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2� 1 ��7943 <br /> All insurance palicies required b� Lender and renewa�s of su�h p��icies shall be su��ec�to Lender's right�o <br /> disapprove such palici�s, sha�� �nclud�a s�andard mor�gage c�ause, and sha�l name Lender as mortgagee <br /> andlar as an addi�ianal �oss payee. Lender sha�X ha�e�he rig�.��o hol�.the po��c��s and renewal certifica�es. �f <br /> I.ender requ�res, Barrower shalZ promptly g��r�to Lender a��rec�ipts of paid premiums and renewal notices. <br /> �f Borrower�b�ains any form of xnsurance�o�erag�, not otherwise requ�red by Lender, far damage to, or <br /> destruc�ion of, the Prop�r�y, such polic� sha�� inc�ude a��andard m�rtgage c�aus�and shall name Lend�r as <br /> mor�gagee andlor as an add���ona1 lass pay�e. <br /> �n�he ev�nt of loss, Borrower shal�g�ve promp�no��ce to the�nsuran�e carri�r and Lender. Lender may <br /> rnake proof of�ass �f no�made promptly by Borrower. Un�ess Lender and Barrower otherwise agree�n <br /> �vriting, an� insurance proceeds, vvhe�her or nQ��he underlyzng insurance was required b� Lender, shall be <br /> applied to restarati�an or r�pa�r of�he Proper�y, �f�he restarat�on or repa�r is econam�cally feasi��e and <br /> I.�ender's secur��y is na�lessened. Dur�ng such repair and res�ara�z�n per�od, Lender sha11 have�he rig�t to <br /> hold such �n�urance praceeds un�i� Lender has had ar�opportunity�� �nspect such Property�a ensur�the <br /> work has been completed��I,�r�der's sa�isfac�ian, pr���d�d�ha�such �nspe���on shall be undertaken <br /> pr�mp�Iy. L.ender may disburse pro�eeds for�he repairs and res��rati�n�n a sxngle payment or in a series of <br /> progress payments as�he work is comp�ete�.. tJn�ess an agreement is made xn wr�t�ng or Appli�abie Law <br /> requir�s interes�ta be paid�n such�nsurance pr�c�eds, Lender sha�I n�t be required t�pay Bnrrawer any <br /> in�erest or earnings on such praceeds. Fees for pu��ic ad�ust�rs, ar o�her third part�es, retained by Borrower <br /> sha�i not b�pa�d out af the insurance proceeds and shal�be th� �ole ob��ga�ion of Borrower. If the restorat�on <br /> or repa�r�s not economically feas�ble�r Lender's security vWould be lessened, the insurance proceeds shai� be <br /> app�ied �o the sums secured by�his Security �nstrumen�, wh�ther or not�hen due, with the ex��ss, if any, <br /> paid �o Borrov�rer. Such�nsuranc�proceeds sha�l�e app��ed �n the order pro�ided for in Se�tion 2. <br /> If Bvrrower abandons the Proper�y, Ilender may �Ie, nego�iate and set�le any a�ailable�nsuran��claim and <br /> r��a�ed matters. If B�rrow�r does not respond w�thin 3�days t�a not�ce from Lender�hat the �nsurance <br /> carrier has offer�d to �e��le a ciaxm, �h�n L�nder ma�negot�at�an.d se��ie�he ciaim. The 3�-day period �vi11 <br /> b�gin when�he notxce �s gi�en. �n ei�her e�en�, or if T�ender acqu�res�he Pr�per��under Sectian�2 or <br /> otherwise, Bo�rrower hereby assigns to Lender�a} Borrawer's righ�s t�any xnsurance proceeds in an am�unt <br /> not tv e�ce�d�he am�unts unpaid under the Nfl�e ar�his Secur��y instrumen�, and�b} an�r o�her af <br /> Borrower's rights �ath�r�han.the right�o any refund of unearned premiums paid by Borrower} under a�� <br /> insurance p�licies co�ering the Proper�y, insofar a� such r�gh�s are app��ca��e�o the co�erage�f�h� <br /> Pr�perty. Lender may use th�in�uran�e prflce�ds e��her to repair or restore�he Pr�per��r or to pay amounts <br /> unpa�d under the Note ar this Securit� �ns�rument, whether or not then due. <br /> 6. []�cupancy. Borrower sha��occupy, e��ab�ish, and use the Prop�r�y as Borrov�er's pri�c�pa� residenc� <br /> w�thin 6�days after�he e�ecu�ion of�his Securi�� Instrument and s�ia�� can�inue t�occup�th�Proper�y as <br /> Borro�r�r's pr�ncipa� res�d�nce far at ieast one year aft�r th�da�e of occupan�y, un�ess Lender othervvis� <br /> agree� �n writing, which consen�sha11 not be unreasonably�i��iheld, flr unless ex�enuating Gircums�ances <br /> ex�s�which are beyond BorrovWer's control. <br /> 7. Preservati�n, Maintenance and Prfltectian of the Prvperty; �ns�ectians. Borrawer shall na�des�ro�, <br /> damage or impair�he Propert�, allovv�he Pr�perty to d�teriora�e or commit waste an the Proper�y. Whether <br /> or n�t Borrav�er xs resxding in the�r��er�y, Barrower shai�mainta�n�he Proper�� in�rder ta prevenf the <br /> Pr�p�r��r from de�eriara�ing�r decr�as�ng in va�ue due ta �ts conditian. Un�ess �� is de��rmined pursuan��Q <br /> S�ction S �hat repair or r�storation�s not economically feasible, Borrovwer sha��pr�mp��� r�pair the Pr�p�rty <br /> if damaged to a�oid fur�her de�er�orat�on or damage. If�nsurance o�•condemna�i�n praceeds ar�paid in <br /> �onn�ction with damage to, or th�tak�ng af, �he Proper�y, Borro�er shall be responsibie far repa�rin� or <br /> restoring the Praperty�nly �f Lender has released proceeds f�r such purposes. Lend�r may dis�urse pr�ceeds <br /> N�BRASKA-Singfe Famify-Fannie Mael�reddi�Mac UNI�QRM iNSTf�UMENT Farrn 3D28 11�'� <br /> VMP[�] VMP6fNE)�i 3�2� <br /> Wolters Kluwer Fir�ancial SEr�i�es Page 7 of 17 <br />