2� 1 ��79�3
<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> tGo�7tlnued} Page �
<br /> � �
<br /> and elec�ion�o cause Trus�vr's interes�in�he Praperry tn be�old, which n�tFce Trustee shaIl cause�o be
<br /> duly f"rled�or�r�cord in the appropria�e❑ffices o��h� �ounty in which the Property is loca�ed; and
<br /> �d} With respect fo aIi or any part af�he Persanal Pt'operty, Lender shalf ha�e a!!�he righ�s and reme�iie�
<br /> o-F a secured party under the Nebr-aska Uniform Commercial Cade.
<br /> ForeGIvsure by Pawer o��a[e. If Lender�Iec�s t�fo�-eclose by exer�ise of�he Power o�Sale�erein confiained,
<br /> Lender shal� no�ify Truste� and shaII �leposit wifh T�ustee fhis Deed af Trusf and the Credit Agre�men� and
<br /> such receipts and e�idsnce o�expendi�ures made and secured by this Deed o�Trust as Trustee may requi��.
<br /> �a} Upan receipt v�such noti�e from Lender,Tru�tee shaII cause to be recardedr pubIished and de[i�ered
<br /> to Trustor such No�ice of ❑efault and Notice of Sale as then requxred by law and k�y this Deed of T�'ust.
<br /> Trustee shail, without demand ❑n T�'ustor, after such �ime as may �hen be �equir-ed by Iaw and afte�
<br /> recordatian of such Notice of Defau�t and after No�ice flf Sale ha�ing b�en gi�en as required �y Iaw, sell
<br /> �he Proper�ty at the �ime and place of saIe �f ixed by i� �n such No-�"rce o� Sale, ei�h�r.as a whoIe, or in
<br /> separate la�s ar parceIs or-x�ems as 7rustee shaI� deem expedien�, and in such order as it may detet-mine,
<br /> ,� a� pub�ic au�tion ta the highest bidder for cash in �aw�ul money ❑f the Uni�ed 5tates payable at�he tim�
<br /> of sale, Trustee shaII deli�e�- to suc� pu�chaser or purchasers thereo� its good and su-�ficient deed ❑r
<br /> � deeds conveying the p�operty sa soCd� bu� wifhou� any co�enant or warranty, expres� a� impIied. The
<br /> r-ecitals in such deed nf any mat�ers or facts shalI be conclus��e praaf❑f�he truthfulness thereof. Any
<br /> pe�rson� i�cIuding wi�hout]imita�ion Trusfor,Tr'us�ee, or L�nder-, may purchase a�such saIe.
<br /> �b} As may be permitted by Zaw� afte�- dedu��ing all CDS�S� fees and e�p�nses q�T�"uStB� and of th�s
<br /> Trust, incIuding costs�f e�id�nce of�itle in conn�ction with saler Trus�e�shaII apply�he proceeds o�sa�e
<br /> �o paymen� �f �i} a1� sums e�cpended under the terms of �his ❑eed of Trus� or- unde� �khe �erms ❑f the
<br /> Credit Agreement na��hen repaid� inc�uding bu� not Iimited to accrued inter�s� and ia�e cha�-ges, ��i� aII
<br /> othet�sums then secured herebyr ai-1d �iii� �he remainder� i�any.to the persan o�persons IegaIIy en�xtled
<br /> �he reto. �
<br /> • {c� Trus�ee may in the manner pro�ided by�aw postpane sale of aI1 or any portion o-F the Property.
<br /> Remedies No� Exclusi��. Trus�ee and Lender, and each ❑-� them� sha11 be ent�tIed to enforce paymen� and
<br /> p�rformance o�a�ny ind�btedness ❑r ohligatio�s se�ut-ed by�his Deed ❑f Trus�and�o exercise a�I t'�gh�s and powers
<br /> , under�his Deed ❑f Trust� under t�e Credit Agreementr under any of�h� Relafied Documents, or under any othet�
<br /> agreement ❑� any laws nnw or hereaftet- in �orcer no�wi�h��and.ing, some ❑r ail o� su�h indebtedness and
<br /> obiiga�ions secured by�his De�d ofi Trust may now❑r hereaf-�er be o�herwise secut�ed� whether by mv�tgage, deed
<br /> of��-ust, pled er �ienr assi nment❑r otherwise. '
<br /> g g Ne��her�he accep�ance o��his Deed a�Trus�n�r its en�orcerpen�.
<br /> whe�her- by court act�on ❑r pursua�t to �he power- o� saIe �r other powers contained in �his Deed of Trus�, shail
<br /> prejudice ❑r in any ma�nne�-affect Trus��e's ar Lender's right�o reaiize upan or enforce any o�her secur'rty now �r �
<br /> • hereafter heId by Trus�ee o� Lender-, �t being agree��hat Tr'usfiee and Lender, and each a�them, shall be entit�ed t❑
<br /> enfarce this �eed o�Trus� and any o�her security now or hereafte� heId by Lender or Trus�ee in such order and
<br /> manner as they or eithe� vf them may in their absalute discretian de�er-mine. No rem�dy con�er�red upon or
<br /> reser�ed �o Trusfee or- Lender� is intended to be e�cclusive ❑� any o�her �emedy in �his Deed a�Trus� ❑r hy raw
<br /> provided ❑r permit�ted, but each shall be cumulatirre and shall be �n addition t❑ s�ery o-�her remedy gi�en in �hi�
<br /> Deed of Trust vr now or hereaftet-existing at Iaw or in equity or by s�a�ute. F�ery power❑r remedy gi�en by�he
<br /> Credi� Agreemenfi or- any af the Rela�ed D�cumen�s �o Trustee a� Lender o� to which eather vf �hem may be
<br /> ofh�rwise en�i�Iedr may be exercised, concurrently �r indep�ndently, from �ime�to �"rme and as often �s may be
<br />� de�med expedient by Trustee or Lender� and ei�her ❑� �hem may pursue inconsis�ent remedies. Nothing in this
<br /> ❑eed �f Trust shall be �onstrued as prohibi�ing Lender �rom se�k�ng: a def�ciency judgment agait�st the Trus�or to
<br /> �he ex�ent such action �s permitted by Iaw,
<br /> EIec�ion of Remedies. AlI of Lender's righ�s and remedies wxII be cumulati�e and may be exer-cised aIane or
<br /> �oge�her. I� L�nder decides t❑ spend maney ar to perform any ❑�Trus�ar'� obligations und�r this Deed af Trusf�
<br /> after Trus�ar's failure�o do so� �hat decisian by Lender wzll not affec� Lender's r�ght�o decIare Trus�ar in default
<br /> and fia �xer�ise Lender's �rerx�edi�s.
<br /> Requesf for Nofi�e. Tr'ustor, on behalf o�Trus�or and Lender. hereby requests�ha�a copy of any Notice ❑fi Defaul�
<br /> and a copy of any N�tice af 5ale under this Desd a�T�ust be mailed ta�h�m a��he addresses set forth in the-�irs�
<br /> pa�agraph o�this Deed o�T�'ust.
<br /> Att�rneys' Fees; Expenses. I� Lender institu�es any sui� or actian �o enforce any of �he terms o�F this �eed ofi
<br /> T�us�� Lender shaiI be entitled ta reco�e�such sum as the court may adjudge reasonable as atCorneys' �ees at trial �
<br /> and upon any appeai. Whe�her or no� any court action is in�aC�ed, and �o the ex�ent nat prohi_bi�ed by law� all.
<br /> reasanable expenses Lender �ncurs �ha� �n Lender's opinion are necessary at any time for the prote�tian o� ifs
<br /> in�eres�or�he enforcemen�o�ifs rights shall becom�a part a��h� Indeb-�edness payabie on dsmand and sha11 bear
<br /> interes� at the Credi� Agreement irate �rom �he da�e v� �he expenditur-e un�iI repaid. Expenses cv�ered by �his
<br /> paragraph include, wi�hout limita�ian, howe�er sublect fo any limits unde�app�icable Iaw, Lender's attarneys' fees
<br /> and Lender's legaI expenses, whethe�- or not �here is a iawsuit, including attor-neys' �ees and �xpenses fat�
<br /> bank�'uptcy.prac�edings {incIuding effc�rts to modify or �aca�e any automatic s�ay ar injunc�ion}� appeals, and any
<br /> an�icipated past judgmen� co�Iec�ion services, the CDS� o� searching recards, ob�aining fifle �eparts �incIuding
<br /> �Foreclosure reports}, sur�eyvrs' reports� and appraisa� feesr ti��e insurance. and �ees for the Tr�ustee� fo�he ex�en�
<br /> pet-mit�ed by appIicable law. Tt'us�or ajso will pay any cour�casts, in additian to aII❑ther sums pro�ided by Zaw.
<br /> Righfs of Trustee, Trustee shaEI ha�e ali af the rights and duties o�F Lender a�sef fvrth in this section,
<br /> P�WERS AIVD �BLIGATI�NS �F TRUSTEE. The following pro�isians re�a�ing to the powers and obCiga�ions of Tr�ustee
<br /> are part of�his Deed vf Trust:
<br /> Powers of Trustee. In addition to aII pvwers of Trus�ee arising as a matter of law,Trustee shall ha�e the pvwer�o
<br /> �ake�he following actions wifh resp�c�t❑the P�operty upon the written reques�of Lender and Trusfor: �a} �ain in
<br /> preparing and filing a map or pla� o� �he R�aI Property, incIuding the dedication o� s�reets o�- o�her righ�s to �he
<br /> pubIic; {b� �oin in granting any easement or �reating any res�ric�ion on the ReaI Praperty; and (c) join rn any
<br /> subordinafion or o�he�agreemen�affec�zng�his Deed o-�Trus�or�he in�eres�of Lender under�khis Deed o-�Trus�.
<br /> Trusfee. Trus�Cee shall mee� aII qualifi�ca�ions required for Trus�ee undet- appiicable law. In addition ta the ��ght�
<br /> and remedies se� forth abo�e, with �espec�to a�I or any par� fl�F the Property, the Tt-ustee shaII have the �ight�o
<br /> �Fa�eclose by nofice and sale, and Lender will ha�e the righ�to fo�eclose by �udicxaI �orec�osure, in ei�her aase in
<br /> accardance wi�h and�o�he fuII ex�ent pro�ided by applicable law. .
<br /> Su��essor Trustee. Lender, at L�nder's op�ion, may�rom�ime t❑time appoin�a successar T�ustee�o any Tru's�ee
<br /> appointed under�his Deed of Trust by an ins�rumen� exe�u�ed and acknowledged by Lender and re�orded in the
<br /> ofFi�e ❑f �he recorder of Hal�.County, S�a�e of Nebraska. The ins�rument shal� con�ain, in additi�n to all ather
<br /> � matters required by s�ate �aw; �he names o� �he originai Lender, Trustee, and Trustor, �he baok and page {or
<br /> compu�er sys�em �eference� whe�e fhis ❑eed o�T�ust is recorded, and the�name and address o� �he suae�s�a�
<br /> �rus�ee, and-�he ins�rumenf shaIl be executed and acknowIedged by aII the bsneficiaries unde�this De�d of Trus�vr
<br /> �their su�cessars in inte�esf. The successor�rusteer with�u� con�eyance a��he Prflperty, shall su�ceed �o ali the
<br /> �i�Ie� pawe�-, and du�ies conferred upon�he Trustee in�h�s Deed of Trus-�and by app[icable Iaw, This pracedure fior
<br /> substi�u�ion of Trus�ee shali go�ern to the excIu�ion o�aII other pra�isions fo�substifution.
<br />