. . - - .
<br /> _ ....._..._ �..�..� -.�.... ._........_�..._...�.___..,.- _.. � �
<br /> w�.�c_v�r�+��+ �a�n-nwM-F.rw.�w�-rc.w...�_.....��.��..-�w..._........J-...-�..� ' ' " ' "' "" ... -_- ........-.._.,.�y....�._.�...a �r ....--..., w.r..--.-.�,�.�..�,�-...- _... .
<br /> � 2� 1 ��79�5
<br /> �U.S.$1g3,44�,Q�}p�us inferesf.Borrower has promised i�o pay this debt in regular Perio�i�Paym�ents and�cv pay�he
<br /> debt�n fulZ nof Iafe�#.han I3ecem��r�.,2�46_
<br /> �F}`4Pr�p�rty"�neans�he proper�y tha��s d�scribed bel�w und�r the he�.ding"Transfer af Ri.ghts in�e Praperfy."
<br /> (G�"�oan"means the�eb�e�denced by fhe I�iof�,p�us zMter�sf,azly prepa�men�charges and Iate�harg�s du�und�r�xe
<br /> I�ot�,and aII sums du�under this Security Ins�rumen�,pxus intere�fi.
<br /> (��`�T�iders�means all Ridears#�thzs�S�curiiy Instrumen�fhaf are exe�u��ci�y Barrawer.�'he f�o�Iowing Rxd�rs a.re t�be
<br /> exe�u�ed hy Sorrower[check]aax as applicab�e�: �
<br /> ❑ Adjus�abl�Rate I�ider ❑ �ond�minzum R.idex ❑ 5ecand�ome Rider
<br /> ❑ Ba�laan Rxde�r � Planned Uni�Develaprnen�Rider � VA Ri.�er
<br /> ❑ �-�Fami.�y Ri der ❑ Biweel�i�P aymen��ider
<br /> ❑ �her��pe�zfy]
<br /> �I��`Applicabi�Y.aw"m�ans all controll�ng applz�ab�e f�deral, s#a�e and xacal s�a�u�es,regula#ion�, ardinances and
<br /> adminx��ra��ve rules and arders �fha�have fila.e�fFec�of�aw� a.s wex�as aIl a�pi�c�b�e fnal,non-ap��aiable judicza�
<br /> . .
<br /> �pxni�ns.
<br /> �J}``Camxr�ux�i�.��saciat�on Dues��'ee�,�nd A.�s�ssments"m.�ans al��Iues,f�es,asse�smenfis and�ther charge�t�at
<br /> are impa�ed on Borr�v�er or fhe Proper�y Uy a condami.nxum assacza�aan,h�me�wners as�aciation nr similar organiza�ion.
<br /> ��}"�le��ranic Funds'�'rans�er"means any transfer o#`funds,other fhan a�aransac�ion arigzna�e�d by check,dx-a�,or
<br /> similar paper ins�rumexi.�,whzch is inifiat��.through an elec�roni�t�m�.rial,tel�phc�niG insfrumen�,�ompu�e�,or magne�ic
<br /> tape so a�fa arders tnstruc�or a��hariz�a fnanczal instifution�a de�it a�-�redz�an accoun�,Such ferm includes,but is n�at
<br /> �.imxfed.�o,pa�rit--af sale transfe�rs,au��ma�ted te�l�r machine ti-ans.actians,transfer�i�it�a�ed by�elephan�,��ri.�re transfers,
<br /> and aufomated c�earing�-i.ause transfers.
<br /> ���"��cra�v Ztems"m�ans#ho,se atems tha�are d�scrib�d in Sectzan 3,
<br />�
<br /> �M}uN���cel�anenus�roce�d�"means�ny�gmpensation,settX�men�,�.ward�f dam�.ges,orgr�ceed�paid b�any fhird
<br /> par�y��th�r�han in�uranc�proc�eds pai�under fhe co�rez-ages describ�c�in Sec�ion 5}f�r:�Y�damage�v,ar destz-uctivn
<br /> of, the Proper�y; �ii�con��mna�zon flr afher�aking c�f aI.X or any part af the Pxopert�; �iii��onv�yan�e in lieu af
<br /> condemna�zany or�iv�mzsrepresen�atiQns of,or omzss�ons as�a,�he va�u�an�.IQr�ar�t�itivn af�he Pr��erty.
<br /> �N}"N�artgage�n�urance"means�rzsurance pr4fie�fing Lender a�ainst th�nonpayment af,ar defau.lf on,the�,oan,
<br /> ��}�lP�r�adic Payment"means th�regu�arX��ch�.duled amQun�c�ue f4r�z�prin.cipa�.an�.in��rest under th��at�,pZus
<br /> �zi�any amoun�s under�ecfian 3 af fhis Secur��y Lnstrument. �
<br /> �P}`�RE�P.�." means�h� Re�.l ��ate �ettiement Proce�.ures Act ��.2 U`.�.C. § 2�01 et seq.� and its �mprementzng
<br /> r�guxatxan, R�gula�.an� �I.2 �.F.R. �ait 1��4}, as#h�y might be arx�ended from fzme�a tim�, or any addi�ional ar
<br /> su�e�ssc��Ieg�slatian or regulation fhat gvverns��ae same sub,�ec�matfer.As u�ed in�his 5ecur�ty Insi�rum�n�,`�RESPA"
<br /> ref�rs�o aII r��uzrem�nts an��estr�ic#zans�ha��re impased�n regard��a"f�deraIly re�at�d mar��age Iaar�."even xf fhe
<br /> Loan dae�na�qualify as a�`federally relafed morfgage Ioan"under RESPA.
<br /> ��}"�u�cessar i��nt�rest Qf$orrower37 m�ans an�r party fha�has�aken.�itle��the Praperty,whe�h�r a�-not tha�party
<br /> has assum�d Borrower's ab�.zga�i.�ns un�er the N��e andl�r this 5�curi�y InsiTumen�.
<br /> TRA,NS�'E�.�F RIG.�ITS YN THE P�C3PERT�.'' .
<br /> This Security Znstrumen� s��ures tv �ender: ��} �he repayment of the Laan, and aI1 renewals, �xtensxons and
<br /> m�odi�cation� �f fh��Io��; a.nd� �z�� �h�perfarmance af�orraw�r's covenan�s and agreemen�s �nd�r this S�curity
<br /> Yns#rum.ent ari.d t�.e Nt�te.Fflr thxs purpose,Borrow�r irrevacal�ly grants and.canv�ys fa Trus�ee,in trust,vt�z�h g��e�of
<br /> sa��,�e foliowzng descri.bed praperty locaf�d in�ie County af Hail:
<br /> �EBRASKa-Sir��le FamiIy-��n�ie I�ae�F�ed�di�Mac L]NIF41�M��ISTRUh�E�IT �0 3D2� '�10�
<br /> Page�o�13
<br /> �os,��.-s�s�� Bo�rower�s}Ini�ial��
<br />