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� � 2� 1 ��7932 <br /> Pa�ment af Pr�ncipa�and Interes�; ��her�har�esd Borrn�ver shall proznp�l�pay when due�he pr�nczpal flf and <br /> interes�an the deb�owed under the�nn�r�.c�an�.�a�e charges�r any o�her:�ees and charges due under�he Con�ract. <br /> Applicabl� I��w. As us�d in this Secur��y Instrumen�, the term "App�icable La�v" shall mean al� c��.tro��ing <br /> applicable f�d�ral, s�a�e and �acal s�atu�es, r�g-�lations, ordinances an� a�minis�ra�ive ru�es and ard�r� ��ha�have <br /> the effect of law�as v�re1��.s a��app��cab�e fzna�,�vnWappea�ab�e judicial�p:�n�ons. <br /> �h�rges, L�ens. Borrov�er shall pay aIl �a�.es, assessment�, �harges, f1�.es and im.positions at�rzbu�b�e ta the <br /> Pr�perty which may attain priority aver this Se�ur�ty�ns�rumen�, and�easehold paymen�s or graund r�n�s� zf any. <br /> Ati the reques�of Lender,Borrower sha�l pr�mp�ly furnish to Lende�r�c�ip��s evidencing the paym�nts. <br /> Barro��r sha�l promp�ly discharge any l��n tivh�ch has pr�ori�.y over�his Se�urity Instrumen�un��ss�arr�o�ver: (a} <br /> agrees in wri��ng t� the payment of�the obliga�ion secur�d by the �ien �m a manner acceptable �o Lender; �b} <br /> cantests in g�ad fa�th the lien by, or defends agains� enf�rc�ment of the lien in, Iega1 praceedings whic� in the <br /> Lender`s �pir�ion operate ta prevent the enforcement af�he lien; �r ��� secures from the holder af the Iien an <br /> �.greemen�sa��sfact�ry to Lender subardinating the lien to this Sec�r�ty�nstrument. If L�nd�r determ�ir�es�ha� an}r <br /> part of the Praperty is subjec��o a lien which r�ay at�ain priarzty nver �h�s Security�nstrumen�, Lender may give <br /> Borr�vv�r a not�ce identifying�he Iien. Bo�-rovv�r shall sa�isfy the li�n or��� �ne ar m�re �f�he a��ians se�for�h <br /> above wz�hin �D days of the giving❑f no��c�e. <br /> Ha�ard ar Pr�pert�Insurance. BarroWer sha���eep �he improvezxx�n�s���w ex�sting ar hereaft�r erected on the <br /> Pr�per�r insur�d aga�ns�loss by fire,ha2ards�n��uded wi�hin the�erm"extended coverage" and any ot�er hazards, <br /> inciuding floo�s or flooding, for wh�ch Lend�r requ�res �nsurance. This insurance sha�� �ae mainta�ned in the <br /> axn�u.nts and for�he periads�ha�Lender re�uires, The insurance carrier pr�viding the insurance sha��be ch�sen by <br /> Borrvurer sub�ect �o Lender's approval ,which shall na� be unreasonably withheld. �f�orr�vver fai�s tn main�ain <br /> c�v�rage described abnve, Lender may, at L�nder's op��fln, ob�a�n caverage �o protec� Ler�der's rights in the <br /> Property�n aceardance vtrith sec��an�itled 1'rot���i�n�f Lender'�l�gh�s xn the Prvper�y. <br /> A�� �nsurance pol�c��s and renetivals sha�� be ac�ep�abl� ta Lender and sha�l include a s�andard m�r�g�.ge clause. <br /> Lender shal�have the righ�ta hald th�pol�cies and re�e�wa�s, If Lender re{�uires,Borrotiver sha���ro�np�ly give�o <br /> Ler�der aI1 receip�s of paid premiums and ren�tiva�no�ices. �n the even�af lass, Barrav�er shall give promp�natice <br /> tv the�nsuranc�carrier and Lender.Lender m�.y mal�e proof of�oss�f n�t r�ade promp�ly by Borra�ver. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Borrawer otherwise agree in �vrit�ng, insurance praceeds �hall be applied to r�st�r�.�ion �r <br /> repa�r af the Fropez-�y damaged, if, in Lender's so�e �iscre�ion, the r�stor�tion or repa�r is e�on�mi�a�ly �`eas�ble <br /> and Lender's s�cur�ty�s x�fl� lessened. �f, ir� Lender's sale discretian, �he r�s�ora�ion or repair�s not ecanami.Cally <br /> feas�b�e or Lend�r's securi�y w�u�d be�essened,�he ins�t.ranc�prQceeds sha�l be applied�o the sums s�c�.red by�his <br /> S e cur�ty Instrument, �vh�ther ar not �hen due, any exc ess pa�d ti� B orrativer. If B orrower abandons �.he <br /> Prtiper�y, �r does not answer wi�hin�he numb�r�a�da�s prescribed by Applicable Law as set for�h in a no�i�e fr�m <br /> Lender to B�rrower�hat th� �nsuranc� carr�er has �ffered�o set�le a c�aim, then Lender may collec��h��n�urance <br /> proceeds. Lender may us� the proceeds �� repa�r�r r�s�ore the Pxoperty ��t� pay sums by�his Security <br /> �ms�rument,urhether or�flt�hen due. The p�riod of�im�for Barro�er�o ans�wer as se�for�h�n�he riotice uri��begin <br /> yvhen the nn��c�is given. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrow�r o�herwis� agree �n�vr��ing, any appXx��.�i�n�f proceeds�o principa�sha�l n��extend <br /> or pos�pon��h� due da�e�f th�payrnents du.e under the �antrac�ar change�he amau�.�af th�pa�-men�s. �f under <br /> �he sec�ion�i�l�d A��e��r�tion; Remedies, �he Property is acquired by Lender, B�rrov�er's righ��� an�znsurance <br /> pol�c�es and praceeds resulting fram damage �o the Proper�y prior ta �he acqu�s���on shall pass �o Lende� �o the <br /> ex�ent af the sums secured by�his Secur�t��nstr�men�immediately�rior to�he acqu�szt�fln. <br /> Prese�-vatian, Maintenan�e and Prot�c�ion flf �he Prop�rtyy B�r�'�v�'eY�5 Lvan Appl�ca����; Leas�h��ds. <br /> BQrrovver shall not destr�y, damage ar impair the Praperty, ailow�he Prop�er�y�o det�r�ora�e, ar commit vvaste an <br /> �he Proper�y.Borro�ver sha��be in default i�any forfeiture action��procee�.�ng,�vhether czvil ar cr�m�nal,is begun <br /> �hat in Lender's goad fa��.judgment cauld resul� �n farfeitur� of�he Property or a�he�-wise ma�erially impair the <br /> �ien created by �his Securi�y Instrument ar Lender's security �n�egest. Borrawer may cure such a defa�lt and <br /> rexnsta�e, as provided�n sec�i�n�itled�3orr�vver's�ight to laein�tat�, by caus�ng the ac��on ar proce�ding to be <br /> d�smissed w��h a ru�ing that,in Lender's go�d fa��h determina��on,preclude�farfei�ure�f the Borro�►rer's in��rest in <br /> the Property o�r o�her material �mpairment �f�he Iien crea�ed by this 5�curity 7nstrument or Lezader'� secur�ty <br /> in�erest.BorrvWer sha��alsa be zn default if Borro�r�r,durzng�he laan app��ca��on process,gave material�y fa�se or <br /> inaccura�e inforxnation or stateme�ats �o Lender �or fa�led ta provit�e Len�er w��h any material ir�forma�i�n} in <br /> connec��on v�rith the loan evidenced�y the C�nt�-act. If this 5ecurit�Instrur�ent�s on a �easehold, Borrower sha�� <br /> comply wi�h al��he pro�isions�f the lease. If�orrowe�acqu�res fee t�tle�o the Property,the�easeha�d�n�.the fee <br /> ti�le shal�n��merge u.nless Len�er agrees ta the merger in writ�ng. <br /> Protectian of Lend�r's lZights in the Pr�p�rty. If B�rrov�er fa��s �o ��rform the ��venan�s and agreements <br /> contained in th�s Securz�y�nstrum�nt, or�h�re zs a�ega�proce�ding�ha�amay srgnif cant�y affect Lender's rights in <br /> the Pr�per�y �s�.ch as a proc�eding zn ban�.ruptcy, pr�bate, far conden�a�:�on ar farf�iture or �o �nfor�e Iaws or <br /> regula��ons}, th.en Lender may do and pa�r f�r whatever is necessary �o pr�tect the value of th� Property and <br /> Lender's rights in�he Prvperty. Lender's act�ons may include pay�ng any su�ms s�cured by a lien vvhi�h has prior�ty <br /> over this 5ecu.r�ty�nstrument,appear�ng in�ourt,pay�ng reasana�le�t�orneys'fees and entering�n�he Froperty to <br /> make�-epairs..A�lthough Lender may�ak�acti�n under this section,L�nder does not ha�re to d�so. <br /> A.ny amflun�s disbursed by Lender under this sectian sha�� b�c�me additi�na� deb� of Borro�t7ver secured by �h�s <br /> Securzty Instru�.nent. Un�ess B�rrou�er ana Lender agree �o othe�- terms �f paymen�, these amflun�s shal� bear <br /> �2404-2fl 15�ompliance Syst�ms,Inc.51$A-94FE-2�15.1�.3.l.1115 <br /> Cons�mer Rea�Estate-Security Instrurnen�DL2435 Pa�e 2❑f 5�n <br />