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<br /> � UNIFQRM COVENAA3TS. Borrower and Leader covenant and agree as follow s: �Q Q��1
<br /> i. Paye�cat of P��nctpal and Iateres�PreBsyment and Late C6uges. Borroaer shall�mp y pay wkcn dut
<br /> thc principal of and interest on the dt6t�videnced by the Note and any prepayment and late charges due ursder tha Nute.
<br /> 2. Fa�sfarTasesaed Insurance. Subject toapplicabte law or toa w�rit�en w�aiver by i.end�r.Borroiver.shaU'{aAy
<br /> _. 3o Lender an the day monthly payments are due under the I�iote,until thr Note is paid in fu11.a sum("Funds")�equnl tu
<br /> � ane•twelfth of: (a) yearly taxes and a5sasments which may attain priority over this Security Instrumcnt: (b):yearly
<br /> leasehold payments or grou�d rents on the Property. if any; (c) yearly hazard insurance premiums: aad (d) yeatly
<br /> � mo�tg�gs insurance prstniums,itany.These iitms ar.:eallt�"escroos+item§."Lend=r muy estimate the Fuads due on tlte
<br /> basis ofcurrant data and reasanable atimates of futnre escrow items.
<br /> '"The Funds sh�1)be held in an institution ths deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteat by a.federat or
<br /> state agency(including I.ender if Lrnder is such an institution). Lender shalt apply the Funds to pay the escrow items.
<br /> � Leader may�ot charge fnr 6otding and apptying the Funds,anaiyzing che account or verifyeng the escrow items,unless
<br /> Lender pays Borrawer interest on the Funds and applicable law permits Lender to ma�ce such a cttarge. borrowcr.and
<br /> Lender may agree in writing that interesi shal!be paid an the Funds. Unless an agreement is made or applicabte!aw
<br /> regtcires interest to be paid,Lender shall not be required to pay Borrowu any interest or earnings on the Funds, Lcader
<br /> _ shxll give to Horrower,without cfiarget an annual accounting af the Funds showing c�edits and dehits tQ tlle Ftuids artd the
<br /> purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as additional security far thc sums secured 6y
<br /> tbis Security Instrumen�.
<br /> If the amount of the�unds helti by Lender,togethcr wi:h the future month4y payments of Funds payable�rrinr to �
<br /> _ the due dates of the escrow items,shall exceed the am�unt req�.*_ed td pay the escrow items when due,the excess shall be.
<br /> at Hortower's option,ather promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Bozroaer on monthly payment�af Furtda.If the
<br /> amount of the Fr�nds held by I.enaer is not sufficiet�e ta pay the escrow items whtn due,Bonower sl�a7t�,*ay to L.endec any
<br /> amount necessary to malce up the deficiency in one cscsore payc�eats as requns�ci by Lender.
<br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secureci ls�z�is Securi+tw fnstrum�t�nder shall pramptlp refund to 6cnawer
<br /> � any Funds h�?��y I.ender.If under p3ragraph 19 t►�e�i'ro�eatx.i::sold or aes�;.ured by I.ender,Lender shall apply,a�ca.luter
<br /> than immedia+:�:}prictr ta the sale v:=cfse PropeRy or its ac,�si�ihti+.�a by Ixtcd:r,any Funds held by L�dsr at the tme of '
<br /> _ application as a credit�rrat the sums secured by tfris 5seur.':;�fa�.r*rumer�:
<br /> 3. ApplYcatio�c��'�ymtets. Unless appG:��!e[aR��i�LCides otI:,r�ise,all payments receiv�d by Lcmder under
<br /> paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:Fr,t,.tti late c�,�.�es due u–..�the Note;second,to prepayment charges due under the
<br /> � Notr,third,to amounts payable undrr.�i��gra�h 2;fourth,to iriter�t due;and Iast,to principal due.
<br />� 4. C6arge�Lirns. Borcowzz s�-sall pay all taaes,assessments,charges,fines and impasitions attributable to the .
<br /> �r+sperty which may atta�in=�riority.otier this Secr�rity Instrument, and leasehold payments or�cund reztt�, if any.
<br /> • �r�ower shali pay thesr c�i.�l��tations in the manner pravided in paragraph 4 a�if not paid in that mFUS,s+�,Borrower shAll `
<br /> pay them on time directt�:ui'the person owed payment.Borrower shall p�crr��„ly furnish to L.ende���s-��tices af amoun�s �
<br /> _ to be paid a�r3er this para�3ph. Ii'Bonower makes these paymAa�t:s�:�ect:y.�arrower shall prompt3y!'arnish ta�.ender ' �
<br /> rectiptsevidEr�.�ing thtpz��:.nts.
<br /> Barroaer sha11 pn:,,rn�.tly discharge any lien which has priority ove:cir,.is Security Instrument u�stess S�orr,wer:(a) ` .
<br /> agrces in writing to the payment of the abligation secured by the lien in a ma:��er acceptable to Lender,�b)contests in gaod
<br /> faith the liera by,or dcfencts against enforcement of'the lien in,legal proceedings which ir.the Lender's opinion ope*at�to
<br /> prevent the enforcement os the lien ar f'arfeiture of any part of the Property;or(c)sec�ym�s from the holder of t:zE fu�en nn ' �
<br /> agreement satisfactory to Lender subar+�nating the lien to this Security Instrument.If I;ender determines ths�t any�part of --
<br /> the Property is subjtct ta a lien which may attai��riority over this Secur6ty lnstrument. Lendcr r�a��givc Borrawer a ,.;:.;,��'-�-
<br /> notice identifying the lien.Borrower shal!satisfy tt,��(:en or take one br mo*���P the actions set forth a7ahve within 10 dAys G`;;'�
<br /> _ ofthe giving of notice. ��;;;
<br /> 5. H�xard Insuranc�t. IIorrower sha1)keep the improvements now existing or hereafter etected on thc Properiy i
<br /> ' insured agai�sz b3ss by fire,hazards included within the term"entasi'ed coverage"and any other haz�rds for which Lender
<br /> � � requires ins�r,.y:. Th;f:insWrance shall be maintained in the�:rLuunts ar��for the periods thAt Lender require.s. The
<br /> insurance carrier pro���.i+.n7r.the insurance shall be chasen by $orrawer sulirx:t to Lender's aQpro�t�Lwhich shall not be � ,
<br /> unreasonably withhetd. �!
<br /> ' Al)insurance policies and renewals shall bc accepiable to Lender and shall include a standurd martguge clAUSC. F
<br /> , Lender shall have the right to hold th�policies and renewals.If Lender requires,Bar.r;y,��,*shall promptly givc to Lender
<br /> �• � all roctapts of paid premiums and ren:waf natices.15a the event of loss,Borrower shalJ��rs prampl notice to tho insurance �._.
<br /> �;:r.rier and Lender.Lend�r.�ay make proof of las��rnot made promptly by�£errower. �';;;
<br /> Unless Lender a�,d Ji�.rrower oiherwise agree in writin6,insurance proceeds shall be applied tc���storation or repair �''�
<br /> of the Propetty damags�, :i the restoration or repair is economically feasible and Lender's security is not lussaned. IP the
<br /> — restaratian cr n;,�air is not economically feasible or I,ender's security would be lessened,the insurancc prnLCCds shatll be � �
<br /> applied to thtn,�,�i�ts se:�tr�+l by this Security lnstrument,whether or not then due,with any eacess gaid to Barrower. If �
<br /> Borrower abaadons tite Nraperty.or does not art�.�ve�within 30 days a notice from Lender that the°r,r•,wrance carricr hAs
<br /> oftbred to settle a claim,t.izr:rt.Lcnder may collect el�r�nsurance proceeds.Lender may use the prcee-�+5.�cu rep�ir or restore
<br /> the Property ot to pay s;�m;;secured t,y this Secus?By Insttument,whether or nat then d�e. TSe v�•d::y peri��d wi11 begin �
<br /> when ihe notice is given.
<br /> �" ' Unless Lender and Bottower utl��.crNise ags:e in writing.any application of'procecryi��*.�s�T:°n;:��1 shail nat extend or �
<br />� pastpone the due date of tT�e monthly payments rr,fc:�red to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the acr.n�:u,c oPthu paymcnts.lf
<br /> under Qaragraph 19 the F`���a�erty is acyuired by T,��der.Borrower's right to any insurance�mlicies�:�:� �rc�ceeds resulting
<br /> � from damage to the property prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums securcd by this Security
<br /> lnstrument immediately prior to the acquisition.
<br /> � 6. P�,ervation and 4lainten�nce of Properfy;I.eASeh.n�iis. Borrower shalt not destroy.damage ar substantis�lly
<br /> change the Property, altow the Property to�leteriorate or camm.it waste. IP thix Security Instrumr^t is un��Ica�ehnld,
<br /> �� Borrower shall comply with the pmvisions of the?���.,4�,.a.�d if&arrower acyuires fee title to the Proper.y.the 1�asehald and �-�---� •
<br /> fee litte shall not merge unless Lender agrees to tl�e!tqr:��er i*�cv�i;.ing. ' �
<br />� 7. Protectton ot Leeder's Rlght� in t6e Pruperty; �fartgage insnrance. Xf.Borrower fails to perfiirm the ,
<br /> wvenants and agreements contained in Ihis Secusity instrumerr.nr there is a legal proc�aing that may signific�utly.�ffect r
<br /> �_�� lxnder's rights in the Properry(such as a proceeding in bankruptcy, prnbate,for cor.demna�ion ur tu enfnrce Inws ar �
<br /> �� , � reguiationsj,th�n I.endet may do and pay far whate�•er is necessaty t�prote:r the value of the Prnperty and Lender s ri�;hts ' /�`
<br />- in the Properry. Lendet's artinns may include paying any sums serured by a lien which has pri��rily�irtr tNis 5ccutity �
<br /> ��' lr.�ttur.��t.�p�,c��irtig in cvuri.paying reasonable attorneys'fees and entenng on the Yrs>perty tn makr repatts,Atthnugh
<br /> � Len�er may take uction under this paragraph T.Lendcr does not have tn dn se+, �
<br /> . Any�mnunts disbursed by I.endee under lhis parugraph 7 shall becvme addih�rni deht�f ilorr��ti�crsrrurnl by this
<br /> � 5ecurity Insetumcnt.Unless�orura•er ai�l Lendrr a�rce ta nther termc of pa�•ment.these an�aur�ts shfil)be:�r intcrest frnm �
<br />� the dnte nf ciisbutsement at the ti„te rate and chall hr payuble. u�tl� intcretit, upnn not�ce fnnn l.ender� Iu Hntrun•rt _ ��
<br /> _ requestii�g p;�yment.
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