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<br /> ` -�� soo5o7
<br /> � If Y.ea�er require�mortgage insursace as a conditian af maicieg the laaa s�ured 6y shis Sxurity instnunent,
<br /> Borro�rer shall pay the premiums roq�ri�ed tn mainiain the i++�++*s*+ce in effect unt�such time�s the requiraaeat for the
<br /> anstuaace terminatrs in acc�rdance�vith B�osra+ve�s aad I.e�der's writtm agrameat or applirab2e kw. '
<br /> S. I�qectlo�. Lendet or its a;eat msy make ressonable eatria upon and inspeccions of the Property.Larder �
<br /> shalt give Bor�rnva notice at the time ofar prinr to m inspection specifying reasonable cause for tbe inspxiion.
<br /> � 9 Ca�o�. The proceeds of anp xwud ar claim for dsmages.direct or consequential,ia coonaation witb
<br /> aay�tiaa ar otber taking of any part af the Pruperty,or for conveyance in lieu of cEmdemaation,are henby
<br /> saianed aad shaU be paid to Lender.
<br /> �. Ia tHe eve�at of a total tatciag of the PropeRy.tl�e procxods shall be ipplied to the sums secured by this Socurity
<br /> Instr�mrnt,whr�hcr or not then duq with any excess pafid to Borrower.Ia the eveut of a partial talcing of the Properiy,
<br /> • vrl�s Borto�ec�ad Lender otHerwise ag�eo in writing,the sums socured by this Security�r�strument sbalTi be reduced by
<br /> t�e�unt af ti�a proeads multiplied by the foltoxing frution: (a)the total amount of the snms seeured iramodiately
<br /> � be�re the hlaz�,divided bY(b)the fair maticd value of the Property immodiatdy 6efore the takin�.Any baluice shall be
<br /> �aid toBorro�
<br /> , . If the Yroperty is abaadened by Borrower.or if,aRer aatice by Leader to Baaower tl�at the condsmnor offeas W
<br /> , . malce an awud or settte a claim for damages,Barrrawer faits w res�.+ond to Lendea within 30 days aftor the dau ths notice is �
<br /> � givss,Lender is authorizai t�colloct and apply the proceeds�at its option,dthes�restoration or repsir of the Propeity or
<br /> = tv i3te sums secured by this Sexurity Iastmment,whether or not then dt�e.
<br /> � , Unless Lender and Borrower otlu�wise agra in writing,any application of pruceed�t�principal shall,not eata�E�+r � .
<br /> . postpone the due date of the monthly p��-�-.:ents seferte+d to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or chaa�ci�.amount of such pay�t,
<br /> 10 Borrower Not�elas�sd;Forbearaace B�v Lender Not a Wif�er. E�ctensioa af tbe time for paymc��2 or .
<br /> . �r�,iifsatiaa of amotti7a�of the sums saured�g v3�is Secvrity Instrament granted by Lend.er ta�?,�successor in ,
<br /> �.��i of Borrower shall nai apenu to release the tiability of the original Bonower or Borrower's su.,��r,,-�in in�est. �
<br /> La�der shall aat b�aequired to coramence proceodings against any successor in inter�*_e�r refuse to exteud ti�s�ar
<br /> ' • payment or etjn�aase modify amortiTatian of the sums secured by tbis Sccc�rity Instnsmc��r i�•�eason of aay dcmand�s:a3e
<br /> - by the originai t��.�awer or Boaower's sucCessors ia interes�Any forbarance l�y i�ender i3��cercising any right or rr-r,xdy •r,�_;�r
<br /> . shaU not be a waiver of or prqaaule the�xercise of any right or remedy. - ,,;•°..��
<br /> U.�Sao�eao�s����rt�t Borsd;Joiat a�d SerEra!Idabiti�Yi C.o�i�as. The covcnaats and agramen�of �,,:".',;:f,
<br /> , this Secwity Iastrumrnt s��"L!�d and bar,�t tht sueeessors and assigas of Lenaer an�Bes���sr,subject to the prov�.�;:cs . :-; .�:;!';
<br /> of paragraPh 17..�r�awex's coven�nts wr�:�;,groemeats sha116e joiac and several.Any Bomr�r.�r�vho co-signs this S�:,:�y ` ',��,�
<br /> Irtstrumtnt but�r�es not exec�.te the Nnt�(a)is co-signing this Se�urity Instrument only to..� gag�grant and canvey 'i�,.:��`;
<br /> tha!�:�orrower's intaest in��roperty under the terrQ�of this Security Instrument;(b)is noi peisonallp o�;�.+.gated to pay � � �f�"="
<br /> the�ums sccured by this S�-,.�ity Instrument;and(c)�3�ras that Lender and any othe�•Boaawer ma}ag�ae to eatend, �
<br /> modify,forbear or malce any accommodations with regard to t�e t:erms of this Socurity Instrument os tha Note without �
<br /> that Borrower's oc�sent. �
<br /> 12. Gas�ae�a. If the loan secured by this Security Instrumcnt is subjat to a law which sets maximum toan -
<br /> crisrges, and th�t law is Far.�JTy interpreted so that the interest or otheP la�,charges collected or to be coltected in �. �--
<br /> ; conncetia�with the loan exv�d the permitted timits. then: (a)any such !a��rharge shaq be reduced by the amount .
<br /> necessary tn reduce the charga to ths permittod limit;and(b)any suras already collected fr�m Borrower whicb exceedod :�
<br /> permitte�limits wi11 be refunded to S�u7z;.�ver. I.ender may choos�to make this refund by reducing the principal owed `
<br /> ' under the Note or by making a direct�1:�mt to Bonower.If a r�"�d reduces pr'ncipal,the reduction will be treated-.,�a
<br /> � partial prepayment without+uz�prepayrtjtmt charge u��:r the Note.
<br /> � 13. I�aladoa ARectJa� I.��de�s Itigbts. F.�enactment or eapiration of applicable laws Ga:�the effect of .`
<br /> rer.dtring any provisiote of the Note or this Security In�s.L ament unenforceable according to its terms,Lendtz,at its option, ,• cl�
<br /> may require immodiate payment in full of all sums secured by this 5ecurity lnstrument and may invoke any remedies ' �
<br /> � permitted by paragraph 19.If I.ender exercises this apiion,I.ender shall take the steps specified in the second paragraph of �
<br /> paraprapb 1T.
<br /> � 11. Noticp. Any��:tv:e to Banower providod for in this Security In�:�l�nent shall be given by delivering it or by .�`�`•'`
<br /> mailing it by first class msit i�.�tess applicable law requires use of another mcc:zod.The notice shall be directed to the �
<br /> � Property Acldress or any other address Borrower dtsignates by notice to L,ender.Any notice to Lendcr shall be given by
<br /> 8rat class mail to Lender's addtess stated herein or any other address Lender d�ignates by notice to Bonower.Any notice
<br /> ; providod for in this Sxurltg Lrstrument shall be damai to have been given to Borrower or Lender when gcven as provided
<br /> i_*u thi.�paragraph. �
<br /> ls. Go�ere�tg Lt�;5krerability. This Sec�c�ty lnstrument shali be�nvernod by federal law a�td the!aw af the
<br /> jurisdiction in wtt3sh the Pctiperty is tocated. In tht evznt that any, provision os clause of this Stcurity Instrument or the
<br /> Note conflicts s+ritf�applicatsta law�such cunflict shall not affect athEr provisio�s of this Security Jnstrument or the Yote
<br /> whieh catt be given effxt wit�taut the eonflicting provision.To t7:i:���the pr�visions of this Sxurity Instrument and the
<br /> Note are deciared to be seve�abfe.
<br /> 16. Borrower's Cop3!,. Borrowcr shall be given one wnformed copy oL'ttie Note and of this Security Instrument.
<br /> I7. Tn�der ot t6e Wro�erty or a Be�eAeis!I�terat i�Borro�e�. lf ap or any part of the Property or any �
<br /> � interest ie it i�sold of transferred(or if at beneiicial interest in Borro�rer is Eold or transferred and Boaower is not a natural
<br /> person)Nrithnut I.ender's prtor written consent.l.ender may,at its option.require immediatc payment in full of all sums
<br /> � secured by this Security Instrument. However,this option shall nat he eaercised by [.ender iP exercise is prohibited by
<br /> . federaltawuofthedateofthisSeeurityItrstrument. � ° - -
<br /> - lf Lender exereise�this option,Lender shat!give Bortower rtotice of acceleration.The notice shall provide a peri�od �
<br /> vf not less thsn 30 dsys ftom the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay al!sums<ecured by '
<br /> this Security Instrument.lf Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to tho expiration of this p+eriod, Lender may invake any
<br /> m retnediespermittedbythisSecuritylnstrumentwithoutfurthernoliceordemzndanBorrower. f �
<br /> 1S.Bwrower's Ai�t to Retssttte. dP Bonower mats certain canditions.Horrnwer shall h�ve the nght tn have �
<br /> � etffo��'t!!!�i3t�f:�9,S:.c::risy lnsiss:;.zent d:��t:�ueti ai any:irr.e p:ior to tls�:atlirr af:�u)S siays{vr ss.h c,t:�e:�.eri�.i as ••_
<br /> L applicsb)e law may spe�cify for reinstatemrnt)6efore sale af the Property pursuant tn any power of sate contairtcd in�his
<br /> Security lnstrumenh,as(b)entry of$ju�gment entorcing this Securiry lnstrument.Those cvnd�tiuns are th�t I3urr�wer:
<br /> (o)pays Lender :ill sums which thrn would be due under this Security fnstrument and the No�e had nc+acreler�ti�n ti
<br /> occurad; (b)cures any dePault of any other covenants or ngreemenis;(c)p�ys aU enpenses incurrrd in enfi�rcinp th�s tp
<br /> - Seturity tnstrument.inctuding,hut nnt limited ta, reasanable attomeys'fees:and(d)takes such act�un�s Lcndrr tnay �a
<br /> y reax�re�bly reqmre tn assure thst tht tien of this Security lnstruttttnt,l.tndet�S fl�{M(5 tfl IF1C I�TO�CfIJ%Ofl(I Ifllftl)W@i S r'
<br /> abligatiun tu pa� thC sums �ecured by this Setunty Insttumrnt shall cnnt�nue unchangcd. U�in reins�atement hy " °
<br /> 1lurrawer.this 5ecunly InsUamcnt and the ohligations securtd heteby shalt remam fully tffect�ve�s if nt+a�ceteraunn had
<br /> ' accurred ilc,wever,th:s r�ght tc�reinstateshall nat appfy in the case vt�:cderau:�n under parligrn�hs 13��t 1 Y
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