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<br /> �EET3 �F TRLIST
<br /> �Corlt�nued� Pa�e Z
<br /> Environm�ntal Lavws. Trus#vr authorizes Lender and its agents t� ent�r upan the Property to make su�h
<br /> inspections and tests, at Trusta�'s expense, as Lender may deem appropriate to determine compliance o� the
<br /> Property with thts se�t�on ot the Deed of T�ust. An� inspect�ons or tests made by Lender shali be f�r Lender's
<br /> purpQses oniy and sha�l nat be�ar�s�rued#v create any respons+b9lity vr iiability on the part af Lend�r ta Trustor ar
<br /> to any oth�r persan. The representat�Qns and warranties contained herein �re based on Trus�or's due ditigence in
<br /> in�estigatEng the Property�or I�a�ard�us Substances. Trustor hereby ��} releases and wai�es any future claims
<br /> against Lerrder far indemn�#�or�ontributian in the event Trustvr becomes liable fvr cleanup�r vther costs under
<br /> any such iaws; and ��) agrees ta�ndemnify, defend, and hoid harmless Lender aga+nst any and a�i ciaims,losses,
<br /> liabiiities,damages,penalt�es,and expenses which Lende�may directly or�nd'+rectly s�stain ❑r suifer resu�ting�rom
<br /> a br�ach af this sectivn af th� Deed ot Trus#or as a consequence of any use, genera#ivn, m�nu#acture, sforage,
<br /> dispasa�,release or threatene�release accurr�n�prior to Trustor's�wnership or interest in th�Property,whether or
<br /> not �he same was or shauid have been knvwn tv Tr�st�r. The pro�}sions of this sectian af the Deed o�7rust,
<br /> including the vb��gatian to indemnit�r aRd de�end,sh�il suruive the payment o�the Indebtedness and the satisfactian
<br /> and recon�ey�n�e vf the�ien of this Deed v#Trus�and�haf�not be af#ected by Lender's acquisition of any interest
<br /> i n th e Praperty,wh eth e r by fo�ec�asure or oth erw�se.
<br /> Nu�sance, Waste. T'rustar shall not cause, �onduct or pe�mit any nuisance nor cvmmit, permi#, ar suffer any
<br /> stripping of ar waste on or to the Pr�perty or any pvrtian af#he Prvperty. iNithout lim�ting #he gsnera�ity of the
<br /> foregoing, Trust�r will not remo�e, ar grant#o any other party the right ta remo�e, any tsrr�b�r, minerals(including
<br /> oil and gas�,�oa1,c�ay,scaria,sQil,gra�el or rvck products without Lend�r's priar writt�n�ansent.
<br /> Remo�al of Impro�ements. Trustar sha�� not demoltsh gr remave any Improvemen#s from#he Real Property without
<br /> Lender's priar written cansent. As a condi#ion#v the rema�a�at�n�lmprovements.Lender may require Trus#or to
<br /> mak� arrangements satisfac#ory to Lender to rep�a�e s�ch lrr�pravemsnts with lmpro�ements of at least equat
<br /> �alue.
<br /> Lender's Right#o Ent�r. Lender and LQnd�r's agents and representa#ives may en�er upon the Ftea� Prape�ty �t a!I
<br /> reasonable tim�s ta attend to Lender's interests and to inspect the Rea[ Prop�rty fvr purposes of Trustor's
<br /> campiiance w�th the terms and�onditions nf#his Deed o�Trust.
<br /> Compliance with Go��rnmenta� Requirements. Trustar shall �rQmptly comply with a!I 1aws, ordinances, and
<br /> r�gu�atians, n�w or hereafter in effect, vf��I go�er-nm�ntal auth���ties �pp�i�ab�e ta the use or ❑�cupancy of the
<br /> Property. Trustvr may contesf in go�d faith any such law, or�inar�ce,or r-egulat�an ar�d withho�d compii�nce during
<br /> any proce�ding, in�fuding appropriate appeals, sa Iong as 7+rustvr has noti�ied Ler�der in writin� prior to daing so
<br /> and sv Iong as, in Lgnder s sole opinion, Lend�r's interests in t�re Pr��erty�re not jevpardized, L�nd�r may require
<br /> Trustar to post adequate security�r a surety bvnd,reasonably satisfa�tory to Lender,to protect Lender's interest.
<br /> ❑uty ta Pr�tec#. T�us#ar ag�-ees nei#her tv abandan vr lea�e unattended th� Pr�perty. Trustor shall do alt other
<br /> acts, in�ddit�on#v�hose a�ts se#forth above�n#h is se�tian,which fram the�haracter and use of the f�roperty are
<br /> reasvnably n�cessary#a prv�ect and�reserve the Property.
<br /> DUE�N SALE�C�NSENT BY 1�ENDER. Lender may, at Lender's��t�on,de�l�re tmmediate�y due and payable al!sums
<br /> secured by this Deed af Trust upan the sale or transfer,wi#haut Lender's priar written cansen#,o�al�vr any par#o�the
<br /> Rea�Property, or any interest in the Real Prop�rty. A "sale or transfier" means the canv�ya��e Q�Rea� Property�r any
<br /> �ight, title or inte�est in the Real Praperty; whether fegal, bene�cial �r equitable; whe#he� voluntary or invofuntar�;
<br /> whether hy outright sale, deed, installm�nt sale contract, land contrac#, contra�t far d�e�, I�aset�a�d �r�terest with a
<br /> term greater than th�ee �3}years, lease-optian contract, or by sa�e, ass+gnmen#, ar transfe�of any benefcPal interest in
<br /> ar tv any land trust halding#itle to the Real Property, ❑r by any other method o��onveyance of an interest in the Real
<br /> Prvperty. Howe�er, this aption shall not be exercised by Lender if such exercise is prvhib�ted by tede�al law► �r by
<br /> Nebraska law.
<br /> TA�CES AND LIENS. The f�llawing p�ov�sions relating to the taxes and Irens Qn the Property are part o# th�s Deed of
<br /> Trust:
<br /> payment. Trustor shall pay when due�and in a�l e�ents prior to delinquency}ai�taxes,special t�x�s,ass�ssments,
<br /> charges {in��uding water and sewer}, �in�s and imposit�ons le�ied�ga+nst❑r vn a�caunt o�#he Property, and sha��
<br /> pay when due all claims fvr wark d�ane on or fo� services rendered or material furnished tv the Property. Trust�r
<br /> shail m�in#ain the Property free of all liens ha�ing p�rivrity o�er or equal�v ths interest of Lender under this C�eed ot
<br /> Trust, ex�ept fvr the li�n o� taxes and assessments nat due and except as otherwise prv�ided in th�s Deed crt
<br /> Trust.
<br /> R�ght to Cnntest. Trustor may withhold�a�rr�en#o�an�tax, assessment, or claim in cannection with a goad faith
<br /> dispu#e o�er th�a��igatian tv pay, so lon�as Len�#er's in#erest ir�the Prvpert}�is n�t jeapardized. !f a lien arises or
<br /> is �ied as a result of nonpayment, Trustor sha�� within fft�en �'15} days after#he lien arises or, if a lten is filed,
<br /> within fifteen �'t�j days after Trustvr has notice o�th� f:l�ng, s�cure��e disGhar��of ihe lien, ar if request�d by
<br /> Lender,d�pvsit with Lend�r cash or a suffi�ient carporate sur�sty bond ar Qther securit�Satisfactor�to Lender in an
<br /> amount suffic�ent ta d�scharg�th��ien plus any costs�nd attarne�s'fe�s, o�Q�her char�es that cvuld accru�as a
<br /> result of a fare�Iosure or sale under the�ien. In any con�est, Trusto�sha��defend i#self and Lender and sl�all satisfy
<br /> any ad�erse judgmenf bef�re enTarcement against the�'rape�ty. Trusto�-sha�!n�me Lender as�n additivnal obligee
<br /> under any surety bQnd furnished in the cnntest praceedings.
<br /> Ev�denGe of Payment. Trustor shall upon demand furnish ta Lender satisfactory e�id�n�e of payment of#he taxes
<br /> ar asse�sments and shall au�horize the appropnate gvv�rnmenta! affic+ai to del��er tv Lender at any time a written
<br /> statement af the#axes and assessments against the Prope�ty.
<br /> Noti�e of Canstruc#ion. Trustor shal� notif� Lender at least ffteen �75}days �efQre any wvrk is commenced, any
<br /> services a�-e furn�shed,c�r any materia�s are supp��ed to the Propert�, if an�rnechanic's 1i�n, materialm��'s lien, or
<br /> other lien Could be asse�t�d �n �ccaunt a�the work, servi�es, or mater�als. Trustar v�il1 upon request of Lender
<br /> furnish to Lender ad�ance assurances satisfactvey ta Lender that Tr-u�tor can and wil! �a� the �ost of such
<br /> impro�ements.
<br /> PR�PERTY QA�IIIAGE INSURANCE. The follawing provisions relating to insuring the Property are a part vf this D�ed of
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Maintenance of[nsurance. Trustar shaii procure and maint�in palieies nf tire insurance w�th stand�rd extended
<br /> co�erage endorsemen#s an a fair �atue #�asis fvr th� full insurab�e ►ra�ue �v�rering a�l l�pra�ements vn the Real
<br /> Property in an amount suffic�ent fo a�aid applicat�on of any�oinsurar�c� claUse, �nd wi#h a s�ar�dard m�rt�ag�e
<br /> clause in fa�ar❑f Lend�r,�vge�her wi#h such vther hazard and�iabi�t#y insur�noe as Lender ma}�reasv�abl�requ��e.
<br /> P�licies shal� be writ#en in #'�rm, amour�ts, ov►►erages and basis reasonabl�acce�table#o Lsnder and issued b� a
<br /> company ar cvmpanies reasonably acceptable to Lender. Tr•ustar, upan request ot Lende�, wi�l deliuer#n Lender
<br /> from tim�#a time the pvlicies or certificates af insurance in form satis�actvey t��.ender, inc�udir�g s#�pu�ativns that
<br /> coverages wi�l nat be canceiled vr dim�nished without at least t�srty�34)days privr written nQtice t��en�er. Each
<br /> insu�ance p�licy also sha4� include an en�lorsement pro�iding#hat ca�rerage in favvr�f Lend�r wi�l na�be impaired
<br /> in any way by any a�t, omission v�defauff of Trustvr ar any o#her persan. Should#he R�Praper�ty be laca#ed in
<br /> an area designated by the Administratvr af the Federal Emergency Management Ag�ncy as a special flood hazard
<br /> area, Trustor agrees to obtain and maintain Federal F�aqd insurance, if avail�b�e, fvr the full unpaid p�inei�a�
<br /> balanve af the Ioan and any prior(i�ns on the prape�fy s�curing the loan,up to the maximurn policy l�m�ts set under
<br />