2� 1 ��794�
<br /> DEED �F TRU�T
<br /> . �
<br /> �C�nt[nued� Page 5
<br /> and elec�ion�❑ cause Trus�a�-'s inter�st in�he Propsrty to be soId� which no�ice Trus�ee shal! cause to be
<br /> dujy filed�or�ecord in fhe appropria�e offices of�he Coun�y in which�he Pt-operty is Ioca�ed;and
<br /> {d} Wi�h respec�to a!1 ❑r any part of�he PersonaI P�'opertyf Lender shall ha�e all the rights and remedies
<br /> of a se�ured party under the Nebraska Uniform Commercial Code, .�.
<br /> Foreciasure by Powet�of Sale. If Lender eiec�s�o�oreclase by exercise a�the Power o�Sale here�n contained,
<br /> Lender sha�! no��fy Trustee and shall depasi� with Trus�ee this peet� ❑f Trust and �h� C�edit Agreement and
<br /> such receip�s and e�idence o�expend�tu�es made and secured by fhis ❑eed❑f Trust as Trustee may requit'e,
<br /> �a� Upon receipt o�such notice from Lender,Trustee shalI cause to be recarded, pubrished and deli�ered
<br /> �o Tru�tor such Na�i�e of❑e�auit and Nn�ice ❑f SaIe as then requit-ed by law and by this L7eed o�Trust.
<br /> Trus�e� shaEI, without demand ❑n Tt�ustor, affer such time as may �hen �e required by law and after
<br /> recorda�ion Qf such Notice of I7e�aul�and after Noti�e ofi SaIe ha�ing been gi�en as required by �aw, sell
<br /> � the Propert�r at the �ime and pIace of sale �ix�d by it in such Nvfice v� �ale, either as a wha�e, or in
<br /> separate lo�s o�parcejs❑r-items as Trus�ee shaII deem expedien�, and in such orde�-as It rt�ay determine,
<br /> a� public auc�ion t❑the highes�b�dde�-�or cash in lawfuI money af�he United Sta��s payab�e at�he�ime
<br /> , of sale. T�uste� shalf deli�er to such purchaser or purchasers fhereo-� i�s gaod and sufFicien� deed or
<br /> • deeds con�eying �he properry so sold, bu� wi�hou� any ca�enan� ar warranty, express or irriplied. The
<br /> recitals in such deed o�any matrers o�r facts sha�l be cancfu�ive proofi ❑f fhe �ruth�Fulness thereaf. Any
<br /> pe�son,including wi�hQu�Iimi�a�ion Trustar,Trus�ee, or Lender, may pur�hase at such sale.
<br /> (b} As may be permitted by �aw, after deducfing all casts, �ees and expenses ❑f Trus�ee and of this
<br /> Trus�, incIuding casts of e�idence of�itIe in conne�tion wi-th sale,Trus��e shall appIy the proceeds o�sale
<br /> �a payment of �i� all sums expended under ��e �erms ❑f�his Deed o�Trust or unde�the terms o� �he
<br /> Credi�Agreemen� nat then repaid, includxng bu� no� limited to accrued in�eresf and la�e charges, �ii} ai!
<br /> other sums th�n secured hereby, and �iii] �he remainder, it any{ �o �he persan ot-persons �egal�y entitied
<br /> �hereto.
<br /> �c} Trustee may in the manner pro�ided by law p�stpone saIe at all or any portivn of fhe Properry. �
<br /> Remedies Not ExcIusi�e. Trus'tee and Lende�� and each ❑� �hem, shaIl be en�i�Ied �o enforce payment and
<br /> performance af any indeb�edness or abliga�ions secured by this Deed of Trust and fo exercise a�� rights and pvwers
<br /> under this Deed o�Trust, under the Credit Agreement, unde�- any af the Rela�ed Documen�s, or under any o�her
<br /> agreemen� or any iaws now ar hereaf��r in for�e; notwi�hstanding, some or all o�F such ind�btedness and
<br /> ❑bliga�ions secured by�his Deed a�Trust may nnw or hereafter be ❑therwise secured, whether by mortgage, deed
<br /> of�rust, pledge, Iien{ assignment or otherwis�. Neither the acceptance af�his Deed ❑f Trust nor its enforcemen�,
<br /> whefhe� by court a�tion or pursuant t❑ �he powe�r ❑f sale or o�her powers con�ained in �his Deed ❑f Trust, shall
<br /> pre�udice or�in any manner affec�T�us�tee's ❑r Lenderrs right to reaiize upon or en�Fo�-�e any ❑ther security now ar
<br /> hereaf�er held by Trustee or Lender, it bein� agreed�ha�Trus�ee and Lender, and each of themr shall be en�ifled�a
<br /> enf�rce �his Deed ofi Trust and any o�her security now or herea�ter held by Lender ar Trus�ee in such order and
<br /> manner as �hey or either af them may in their absolufe discre�ian determine, No remedy �on�erred uQon or
<br /> reser�ed �o Trustee ar Lender, is in�ended �o be exclusi�e ❑f any other remedy in this ❑eed of T�'us� or by �aw
<br /> pro�ided or perrt�itted� but each shall be cumu�ative and shall be in addi�ion �o every other- �'emedy gi�en in this
<br /> Deed o�Tru��❑�-n�w ❑�hereafter exisfing at Iaw nt-�n equi�y or by s�a�u�e. E�ery power ar remsdy gi�en by�he
<br /> Credi� Agreemen� ❑r any a� the ReIated Dacumen�s to Trus�ee ar Lender or to which either of �hem may be
<br /> o�herwise entitIed, may be exercised, concurrenfly ar independen�lyr from �ime fo �ime and as ❑ften as may be
<br /> deemed exp�di�nt by Trusfee ar Lender, and ei�her of fhem may pursue inconsis�en� remedies, No�hing iri this
<br /> D�ed a�F Trus�sha�� be construed as prohibiting Lender �rom seeking a aleficiency�udgment aga�nst�he Trus�or�o
<br /> the extent such aa�ion is permit�ed by law.
<br /> E�ecfion vf Remedies. A�1 o�F Lender's r�g�ts an� remedies wi�! be cumula�i�e and may be exercised afane or
<br /> t�gether. If Lender decides �o spend money or t� perfarm any of Trustor's �b1i�a�ions under fihis Deed of T�us�,
<br /> after Trustor's failure to da so, that decisian by Lende�wiII not affect Lender's rrgh�to declare Trusfor xn defaulf
<br /> and�o exerc�se Lender's remedies.
<br /> Requesf for Nvtice. Trus�orr an b�hal�a�F Trustor and Lender, hereby r�quests�hat a copy of any I�o�i��❑f De�aulf
<br /> and a copy o-F any Notice ofi 5ale under this Deed o�.Trus�be mailed to�hem at the addresses s��forth �n the�irs�
<br /> paragraph of this Deed ❑�Trus�.
<br /> Attorneys' Fees: Expenses. if Lender ins�itutes any sui� ar action �n en�orce any of �h� terms of �h�s ❑e�d ot
<br /> Trus�� Lender shall be entit�ed tn �eco�er such sum as the court may adjudge reasonahIe as attorneys' t�es at trial
<br /> and upan any appeal. Whethe� or no� any court act�on is in�ol�ed{ and fiv �he exten� no� prohlbi�e�l by law� all
<br /> reasonable expenses Lender incu�-s �ha�-�n Lender-'s apinion are necessary at any tim� �or the protection af its
<br /> ` in�erest❑r the enforcemen�o�i�s righ�s sha!! become a part of the lndeb�edness payab�e on demand and shaj� bear
<br /> in�eres� a� fhe Credit Agreemen� rafe �rvm fhe date a� fhe expenditut-e untiI repaid. Expenses co�ered by'this
<br /> paragraph incIude, withvut limita�ivn, howe�er subjec��o any limits unde�appIica�le Iaw, Lender's attorneys' fees
<br /> and Lender's IegaI expensesr whether or not the�e �s a lawsuif, incIuding at�orneys' fe�s and expenses for
<br /> bankruptcy p�oceedings {in�luding effor-�s to modify ar�acafe any aufioma�ic s�ay ❑r injunctian)� appeals� and any
<br /> anticipated pos�-�udgmen� caliec�ian ser�ices, -�he cos� ❑f searching reco�rds, obtaining title repor-�s {incIuding
<br /> fvrec�asure repar�s�, sunreyors' repor�s� and appraisai fees� �itIe insurance, and �ees �or the Trustee,to the ex�ent
<br /> permit�ed by applicable Iaw. Trus�or also wiII pay any cour-�casts, in addition fio all o�her sums provided by law.
<br /> Rights of Trustee. Tr�us�ee shaIl ha�e aII of the righ�s and du�ies of Lende�as set forth in this sec�zan.
<br /> POWERS AND ❑SLIGATi�NS �F TRUSTEE, The-Fof�owing prov�sions reiating to�he powers and vbliga�ions v�T�ustee
<br /> are part of�his Deed of Trust:
<br /> Powers vf Trustee. In addrt"ron to aIl powers of Trus�ee arising as a matke�-of iaw�Tru��ee shaII ha�e�he powe�to
<br /> �ake�he�ollowing actians with respecfi fo the Property upon the written request of Lender and Trustor; {a� join in
<br /> preparing and fil�ng a map or piat af the Reai Proper'ty, including the dedica�io� o� stree�s o� o�her righfs to the
<br /> � public; �h} join in granting any easemen� ar� creating any restri�tion on fhe F�ea� Prape�-ty; and �c} join in any
<br /> subordination or a�ther agreement affecting this peed o�Trus�or the�nterest o�F Lender u�de�this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Trustee. Trus�ee shall meet a1� qua�i�ications required far Trus�ee under applicable �aw. 1n addi�inn tv the rights
<br /> and remedies se�forth above� with r�espect to aiI or any part o�fhe Property, the Trusfiee shall ha�e �he righ�fo
<br /> fareciose by notice and saIe, and Lender wii� have the right ta fare�lose by ludicial #orecIosure, in eit�er case �n
<br /> accordance with and ta th��FuCf ex�ent pro�ided by appii�able iaw.
<br /> 5u��esso�Trustee. Lende�,at Lende�'s op��vn, may�t-om�ime�o time appoin�a successo�Trus�ee t❑ any Trustee
<br /> appainted under this Deed o�Trust I�y an ins�rumen� e�cecuted and acknowledged by Lender and recard�ci in th�
<br /> affic� o-� �he recorder of�Ha�I Cvunty, S�at� of Nehraska. The ins��ument shaII contain, in addi�ian t❑ all o�her
<br /> matters required by state lawr the names o� �he original Lender�, Trustee, and Trustor. �he book and page [or
<br /> camputer sys�em re�e�-ence} where this Deed o�T�us� is re�orded, and the nam� and add�ess of th� s,uccessor
<br /> �rustee, and the ins�rument.shaNl be execu�ed and acknowCedg�d by all the beneficiaries under�his Deed ❑�Trus�or
<br /> �heir successors in in�erest. The successvr�t�us�ee, w�thaut cnn��yance of�he Prvperty� shaII succeed to all the
<br /> �i��e, pawer, and dufies conferred upon�he Trustee in this Deed ❑f Trust and by applicable law. This pracedur-e for
<br /> subs�i�ufion o�Trus�ee shaj� go�ern�o�he exclusion o�al!ofher pro�:rsions�For subs�itu�iori.
<br />