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<br /> UA7IFORM COVENA!�'TS Borrawer and Lendec covenantsnd ag�a r�.s follaa+�s:
<br /> �° 1. Paywt�t o!Princjri ae�Int�res� Pre�ymeet ted tate Char�es. $ottawer shay!promptly pay whrn due
<br /> � the principi!of and iatertst on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepaymGnt�nd�ate charges due urtder the Nata
<br /> 2. Fnadi foe Tsue=aad Issssaa�ca Setbjxi tct applic�bk!aw ar ta a writte�waiver by Lender,Barrower skail p�y .
<br /> to Lender on the day raonth�y paymetits are due tu�„s t2r ldsstr,antil the Note is paid in ful1,s sum("Funds")equai to
<br /> oae-twelfth of- (s�ye�ri}�tues and �«�mM+ts which mav attain priority ovtr. this Securie} lnstrument; (b) yeariy
<br /> kasehold psymenu or grouad renu on the Praperty, if any; (c) yearly hazard insurance pr�miums; and (d) yeariy
<br /> m�ortpae insurance premiams,if any.These items are csll�ed"escrow items."Lender may estimate the Funds dus on the
<br /> b�sis of curreat daa and reasonsble aumaca of future escrow items.
<br /> The Funds shsli be helsl in aa institnaoa the ctepnsits or accounu of wlurh are insured or guaranteed by a federa!or
<br /> atue a�ency(includmg I.eQder if I.cader is sitch an�stitution). Lender shalP ap�3y the Funds to pay the escrow it�ms. �-
<br /> Ld►der msy not charge fat&c�s3ing ar.d a�rlyiisg t�e Funds,anslyzing tht account or veri�ying the escrow items.unless -
<br /> Lender pays Borrower i�tsrat on tl:e Fern.�3s an¢a{splicablc tax permits Lertder to makc sctch a charge.Borrawsr and ; .
<br /> I.en&r may sgee i�v�rri�ng that intarest sfia3J bc�id on the Fands. Untess an agrecment is made ar applicable taw
<br /> ' requira inttrest to be�c€,Leader shall not be regcr.ix�to pay Borrower any interat or eamings an tlse Fuads.Lender
<br /> shall pve tsi Ba�a rr,wi�aut charge,aa annua!accatrnting of tFie Funds showing credits aad debits ta ckte Funds and the ,
<br /> � purposefor�L'�ns�each debit to the Fundswas made.'Fhe Fundsare ptedged as additional sECUrity fer c�e sums sece�re�by - �
<br /> this 3ecurity�str�ma�� .
<br /> If the unount of t,Tzc Funds held by Leader,te�,..her with tha future raenthly payments of Fuads payable pror to "
<br /> . ttre al.a cf�tes of the escmw�i�r,�s.shall eacceed the�r:�t required to pay t��i�aow items when dcr.e,,tIr�excess shall be.
<br /> at Bac��wds option,eit�s�mptly repaid to����r;r ar crodited to Be'i�,.�oa razonthly paycae�r�of Funds.If the . .
<br /> � uaaucu.��,�r:Fuads heP����a.ender is no4 sulEicie�t r;�pay the ascs�sw ite��,'�w;.��r,13c*rowar sh�pay to Lender any .
<br /> amoun!�ac�r�a mak»�the deficiency in o�e_e►�a:ore psyments as req1:-���u�xac� .
<br /> • �5s�,,-a gav��t;�i�Q��f all sums sxured t�.�r,w.s Sccurity lnstrutne:�w�dr����:mptly s�F�nd to Borrower
<br /> an.g 1F�3s�zr:��dec,���:nder paragraph ia�c�zLs:•aperty is sotd or acq::�T.�^;F:�.��:��e�s�.�::)apply,no later
<br /> t�rn�a�..r�:::.�L��2;���e sate of t!u P:�l�Ctu�����;ts acquisition by Len���;��TM��-�u:;����r,r..r at the time of .
<br />. appticat�r.as���'•v.r,;:�a:�st:�e su:n�s�ur��s��::�Sr.curity Instrument. : . .
<br /> 3. A//Oli�`�sGQ��ue�3s. k��:�ss':a.�{tT�bte law provides other�sr.,�'�i;u.�r,.i�ts r��.v�:�-�I.en����rr � �
<br /> pangnghs i and 2 s4�aiC be�e�:�:�;'u�'s;az�r�;���s due under the Nate;sa�a=,:n p:q�:y:nent cl��due under the • . �:��j_
<br /> IVote;thisd,to amunnu pa��t,:�.:nder p:ragra��t Z;.C���.�'tth,to interest due;aicd 1�,to principal due. . `"
<br /> 4. �ac�e��kes. �l�snowa shall psy a;Y:a�aes,assessments,charg�s, fines and imgositians a:tributabte to the '``��
<br /> Pt+oper�y �rhich may attain priority,over this Socurity Instrument, and leaseho3d paymenu or ground rents, af any.
<br /> Borroxer shaU pay these obligations in the mannet provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner.Borrowet shall ,_
<br /> pay them on time directlq to the person owed payment.Borrower shall pramptly furnish to Lendtr all notices of amounts : . `
<br /> to be paid under this parmEraph.If Barrower makes these payments directly,Horrower shall promptly farnisb to Lender %
<br /> receipts evideacing the piymmts. '
<br /> Barro�rer sha11 promptly discd�arge any lien which has priority over this Security lnstrument untess Borrower:(a) -_
<br /> a�ie wniting ta the psyment of the obligation securod by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)cnntests in good �g
<br /> . fsith the lim by.or defends sgainst enfarcemrn3 of the lien in,legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to _.
<br /> �revent the enforcement of the lien or forfeiture of any psrt of the Propeny;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an � i��
<br /> �$rama�t stusfictory to Le�der subordinuing thc licn to this Security Iastnir.n��If Lender determines that any pert of '�;�
<br /> thc groperty is subjxt to��i:'rrt which may attAin priority over this Sxurity Cr�trnment, Lendcr m�y:g;ve Hatrower a
<br /> notiee identifying the lien.E,a��ver shall satisty the lien ar take ane or more oi c�:e actions set fortb aba�L�vithin!0 days ;
<br /> ofthegivinaofnotice. .. =
<br /> S. Hasud Iswr��.. �L-c���r shail kap the inaprovements now ex.i�i�:�g ar i�c�a€ter erc��aR tl:e Property , ��j ,�
<br /> insured t�ainst loss by fire�?��ra.-�°.s:a�,;u�ed within i:)t.�term"extendod covera�'a:�d aay e2ner haz:ir�.�f.nr.�vhich Lender , ,;;; ,'r':
<br /> requires insurance. This inr�:rance s�.�f1:ix u:�aic�?��r�nn the amounts and�ar tite�riads that I.�w;�:requires. The . :'�-� "`
<br /> ,.
<br /> ' - insur�rtce amer providin;the insur�r�.��,'_•.a�l�Ue;�:,.��7 by 8ersower subjcet to Lendec s approval which sfis11 not be . •
<br /> unreasonably withhdd. f''Y '
<br /> Aq insutince policies�nd rrriewais GIz�fl lx it�:tptable io Lender an:t-:s�all includa a standan�rr�ortgage clause. �'';r. .�,'.
<br /> Lender ahall have the right to hold the pot;c:es and rr:R,:wa1s.if L.ender requi.r�,B�rrower shaU prom.�tly��ve to L.ender I�':�!;%
<br /> all receipts of paid premiums and renewal n�ti�.Lii r.!;�event of loss.Borrowcaa-•::hall give prompt noti�t:�the insurance �
<br /> carrier snd Lender.Lender msy makr prrr�f uf�uss':fr:�ot made promptty by Borrower.
<br /> 1Jnlas Lender and Borrower ot}tr:rwese agra in writing.insurance procesds shall tsr.x�zz lied to restoratian ar repair
<br /> of'tlse Praptrty damaged.if the restcrltiu�or repair�s economically feasible And Lendar�security is n�ra lessened.IP the
<br /> ratontion or repair is noi economically feasible+�r L:nder's security would fx lessened,the insurxn.���roceeds shall be
<br /> applied to the sums yocurod by this Socurity lnstn:.^..ent,whether or not then due,with any excess�aid to Borrower. If
<br /> Borroo�er abaadons the Property.or does rtot answer within 30 days a notice from Lendtr that the insurance camer has
<br /> oAarad to settte a claim.thrn Lender may collect the insurance procee�ds.Lender may use the praceeds to rep�ir or restote
<br /> the Property or to p�y sums securcd by this Security lnstrument.whether or not thrn due.The 34�ds�y period aill begin
<br /> wlien IheTfotioe is�ivrn.
<br /> Unkss Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in wnting.any application of procceds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> postpone the dut date of the monthly paymer�ts refetred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amaunt oP the payments.lf
<br /> ur�rr qra�raph 19 the Praperty is acquire6 by Lender.Bunower's nght tn any insurartce policies aad proceeds resulting .
<br /> from damaeae to tht Property prior to the acquisiliun shall psss to Lender to the eatent of the sums secured by t6is 5ecurity
<br /> Instrument immediately prior to the acquisition. %-_ =—=-
<br /> 6. Fr���ttoe ta/Maleteiance oiPro�er�;LrasehvNs. Hosrowrr shall not destroy,damage or substantially '
<br /> ch�nae the Ptoperty.allow the Property ta detetiorate or cammit waste. lf this 5ecurity lnstrument is on a lasehold.
<br /> 8orrower shall comply witb the pravisians of the leua and if Borrower acquires fce titlr to the Property,the leasehold and �
<br /> faetirie a'rwii rrot mtr6e anfess�er agrees ca the inergcT in wrriting. �
<br /> 7. Protectia► ot Lesttr's Ridb iu the Pro�eHy; Riortp�+e Insuraece. if Bonower fails to perform the �
<br /> toveeints and ure�±?�n:s�r;.:.taintd in this sccuriry Instntment,or thtrr�s a tegai proceeding that may s�gniricanaty aftect " ���
<br /> L Lender's n`hts in the Pro�erty(such�s a proceed�ng in bsnicrupicy.probate. for condemnat�on ot to enfarCe laws vr �
<br /> i�ul�tiam),t6en Lrnder may do and psy for whatever is necasary ta protect the value o!'the Propeny and t.endu's nghts
<br /> .:in the Propert�. i.ertder s act�ons may�rt¢ludc paying an�sums secured by a I�en v�h�ch has pnonty over thts 5ecutity M1
<br /> Inurnment,apptaring�n rovtt,pay�ng tessonable att�meys fees and entenng an the Property to make repa�n. Although
<br /> Leader msy take acuvn undcr thas pangryph T_Lendcr dves nn1 have to dv sa. �
<br /> h�y amvunt�d�shvrxef b7�Lewder vnder th��aar�gt��►h 7 sh�)1 Dtiomr add�et�f��3 tteh�;+f(ic�rrnwes zt�uted h}Et��s - ..
<br /> Secunty t�ttrumen�. Unte;s&,rrower end Lendrr�gret tpothtt tetms nf paymerot,shr�e amnunts�ha!!heas mtcrts�frbm �, -
<br /> t�ft dstr c�f cttsburscs:�tae nt tht Nutr ratr a[td shall be �ayable, with��terest, u�c,n rtc��tce f�um Lender to tkuruwer
<br /> rrques�ina psy ment
<br /> �
<br />