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2� 1 ��7932 <br /> Transf�r of the Property ar a Beneficia�Ir��eres��n S�rr�werd if a1�ar any par�of the Praper�y�r any interes� <br /> in �t �s so�d flr �ransferred �ar xf a bene�c�al ��teres� �n Ba�~ra�ver is s�l�d or transferred and Borr�wer �s no� a <br /> na�ral person} wi�hou� Lender's pr�or vv�ri�ten Gonsen�, Lender ma�, at i�� apt�on, requ�re immedia�e paym�nt in <br /> fu�l of a�I sums se�ured b�r this Security Instrumen�. Hotive�rer, �his opt�on sha�� not be exerczsed b�r L�nder �f <br /> exerc�se�s p�-�h�bi�ed by federa��a�as of the da�e tif�his Security Zns�ruxn��zt. <br /> �f�ender e�.erc�ses th�s option, Lender shall give B arr�we� notice o�'accelera�ian. The no�ice shal� pravzde a <br /> peri�d of nvt less than the minimum number of days established by App��cab�e Lavv fr�m the date th� r�otxce is <br /> del�vered �r ma�Ied�vi�hin vvhich Borrower �x�us� pay aIl sums secured by th�s Se�uri� �nstrumemt. �f B�rro�ver <br /> fai�s to pay th�se sums pri�r to �he expzra��o�. of this per�od, Lend�r may invflke any remedzes permitted by <br /> Security�nstrument v�ri�hout further no�ice or demand�n B�rr�wer. <br /> Bo�r�Wer's IZight to R��.nstate. �f Borro�ver meets certain c�r�ditions, Borro�ver shall have the righ� to have <br /> enforcement of this Secu�-��y Ins�rumen� dzscon�inued a� any�ime prior to the earlier af: �a} 5 days �or su�h o�her <br /> period as App�icab�e Lavv may spec�fy far reins�atement}before sal� of�h�Praperty pursuan��o any po�wer of sale <br /> cantained in �his Securi�y �nstrumen�; or �b} en�ry of a judgme�� enfarcing this 5ecurity �ns�rume�t. Those <br /> cond�tians are that Borrovver: (a� pays Lender a�I sums which then w�u�d be due under th�s Se�uri�y ��.s�rument <br /> and�he C�ntract as if na acce�era�ion had occurred;�b�cures any defau��of a�.y other c�venants or agreements; �c} <br /> pa��aI1�xpen�es incurred�n enfarcing�his 5ec��rity Instrument,�ncluding,bu�not lirni�ed ta,reasanable attorneys' <br /> fees to�he ex��nt permitted by�av�; and (d} takes suc�ac��on as Lender xnay reasanably re�uire to assure�hat the <br /> �ien of this Security Instrument, L,ender's rights�n the Property and Borro�ver's obligat�on�o pay the sun�s s�cured <br /> by this Secur�ty Instrumen� shall c�n��nue ur�ch�.nged. Upon reinsta�emen��by Borra�ver, this 5ecuri�����rument <br /> a�nd the ob�iga�ions secured hereby sha11 r�m��r� fully effec�i�e as �f�o acce�erati�n had occurred, Ho�rever, �his <br /> right�o reinstate sha��not apply in the case�f acceleration under th�section ti��ed Transfer of�he Pr�perty flr a <br /> Beneficial In��re5t�n�flrrower. <br /> Ha�ardous Su�bstances.Barrotiver sha11 no�cause or permi��he presence,use, disp�sal, s�orage, ar re�e�se of any <br /> Hazardous Sub�tances on�r in the Property.Borrower shall not do,nflr�.1��W any�ne else to da,anything affe�ting <br /> �he Proper�y�ha� �s �n v�alation of any Ex�virar�m�ntaX LaW. The preceding two sen�ences shall n�t apply to �he <br /> presence,use,�r starage on the Proper�y of sr�all quan��ties of Haza�dflus Substances tha�are generally rec�gn�zed <br /> t�be appropria�e�a normal res�dential uses ar�d�o ma�n�enance of�he Property. <br /> Borrovver sha�l prompt�y give Lender wrz���n no�ice of any znvestigati�n,cl.aim, demand,�avvsuzt or o�h�r acti�n by <br /> any gavernmenta� or regula�ary agency or private parCy involving th� Pr�perty an�. any Ha2ardous Subs�ance ar <br /> En�ironmen�l Lavv of vSrhich B�rrov�rer has actual know�edge. �f Barra�t�ver learns, or is nat�f�d �b� any <br /> governmen�al�r regu�atory au�hority, �hat any removal or o�h�r rernedza�ion of any Hazardous Subs�a.nce affec�ing <br /> the Property is necessary, BQrrower shal� promp�Iy �ake a�1 n�cessary remedzal actiflns rn accordance �rith <br /> Environmental La�v. <br /> As used�n�xs paragraph, "Hazardous Substances" are those subs�ances defined as taxic or hazardous substances <br /> by Environmental La�v and �he fn��ovving substances: gas��ine, k�rosen�, o�her flammab�e ar �flxic pe�ro�eum <br /> products, �axi� pes��czde� and herbici�.es, vn�atile solven�s, materi�Is co�.�aining asbestos or formald�hyde, and <br /> radxoac�i�re ma�er�als. As used�n this paragraph, "Environmer��a�La�4} means fed�ral Iaws and la,urs of�he state af <br /> Nebraska tha�re�ate to health,safety or environmen�a�pro�ection. . <br /> Ac�e�erat�o�; R.emedi�s. Lender shaX� give nvt�ce fv B�rrower pri�r t� a�celerat�on f�llavving �orrower's <br /> breach of any covenant��agreement�n th���e�urity Instrument�r t�e Contra�t under vvhi�h acc�l�ration <br /> is perm�tted �but na�pr�or to accelerat�vn under th� 5ect��n ��t��ed Tr�.nsfer Qf the Property�r a�eneficia� <br /> Interest�n �Qrr�wer, unZess Appi�cable La�v �r�v�des vtherw�s�). '�''h� �a���e shal� spec�fy: �a� the defaul�; <br /> ��} the a��ivn required tfl cure the defau���; �c} a date, �t�t ��ss than �he mi�imum number �f day5 <br /> established by Appixcab�e Law from the date th�not�ce is g��en to Bo�•r�wer,by v�vh�ch the d�fault r�ust be <br /> cur�d; and �d� that failure to cure �he �efault on or �efore t�ie date �peci�ed �n the natice rr�ay resu�t �n <br /> accelerat�on �f the surr�s secu�ed by this Se�urity Instrument and sale vf the Prvperty. To �he e�ten� <br /> per�nitted b�r�a,w, �he not�ee shall fur�h�r�nf�rn�Eorrawer vf the right�� reinsta�e af�er a�Ce�erati�n and <br /> the r�ght to bring a court actxon�o a�sert�h�mon�exis�ence of�defaul�or any other defense af�orr�wer�o <br /> acc�Ierati�n and sale. If the defau���s r�ot eured on or b�far� �h� date spe�ified in the notice3 Lend�r at�t� <br /> op�ion may require ir�nrr�edia�e payment �n fuil �f a�.� sum� s��ure� ]by �hi5 Secur�ty Instrux�er�t w�thout <br /> fur�her dem�nd and may invoke the power �f s�le and a�y o�her r�r�.zedxes perm�tted by App�ica�a�� Law. <br /> Tv the ex�e�t permitt�d by law, Lende� sha�l be entitled to c�l�ect all expenses incurred in �u�-suing the <br /> r�medies prov�ded in �his Sectio�.�including,�ut not limit�d tn, rea�ornable attflrneys' fees ar�d �ost5 of ti�Ie <br /> ev�den��. <br /> lf the power of sale�s invoked, Trust�e shall�-ec�rd a notice of defaul�:�n each county in which a�y part of <br /> the Praperty�s l�ca�ed and shall ma�i��p�es af such not�ce in �h�man��er pr�s�ribed by App�i����e I1aw to <br /> Bvrrower and tv the �ther persons pre��ribed �y App�icable La�v, A�t�r �he ��me requ�red by .Applicab�e <br /> Lav�, Truste� sha��. give public noti�e of sal� tv �he persons and in th� manner prescribed by �pplicab�e <br /> Lav�.Trustee,without d�mand vn B�rr�v��r, sha�l se��the Pro��rty at�ub�ic au�t��n�o the high�st bidder <br /> at�he tim�a�d plaee and under the terms d�signa�ed in th�no�i�e af sale in one ar rnore par����and�n any <br /> arder Trust�e determune�. Trustee m�y ��stpo�e sa�e �f all �or an� par�el af the Prapert� by� public <br /> annauncement at the��rr�e and place of an�previously sch�du�ed sa�e.Lender or its des�gnee may pu��ha5e <br /> �he Prvp�rty a�any 5ale. <br /> Upan recefpt of payment of the pri�e b�d, Tr�uste� shall d�i�ver �� the purchaser Trustee's d�e����n�ey�ng <br /> the Pr�perty. The recita�s in �h�Trustee"s d�ed shall be pr�ma facie e�idence of the tru�h of�he stat�n��ntis <br /> C�2004-2�15 Compliance Systems,Inc,6I$A-9�4FE-2415.12,3,1.I 1 i 5 <br /> Cvr�sumer Real Estate-Security I�strument DL2Q3d Page 4 Qf 5 www.coanpliancesystems.�arr� <br />