2� 1 ��792�
<br /> [3��� �F T�L�ST
<br /> [��n��rru��} �a�� �
<br /> or t�any land trust hol�ing #itla t�the Reaf Prnperty� or by an}�other mathod af canveyan�e�f an int�rest in the Real
<br /> Pr�p+�rty. I��ny Trusto�-is a carporation� partnersh�p ar l�mi#ed li�b��fty campany�, trar�sfer also lnclud�s any change�n
<br /> ownership of mare thar�tw�nty�f��►e p�rcent�2�°��}af fhe vating sto�k,partnershi�intere�ts vr l�mited lia�lllty com�any
<br /> int�res�s� as the case may be,of such 7'rustor. t-towev+�r, this opti��shal#not be exercised by Le�de�i�'such ex�rcis�
<br /> is prahtbit�d b�+fed�ral!aw ar by�f�bra��a�aw,
<br /> TA3CES ANa L�EN�. ��te followinc� provisions re�a#ing ta the lax�s and �iens an t[�e Pro��My �r� p�rt Qf th�s C]eed af
<br /> Trust:
<br /> payment. Trustor shall�ay when t�ue�and�n alE evan�s pr1�r#a delin���n�y}af�tax�s,specia�taxes�asse�sments,
<br /> charges�including w�t�r ar�d s�w�r�, fines and irnpas�tions levi�d again�t ar�n a�caunt of ths Prnp�r�y, �nd sh�l�
<br /> }�ay urh�n due afl cjs�ms�ar wark don�vn or�'ar s�rv�ces rendered�r mater�ai furnis�ed tc�the property. 7rusfor
<br /> s�all maintair�th�Praperty free of aCi liens having prfarity over or eq�a�ta th�ir�tere�t of Lender un�er th�s Qeed�f
<br /> Tt�sf, ex���t fo�r #he �ien of taxes ��� �ssessments nat �u� an� �xGept �s atherwrse prov�de� in this Dee� �f
<br /> Trust,
<br /> �Right t� Cor�test. Trc�st�r may wit�hr�ld payment vf�ny tax� ass�ssment, or claim�n�conneGtian with a gaod�aith
<br /> i�put�ov�r the ab�igati�n t�pay� so ion��s[.en�e�'s int�rest in th�P�op�rt�r is n�t j�eQpard��ed. If�Ri�n�r�s�s or
<br /> is fled a�a r�sul�o�nonpayment� �"rustar snafl wi#hin f�teen {�[5} ���s af�er the�i$r�aris�s or� lf a Iien is filed,
<br />; �nrit�In ��t��n �'15� days a��r�'rustor�as not�ce of the fi�ir��, secur�: the dis�ha�ge of th� l��n, or�f requested by
<br /> Lend�r,c�epastt v�rt� �.end�r cash ar�suffcient GorPorate sure#y t�nnd ar at�er securi�y s�tis�actory ta L�nder in ar�
<br />; �maunt su�i�ier�t to dis�h�rge th�lien���s�n�cas#�an�attorneys'�ees,or other charges thaf��uld��cr�as as a
<br />: r�sult of a foreclosure�r saae unc�e�1h��ien. In ar���ant�st,7"tustor sh�C�defend�tself and Lende��nd sh�1!sa#Isfy
<br />� any adver�e�u�g�ent b�for�enfo�cement against the Property. 7rustar sh�1�n�m�L�nder as an adc�iti�nal ol�li���
<br /> under�ny sur�ty bnnd furn�shed in the contest�ro�eedinss.
<br />' Evid�nce of P�yment, Tru�tor sh�l[ upan demaRd f�rn�sh to Ler�c�er s�#1sfa�#�ry evi�enae of p�ym�nt at#he#ax�s
<br />. or assessment�and shall �u��oriz�the�pAr��riate�overnment�r� o�frc�at ta deli�►e�ia�.ender at any fime a i►vritten
<br />� �tatement of t��#�x�s and a�s�ssm�nts agatnst the prap��t�.
<br /> Notic�of Cor�stcuct�r�n, Yrustor shali notify Lender at least f�teen �'i�}d�ys�ef�re�ny uvofk i�commenced,any
<br /> �ervices are�'urn�sh�d�or ar��mater�als are supplied to th�Rrvperty� if�ny m�chan�c's Ilen� mat��ialmen's I�en��r
<br /> vtf�er lE�n could be asserte� an account Qf th�wa�rk, sei-vi��s+ or mat��ials. Trust��w�l1 upon request oi [.ender
<br />' �urni�� ta Lerider advance �ssurances sa#i�f��ton,� #o Lend�r th�t rrustor can and wil� p�y #h� co�t of such
<br /> Em�ra�ements.
<br />; PRO�ER'�'Y DA�IAGE ih1�U�lANC�� The fo��owfn�pr�r�is�ans reiating t�insurin�the Prv�erty�r���ar#of this Deed of
<br />' Trus#.
<br />' Ma�nt�nanc� flf Insurance. 7rust�r shall procUre �nd maintain poljcles af fire insuran�e w�th s�an�ar� exfended
<br /> �Werage�ndarsements on a��p�aceme�t �asis fflr the fu��1ns�rable va�ue covering a�[Impravements an the#�eal
<br /> Praper�y in an amaunt�ufficient t� avo�d appl���ti�n o�any�a�nsu�ance c�ause, and with a sia�dard mortga�ee
<br /> clause in favar of E.ender. Trust�r shall a[sn pra�ur�and ma�i�t�in campre�e�s�v�gener�� liabi�fty�nsur�nc�jn 5uch �
<br />� �overage amo�unts as L�nd�r ma� �equest with Tiv$t�e �nd Len�er bein� n�med as additi�nai �nsureds in such
<br /> Ei�bllity insurance pol�cles. Addit��nally�� Trust�r s�ail ma�lnt�in suc� ath��in�urance, �nc�uding but nat IImited to
<br /> hax�rd,b�sir�ess tnterruption, and boi�er frtsur�an�e, as i�ender may reasonab[y require. Po1�c�es sh�ll I�e written in
<br />� f�rm, arrt�unts, �ove��es and b�sis reasfln�b�y accepta��e to ��nder an� �ssue� b� � �arripan� or carr�p�r��e�
<br /> reasonab�y acceptable�� Lender. T��#or, u�on r�q�re�t vf L�nder, wi�l deliwer#❑ Lend�r fr�m #frr�e ta t�me thg
<br /> palf�ies or c�rti�ca#es o�in�urance in f�rm satistaciary to Lender,ir�elud�ng stipulatians tha#�overa�es r+v�l} not be
<br /> canceEl�d Qr�iminished v`rifhout a#least thlrty�30�day$pr��r writ#�n r�t�ti�e ta Lender. Ea�h insurance po�icy alsa
<br /> shaEl tnclu�e an endorsement pravidjng that coverage in fav�r of L�n�er will n�#���rnpaired in any wa�r by any a�t,
<br />� �mis�ion or def�ult o€�"�.r�tvr ar any�the�per��n. �hvul�th� R�a�Property�e�c�e�ted jn ar�a�e�desi�n���d b�r
<br />. the A�ministratar o�the����r�1�rner����y IVlana�ement Agency a�a sp�cial f��a��t�z�rd area,�'rus#�r��re�s ta
<br />' c��#a�n and maint�in ��dera� Fi�od Insu�'�n�e, if availa�l�, f�r t�� full unp�id prfncipal balane�of the loa� ar�d �ny
<br />; pr��r liens san �he praperty s�curing t�e I�an, up to ih� maxirrrum �alicy limi#s s�t urtder tl�� I�a�Iana� F��o�i
<br />� Insur��ce p�c����m,or as ath��vv�se r�qUtred b�►Lender,anr�f�maintain s�ch insur�nce far the t��'m a�the laan.
<br />�
<br />� Appi�catfon o�Pro�eeds. �rustar shal�pramptly n+atify L�nder af an��oss ar�amage to the Prop�rty. Lerid�r ma�
<br /> rt�ake praof�f�oss �f Trustc�r f�ils to da �a vu�#h�n ffte�n ��15� da�s of the casuatty. Wh�#her ar r�ot L�nd�r'�
<br /> se�ur��y 1s impair�d, Lender may, a�l.�nde�s elect��n,r�ceive and reta�in the prac��d�of any insur�anc�an�ap�l�r
<br /> i the �ro�eeds tQ the redt�cf�on of the �ndeb��dness, �a�rnent of any�i�n affe�tiny the Prop�r#y, ar#h�restoration
<br />� and r�pair��t�e Pr�perty. i��.end�r elects#o apply the prc�cee�is tc��estora#ian and�epair�Trustor sh�El repair ar
<br />; rep�a�e fhe dan�ged or destroy�d �mprovements �n a mann�r satisfactory t� �.ender. Len�er shall� upon
<br />; satis�a�tory pro�f o�such exPenditt�r��, pay ar r�im�urse i'rc�sl�r frs�m th$ �roc�eds �or #he r�asonable co�t v�
<br />; r�pa�r ar restorati�n �f'Trustor i� nox �n �efauit under t�is De�d �f Trust. Any proceeds which �ave n�t �e�n
<br />� df�bu�s�tf with�n 1 S� d�ys a�ter t?�e�r��rece�pt ant�w�tich ��nder has nat commit�ed tv fh�repair�r r�staration of
<br /> the prc�pert��shal�h�u�ed first tt�pay any�mour�#owing to Lender under this[]eed of Trus#,then to pay�ccrued
<br />; �nter�s#, and the rem�inder, if any� shal� �e app�ie� to the prin�i��� aaE�n�e af the Ende�#��ness. If Lender�alds
<br />' any praceeds after payrnent in ful� �f the In��bt�dn��s, such praceeds sha�l be pald to Trustor �s 7rc�stor's
<br />� inter�sts may app�a�-. �
<br />�
<br />� Yrustar's�ep�rt�r� Insura�ce. llpcan requ�st o�L�n�er� hawe�er nnt ma�e�han anc��year�Trust�r shafl fumish
<br /> to L�nder� �eport an each ex�stin� palic� af insurance shaw3n�: (�I� #�� r�ame o�fhe insuret�; ��� the rfsk�
<br /> in�ur�d; �3} th� amaunt a�'the po�ic�; �4} th� �]�qp@f�]1 E�15�1f@C�� the th�n ��rren� rep�acement va�ue af such
<br /> property,�n�#the m�nner�f det�fmining th��v�lue;and ��� th��xpira�ion d�ta of the�ofi�y. `f'rustor sh�l�,upo�
<br />� re�uest af��nder, hav�ar�fndependent appr�iser sa#��f�ctory ta�.ender determine the cash wa�ue re�lac�ment cost
<br />� of the Proporty.
<br />� LEhiDER�s �xR�t�aiYu��s. ���ny actton or prc�ceed�r���s cammen�ed that wot�ld mater€a��y���ct�end�r`s inter�st 1n
<br />, the Pr�perty�r Zf Trust�r f�ils to comply wit� any provisivn af thi� D�d af Tru�t or any Rslated 13ocuments,inr�udin�
<br />� bu�not iim�ted to Tr�stor's fai[ure to dEschar�e�r p��►when�iue any amounts Y�ustvr[s r�uir�d��discharg�ar�ay
<br />� under this De�d of Trust c�r any#�I�t�d d�cum�nts, L�r�s��r�an 7'r�usto�"s l��h��f may�but shali not be abligate�to�t�ke
<br />,
<br />' �ny�c#ion thaf Len��r�feems �ppro�ariat�, inc�uding but,nvx E�mited #a discharg�ng o�p�y�r�g a1� taxes, li�ns, s��urity
<br /> it�t�r�st���ncum�ranc�s and c�fh�r�I��rir}�,a�any#rme lev�eri�r placed on th�pro�erty�nd�aying aI�+c�sts f�r fnsuring�
<br /> maintaining and�resennr��th� pro�eriy. Ali su�h�xpendEtures incu�red ar paid by�.�nd�r for�uch purposes w111 then
<br />; be��int�re��at the rat�Ghar+ged ur��sr th�Nat�frt�m the date incur�ec�or paid by�.�r�der#o the da�e af repaym�nt�y
<br />; Trustor. AEI su� expens�s�+vill be�ame��art af t�e ��ndebtedn�ss�nd, a�L.ende�s apti�n, w��l �A� be payabl�on
<br />� dern�nd; tg} be add�d ta th� ��lan�e of the �1vt� �r�� I�e ap�artioned �mang and be pay�b�s w�th a�y ir�st�ilment
<br />, �a�m�nts ta be�ame dUe durin�eith�r �'i� the term c�f any applica��e inst�ranr.e pal�c}�; or ��� fh�r�maining t�rm af
<br />; #�ne Nof�;flr �C� be treated�s a aal�oar��aym�nt tn�h�ch wi�i be due and pa}�ab���t th�N4te`s triaturit�r. �e L7�ec�of
<br /> Trust�[so w1�4 secur� payrr�nt af fhese�mou��s. Sur.h r#gh�shall ��in additit�n tca all other r�ghts �nd remedies tv
<br /> urhi�F���nder rrsay be entitled up�n De�ault.
<br /> WARF�AN7Y;��F�N���F TiT[.�. T�e fo!]owing Rro�i�lc�ns r�l�#En�ta owne�ship af the pro��riy a�e a part�i th�s�eed
<br /> o�Trust;
<br /> Title. Trustar warrar�#s that: �a�Trustor hol��gaod and marke#able titfe o�record to #he �'rop�r�y in f�e simp�e�
<br />