2� 1 ��797�
<br /> aptxon to leas�the�ptxon Premu.ses �the "�ptian"} during the periad commencing on the date
<br /> hereof and c�ntinuing for 12D months, subject to ear��er terminatxon upon the earlier of:
<br /> �a} the date that xs 9�days after the expira�xan�r earx�er terminatx�n of the FacxXxty Lease
<br /> xn ac�ordance with x�s terms (without default th�reunder on the pa.rt of any�essee
<br /> thereunder}, or
<br /> �b}th�date�n whi�h�pt�onar�ar other lessee under the Facility Lease� du�y closes upon
<br /> its optxon to purchase the Fac�x�ty pursuant to the Facil�ty Lease (the"���x�n Term"}.
<br /> 3. Exercxse of� tion. The�pt�on may b��xercised by�p�ionee gi�ing written
<br /> no�xce of exercise of the �ptxan to �pt�onor at any time prior to the end of the�ption Term. Lf
<br /> �ptxonee fax�s ta gi�e su�h n�tice prior to the end of the Term, the option shall Iapse.
<br /> 4. Sin �e Instrument. The Agr�em�nt contains ath.er terms, conditians,pra�xsxons,
<br /> co�enants,representatxons and warrantzes, aX� af which are hereby incarporated in th.is
<br /> Memarandum by reference as thaugh fu�xy set forth here�n, and both the Agr�ement and this
<br /> Memorandum shaXX be deemed to constxtute a s�ngle instrum�nt. �opies af th�Agreement are
<br /> mainta.�.ned at the�ff'ices of�ptionor and�pt�onee. Nothing contained herein shal�be construed
<br /> to amend, modify, amp�ify, interpret or supersede any pro�xsion of the Agreement, which sha.11 in
<br /> all things c�ntraX.
<br /> 5. Possessron Transfer. In the��ent that�ptxanee shauld take possess��n af the
<br /> Fac�Iity for any reasan, xnc�udxng by defau�t under or e�piratxon of such CTround Lease , and
<br /> �ptiane�'s a�era�ion af the Facility for�ts intended purpos�s would�xo�ate app�icab�e�aw,
<br /> �ptxonee may use the Fac��xty an�.y far necessary maintenance and upkeep of th�Facx�ity and
<br /> shali, as expeditiousXy as xs pract�cal �and c�ns�stent wxth protectxng�ptionee's investment xn the
<br /> FaciXity}, sell and assign its rights in the Fa���ity and the Easement to a person or entity who may,
<br /> xn acc�rdanc�wlth�aw, operate the Facility far its�n��nded purposes.
<br /> �. Conve an�e of Facilit ta � tionee. For good and valuab�e consideratxan, the
<br /> sufficx�ncy of which rs hereby acknovvledged, �ptionor hereby grants, bargains, sells and
<br /> conveys to �ptionee and its success�rs, purchasers and assxgns, txt�e and awnership of and to
<br /> the Facility, together w�th a�.� improvements, facilitxes and all appurtenant�nstallatxons which
<br /> canstxtute a part th�re�f. �ption�r, for xtself and far its heirs, e�ecut�rs, or adminxstrators,
<br /> successors and ass�gns, does herel�y co�enant, pramise and agree ta and wxth �pt�onee, that
<br /> at the delivery of these presents, �pti�nor is �awfully seized in xts own right, af an abso�ute
<br /> and indefeasxble estate of inheritance, in fee simple, af and in all and singular the abave
<br /> granted and described Facility, �mprov�ments, facilxt��s and installati�ns; that the same are
<br /> free, clear, d�scharged and unencum.b�red of and fram all farmer and ather gra.nts, tit�es,
<br /> charges, estates,judgm.ents, tax�s, and encum.brances of any kind; and that the �pti�nor wi11
<br /> W ANI� F�REVER DEFEND the same unta �ptionee, and�ptianee's he�rs and
<br /> ass�gns, agaYnst�ptionor, its heirs, and all and every person or persons whamsaever Iawfully
<br /> c1a.�ming or ta c�aim the same.
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