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2� 1 ��794� <br /> DEE[3 �F TRUST � <br /> {Cor7tiC]u�d} Page 2 <br /> inspections and tests, at Tr-usto�'s expense, as Lender may deem approp�-iate to determine compCiance of th� <br /> Property wi�h this section of the Deed of Trus�. Any inspec�ions or test� made by Lender shall be for Lender's <br /> purpases onIy and shall na�be cons��-ued ta creat�any responsibif ity or Iiabi�i�r❑n�he part of Lender to Trustor o� <br /> � to any ofiher person. Th� �epresenta�ians and warranties contained herein are based an Trustorrs�due di�igence in <br /> inirestigating the Properry fior Hazard�us Subst�nces. Trustor hereby {'[� releases and waives any future cIazms <br /> a�ainst Lend�r far indemnity ar can�ribution in the e�en�Trusto� becvmes liab[e �or cIeanup or other costs und�r <br /> any such laws; and ��y agrees�❑indemnffy, de�end, and hold harmless Lender against any and aII �Iaims, fassesr <br /> I�abilit�es� damages, penal�i�s� and expenses which Lender may direc�ly or indirectly sustain or suffer resuIting from <br /> a breach af�his section o�the Deed n-F Trust ❑r as a consequence ❑f any use, genera�ion, manufac�ure, starage, <br /> disposaI, release ar threa�ened release occu��xng prior to Tr�u�tvrrs ownership ar interes�in the Properry,whe�her o�- <br /> not the same was or shauld ha�e been known fio Trus�o�. The provisians ❑f�his section ❑f�he �eed o� T�us�, <br /> including the❑bligation�o ind�mnify and defend,shaII sunriv�e the payment o��he fnd�b�edness and�he satisfact'ron <br /> and recon�eyance af the fien of this Deed of Trust and shall nvt be affec�ed by Lend�rrs acquisition o�any inter�s� <br /> in the Prvperty,whether by farecI�sure❑r a�herwise. <br /> Nuisance, Waste. Trusto� shall not cause, canduct vr permi� any nuisance nor commit� permit, or su-�er any <br /> stripping ot o�- was�e on ❑r to fhe Property o� any portion o�the Property. W��hout Iimiting the generaIity of the . <br /> foregoing, Trustvr wi�l no�remo��, or grant�❑ any ather party the righ�t❑ remo�e, any�imbe�, mineraI� {incIuding <br />� oiI and gas}r coaI, GIay,scoria,sviI, grave�o�-rock products withvut Lender's privr written consent. <br /> Remo�a[of Improvements. Trustor shall no�demoI�sh or remo�e any Impro�ements t�vm the Real P�operky without <br /> Lender�s prior written consent. As a canditian t❑the remor�a� of any Impr�vemen�s� Lende�-may require Trus�or�o <br /> make arrangem�nts satisfactary �o Lender ta repIace such �mpravements with f mpra�ements ofi at Isast equa� <br /> value. <br /> Lender's Right to Enter. Lender and Lender's agents and representati�es may enter upari the Real Prvperty at a�l <br /> reasonab�e �imes to attend tv Lenderrs in�erests and �o �nspect the Real Property �or purposes o� Trustor's <br /> �omp[iance with t�e terms and conditions of this Deed a�Trus�. <br /> Compiiance wrth Governmental Requirements. Trustar shalI promptfy comp�y wi�h aII 1aws� o�dinances, and <br /> regulatians, now or hereafter in efFec�, of atI governmen�a� authorities appIicable to the use or occupancy o��he <br /> Property, Trustor may contest in goad-Faith any such law, ordinance, or regulation and withhold c�mpliance during <br /> any p`roceedingr including app��priate appeaisr so loing as Trustar has notified Lende�- in wri�ing prior t❑ doing so . � <br /> and so �vng as, in Lender's sofe opinionr Lenderrs interests in�he Property are not jeopardized. Lender may require <br /> Trustdr to past adequa#e security or a surety band. reasonably satisfact�ry#a Lender�tv pro�ec�Lender's in#eres�. <br /> D�xty to Protect. Trustor agrees neithe�tv abandon or Ieave unat�ended the Property. Trus�or sha�� d❑ all ather <br /> ac�sr in addition to�hose acts set�orth abo�e in this sec�ian, which from the characfer and use a�the Property are <br /> reasonably necessary to prote��and pr�ser�e the Pr�pe�-ty. <br /> QUE��1[SALE-CaNSENT BY LENDER. Lender mayr at L�nder's optianr de�Iare immediate�y due and payab�e a�1 sums <br /> secured by this Deed ❑f Trust upan the saIe❑�transfer, withou�Lenderrs prio�writ�en consen�;of all or any par-t❑f the <br /> Real Property, or any in�erest in�he ReaI Praperty. A "sale or transfer" means th� conveyance o�Real Property ❑r any <br /> r-igh�� titie or interest in �he ReaI Property; whe�her legal, beneficia( �r equita�le; rrvhether �oIuntary ❑r in�aiun�ary; <br /> whether by ou�right sale� dee�, instaf Iment sa2e cantrac�� land cont�-act, �ontr-act for deed, leasehold interes� wi�h a <br /> �erm greater�han three t3} years� Iease-option contrac�� or by sale� assFgnment, or transfer of any beneficial in�erest in <br /> or to any land trust holding title to the Real Property, ar by �ny ather method of con�eyance of an in�erest in th� Rea! <br /> Praperty. Howe�er, this option sha�� not be exer�ised by Lender it such exercise is prahibit�d by federal Iaw or Iay <br /> Nek�raska �aw. <br /> TAXES AN17 L�ENS. The following pro�isions re�ating to the taxes and li�ns an the Prvperry are part of�his Deed o� <br /> Trus�: <br /> Paym�nt. Trustar shall pay when due �and in ail e��nts prio�r to delinquency} afl tax�s, speciai taxes, assessmen�s, <br /> charg�s �includ�ng water and sewer�;fines and impasitians Ievied against or on account of�he P�operty, and shall <br /> pay wh�n due a[f claims �or w�rk done ❑n or�ar ser�ices rend�red or material furnished �o �he Proper�ty. Trustar- <br /> shaIl main�ain�he P�aperty free of aII liens ha�ing prio�ity over or equal to the interest o�Lender under fhis Deed ot <br /> Trust, excep� far the Iien of ta�ces and assessm�nts no� due, except fvr the Existing Indebtedness re�erred to <br /> below, and except as atherwise pr��ided in this Deed of Trus�. <br /> Right to �vnt�st. Trustor may withhold payment of any�ax, assessment, or claim in connec��on with a good faith <br /> dispute over�he ❑biigation to pay, so Iong as LenderTs interes�in�he Property is not jeopardized. If a lien arises ar <br /> is �iled as a result of nonpayment� Trus�ar shall wifihin tifteen {'I5} days after �h� lien arises or, �f a fien is �i�ed, <br /> wi�hin fifte�n ��5} days af-ter T�us�or ha� no�ice ❑�-the filingR secure �he discharg� o�fih� lien, ❑r i� requested by <br /> Lender� deposi�with Lender cash ar a sufficien�corporate su�e�y bvnd or vther security satisfactnry to Lender in an <br /> amoun�sufficient�o discharge the �ien pIus any cost�and a�torneys' fees, or❑the�cha�ges tha��ould accrue as a <br /> r�sult o�a-Forec�osure❑r sale under the�ien. In any cont�st,Trustor shall defend itself and Lender and sha�I satisfy <br /> any adverse judgm�nt before en-�orcemen�against the P�-operty. Trustor shaII name Lender as an additivnaI obIigee <br /> under any suret}r bond furnished in the contest proceedin�s. <br /> E�idence af Payment. Trustor shaii upon demand furnish ta Lende�sa�isfactory evidence o-F payment o�the taxes <br /> o�assessments and sha[I autharize the appropriate governmentaI ofiFicia�to de�iver tv Lender at any time a written <br /> s�a�ement ot the taxes and assessments agains�t the Property. <br /> , Notice of�onstructian. Trustvr shall notify Lender at least fifkeen �'I 5} days befare any work is commenc�d, any . <br /> sel-rrices are furnished, or any materiafs are supp�zed to the Properry, if any mechani�'s lien, materialmen's lien, or <br /> - other 2ien cou[d he as$erted on account af �he wvrk, services, or materials and the cost exceeds $'[,���.��. <br /> . Trust�r wiII upon reques� of Lender furnish to Lender ad�ance assurances satis#actary�o Lender that Trus�o� can <br /> and�vvilI pay the �ost of such�mpra�ements. <br /> PR�PERTY DAMAGE INSURAIVCE. The fini�owing provisions reIatin�to insuring�he Property are a part❑f this Deed ❑� <br /> Trust. <br /> Maintenance of lnsuranca. Trustor shaI1 procure and maintain paI�cies of fire insu�~ance w�th standard ex�ended <br />; �ove�age endvrsemen�s on a replacemen� basis �ar the ful� insurable �alue �averin� all Impro�ements on the ReaI <br /> Property in an amount su�fiicient�❑ a�o�d applicatian o� any ca�nsurance ciau�e, and wi�h a s�andard mortgagee <br /> GIause in�arror of Lender��age�her with such other hazard and IiabiIity insurance as Lender may reasonabIy requi�e. <br /> Po�i�ies sha�I be written in f�rm, amounts� ca�erages and basis reasonably accep�ab[e to Lender and issued by a <br /> , company�or companies reasonabIy accep�able to Lender. Trustor, upon request of Lender, will de�i�er t❑ Lender <br /> �rom time�o�ime the pvticies flr certificates of insurance in�orm satisfac�ory to Lend�r, inc�uding stipuIa��ons that <br /> co�erag�s wil] na�be cance!!ed or diminished wi�thout at Ieast�khirty {3�} days prior written notice to Lender. Ea�h <br /> insurance policy als❑ sha]! include an endorsement providing that co�era�e in fa�ar ❑f Lender wi�I not be impaired <br /> in any way by any act, omission or defau(t of Trustor or any other�person. Shauid�he ReaI Property be located in <br /> an area designated by�he Administra�ar o��he Federal Emergency Management Agency a� a speciat �lood hazard <br /> area� T�ustor agrees ta obtain and main�ain FederaI Flood Insurance, i�F avaifable, tor the ma�cimum amount o�F <br /> Trustor's credi�line and the fuII unpaid p�incipal baIan�e ofi any prinr Izens on the property securing�he loan, up to <br /> the maximum policy limits se�under�he Na�innal FIood Insurance Program, ❑r as❑therw�se required by Lender� and <br />