a} Any such agr�m�nts v�ili na�affec��he amounts that Borrower has agre�d to pay for Mortgage <br /> Insurance, or any o�her�erms of the Laan. Such agreernents wil�not increa5e the amaunt <br /> Borrower w��� owe For�Vlartgage Insurance, and the�wi�l na�enti�le Borrower to�ny refund. <br /> �b� Any such agreemen�s wi���ot affec�the rights Borrower has��f any-�w�th respec�to the <br /> Martgage Insurance under the Homeowners Prot�ction Act of 1995 or any other�aw, These r�gh�s <br /> rnay inc�ude the r�ght to rece��e cer�a�n d�sclo�ur�s, to request and obtain can�eilat�on of the <br /> Mor�gage Insurance, to ha�e the Martgage I�surance termina�ed au�amatica��y, andlar�o recei�e <br /> a refund of any Mortgage Insuran�e prerx��ums that were unearned at the�ime of�uch <br /> cancel�at�on or termination. <br /> 'i'1. Assignment of Miscellaneous Proce�ds; Forfe�ture. A�1 M�sce�ianeous Proceeds are hereby assigned�o <br /> and sha�l be paid�� L.ender. <br /> �f the Pr�perty xs damaged, such M�sce��aneous Proc�eds shal�be applied to res��ra�ion or repair nf th� <br /> Prapert�, xf the restoration or repair is�canomica��y feasib�e and Lender's se�ur�ty is n�t lessened. During <br /> su�h repa�r and restarat�an per�ad, Lender sha11 have the righ��o hold such Miscelianeous Praceeds un�i� <br /> Lender has had an opport�.nify to insp�Ct such Prop�rty�o ensure the work has been comp�eted �o Lender's <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac LINIFORM�NSTRUM�NT Farm 3028 i 1�1 <br /> VMP Q VMPfi�NEj�13�2y <br /> Wolters Kl�wer�inan�ia#5er�ices Page 9 af�7 <br />