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. 2� 1 ��79�3 <br /> DEEI3 �F TRUST <br /> . ��ontrnued� Page � <br /> Environmental Laws, Trustar author�zes Lender and its agents �o et��er �tpon the Property ta make such <br /> inspea��ons and testsr at Trustor'� expense, as Lender may d�em appropria�e �o determine compliance ❑# the <br />� Prvperty w�th this se��ion vf the �ee� o�Trust. Any inspections or tests made by Lender sh�II be for Lender`s <br /> pu�pases vn�y and shalI nvt be cons�rued�o create any �esponsibility❑r iiabiIity an the part of Lender to Trustor or <br /> to any othe� pe�rson. The represeri�a�ions and warranties con�ained he�-ein are based on Trustor's due diligence in <br /> in�estigating the Property for Hazardous Su�s�ances. Trustor hereby �'�} releases arid waives any fu-�ure c�aims <br /> agafns� Lender for indemnity or contrib�tion in �he e�ent Ti�ust�r �ecomes Iiable fior clean�p o�- ather- costs under <br /> any such Iaws; and ��� agrees to indemni�y, defendr ar�d ha[d hai-mless L�nder against any and all cfa�ms, losses� <br /> �iabili�ies� damages, penalties, and expenses whi�h Lender may directiy vr indirectly sus�ain ar suffer resul�ing�rom <br /> a breach of�his section of the D�ed ofi Trust or as a consequence of an� usef generation, manu#acture. storage, <br /> disposal. release or threatened reIease accurrxng prior to Trustor's vwnership❑r interes�in the Property,whethe�or <br /> no�the same was vr shvuld have been known to T�usfinr. The pr��isions o�this section o�the ❑eed of Trust, <br /> inc�uding the❑bligatian to indemnify an�i defend, shall sur-�i�e the payment of the Indeb�edness and�he satisfactian <br /> and recon�eyance ❑f�he Iien of�his Deed of Trust and shall not be afFecte� by Lender's acquis�t�on of any�n�eres� <br /> in the Property,whether by�areclasur�or❑therwise. <br /> Nuisance. Waste. T�ustor shall nat cause, conduct oir permit any` nuisance nar commit, permit, ❑r sufFer any <br /> stripping of vr waste on or to the Praperty or any partion of�he Property. Withaut [imiting th� generality of the <br /> -Foregv�ng,Trusfo�will no� remvve� or gran�to any other party the right to remo�e� any timber, minerals {incIuding <br /> os!and gas�, coa[, clay,scoria, sail, gra�el or rack products without Lender's privr writCen �onsent. <br /> Remvva�of Improvements_ Trus�o�shal! not demofish ar remove any[mpro�emen�s�From the ReaI Praperty without <br /> Lender's prior written con�ent. As a condition to the remo�al n�any Impiravemen�s, Lender may r�quire T�-ustvr�v <br /> make arrangements satisfactory to Lender �o replace such lmprovements with Impra�ements of at Ieast equar <br /> �alue. � <br /> Lenderrs Right t❑ Enter. Lende� and Lender's agents an� representative� may en�er upon the ReaI Property at a�! <br /> i-easonable times to a�ttend to Lender's interests and �o inspec� the Rea[ Pl�operty for purposes of Trustor's <br /> . compIiance with the terms and conditions of this Deed of Trust. <br /> ► <br /> �vmp�iance with Gvvernmenta[ Requirements. Trustor sha1� pramptIy comply with aII Iaws, ardinances, and <br /> reguIations, now or hereafter in e�#e��, o� aII gv�ernmentaI authorifiies app�icable to �he u�e or occupancy ot the <br /> Property. Trustor rriay contest in good-�aith any su�h Iaw, ordinance, ❑r regula�ion and wi�hhold compfiance during <br /> any praceeding, incIuding appropriate appeaIs, so Iang as Trustar ha� notified Lender in writing prior t� doing s❑ <br /> and so Iong as, in L�nder's soIe-vpinion, Lender'��nterests in the Property are not jeopardi�ed. Lender may require <br /> Trustor t❑ post adequate security or a su�ety bond, reasonabIy sa�isfa�tory to Lender,t❑ protec�Lender's inte�es�. <br /> Duty tv Prvtect, Trustor agrees neither to abandnn or leave unattended �he Prop�rry. Trustor sha�[ do all ofher <br /> ac�s, in addi�ion ta thas�acts se�-F�rth abo�e in this section, whi�h�rom�he character and use❑f�he Property are <br /> �-easonabIy necessary to protect and prese�-�e�he Property. , <br /> DUE �N SALE- C�NSENT BY LENDER. Lend�r mayr a�Lender's option, dec�ar-�imm�diateIy due and payable ai!sums <br /> secur.ed by�his Deed af Trus�upan th�sale or transfe�-, without Lenderrs prio�written consen�, of aII vr any part o��he <br /> Rea[ Property, ❑r any in�erest in the Rea� Property. A nsaEe or-transf�r" means�he con�eyance of Re�I Property ❑�any <br /> right, title ❑r in�eres� in the Rea[ Property; whethe�- I�gal� beneficial or equitable, whethe� �oIun�ary o� in�oIun�ary, <br /> whether by ❑utrigh� saIe, deed� ins�ai�men� sale cvntract, land contra�t, confract fot- deed, Ieasehold inte�es� with a <br /> term greater than three �3} years� Iease-vption cantract, or by sale, assignment, or transfer of any beneficial in�e�es�in <br />. ❑r to any Iand trust hoIding �itle to �he ReaI Property� or by any vther methvd of con�eyance of an interest in the Real <br /> Property. Hvwever, thzs option shall not be exet�cised by Lender if such exercise is prahibited by �ederal law or by <br /> Nebraska �aw. <br />' TAXES AND LIENS. The �nllawing pro�isions relating �o the tax�s and liens on the Prop�rty a�-e part ❑f�his ❑eed o� <br /> Trust: <br /> Payment. Trus�or shafl pay when due (and in a11 e�ents priar to de�inquency� a1f taxes, speciaf taxes, assessmen�s, <br /> charges {incIuding water and sewer], f�nes and impasitions Ie�ied against or an account of the Property, and shali <br /> pay when due all claims for wark done on or for servi�es rendere� vr materia! furnished �o �he Prvperty, Trus�ar <br /> shaII maintain the Property free ot aII liens ha�ing priority o�er ar equal�o rthe interest of Lender under�his Deed of <br /> Trus�, exc�ep� for�.the rien a� taxes and assessments not d ue, �xcept.for�the Existing I hdebtedness referred �o <br /> below� and except as❑therwise pravided in�hfs ❑eed af Trus�. <br /> Right to Gonfiest. Trus�or may wi�hhold paym�nt af any taxr a�sessment, or alaim in connection wi�h a g�od faith <br /> dispute ❑�er the obligatian�o pay, so long as Lender's interest in�he Property is not leopardized. �f a lien arises or <br /> is filed as a result af nonpaymen�r Trustor shalI wi�hin fifteen �"�5} days a�ter the lien arises ❑�� if a lien is filed, <br /> within f�fteen �'�5} days after Trustar has noti�e of�he filing, secure �he discharge of the lien, or if requested by <br /> � Lender, deposit with Lender cash or a sufficient corporate surety bond vr other security satistactvry fiv Lender in an <br /> amvunt sufficient to discharge the Iien pius any casts and attorneys' fees, or other charges that could accrue as a <br /> resuI�of a�orecIosure❑r sale under the iien. �n any con�est,Trus�or shall de�end itse�f and Lender and shall sa�isfy <br /> any ad�er-se judgment before enforcement agains�the Property. T�-ustor shai� name Lender as an addi�ionaf obligee <br /> under any surety bond fiurnished in�he contest proceed�ngs. � � <br /> E��dence of Payment. Trusfior shaII upon demand �urnish�❑ �ender satis�ac�ory evidence ❑f payment of fihe taxes � <br /> or assessmen�� and shalf au�horize the apprapria�e gove�nmen�aI of�iciai t� deli�er t❑ Lender at any time a vvr-it�en <br /> s�atement of�the�axes and ass�ssm�nts agairist th�Praperty. <br /> Notice af Canstruction. Trus�or shaII no�ify Lender at Ieast�ifteen {Z 5y days befare any work �s cammen�ed� any <br /> ser�ices are fiurnished� or any materials are supplied�o the Property{ if any mechanic's lien. ma�e�-ialmen's lien, or <br /> o�her Iien cauId be asserted on acGount of �he wo�k, services, ar materials and �he cost exaeeds $�r���.��. <br /> Trustor wiII upon reques� o� Lender furnish to Lender a�vance assu�ahces satisfactory to Lender tha�Trustor cari <br /> and wilI pay the cost�f such improvemenfis. <br /> PR�PFRTY DAMAGE�NSURAIVCE. The follvwing provisions reiating to insuiririg the Praper-�y are a part❑�this I�eed o� <br /> Trust. <br /> Maintenance of insurance., Trustar shall procu�-e and maintain po[icies ot ���e insurarice with standard extended <br /> coverage endarsements on a rep�acemen� basis for the �Ful� insu�-able rralue covering a�C �mprovemen�s an the Rea! <br /> Property in an amount suf#icient�o ava�d applica�ion of any coinsurance cfause, and with a standard mor-tgagee <br /> clause in�Fa�or of Lender,-�oge�her with such other hazard and Iiability insurance as Lender may reasoriabIy req�ire. <br /> Po�icies sh�Il be writ�en in farm, amaunts, cov�e�ages and basis r-easonabIy acceptabEe fio Lend�r and issued by a <br /> company or �vmpanies reasanab�y acceptable to Lender. Trustor, upon reques� of Lender, wi1I deii�er to Lender <br /> �rom �ime to�ime the poli�ies or certi�icates o�insuran�e in form sa�isfacfory ta Lender, znciuding stipulatians that <br /> coverages:wi1I not be canceIIed or diminished withou�a�ieas��hirty �3�} days prior wri�en no�ice�o Lender. Each <br /> insurance poiicy atso shalt inc�ude an endorsemen� providing that coverage in favor of Lender wil� not be Impaired <br /> in any way by any act, omission �r default of Trustor or any other person. Should the Real Property be �aca�ed in <br /> an ai-e� designat�d by the Administrator a�the Federal Emergency Managemen�Agency as a specia! �lood hazard <br /> area, Trus�ar agrees to obtain and main�aih Federal Flood Insurance, it available� for �he maximum amount ofi <br /> Trustor's credit jine and the-�uii unpaid principa� halance o�any prinr Iiens an�he pr�perty securing the loan, up to <br />� ^ <br />