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2� 1 ��79�2 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> ��ontinue�l� Page � <br /> under #his ❑eed of Trust, unde� the Note, under any of the Related ❑ocuments, or under any other agreemen# ar <br /> any laws now or hereafter in f�r�e; notwithstanding, some vr all o#such indebtedness and ❑bligations sscured by <br /> this Deed of Trust may nvw or hereaftsr be otherwise secured, whether by martgage, deed of trust, pledge, lien, <br /> assignment or vtherwise. Neither the acceptance of this Deed of Trust nor its enforcement, whether by court <br /> action vr pursuant to the power of sale or ath�r powers �on�ained in this De�d vf Trust, sh�11 prejudice or in any <br /> manner a��ect Trustee's or Lender's right tv reafize upon or enfvr�e sny vther security now or hereafter held by <br /> Trustee or Lender,it being agreed that Trustee and Lender, and ea�h of them� shall be enti�ied to enfor�e this Deed <br /> vf Trust and any v�her security now or her�after held hy Lender ar Trustee in such order and manner as they ar <br /> either vf them may in thgir ahsolute discretion determine. Nv remedy conferred upvn or reser�ed to Trustee or <br /> Lender, is intend�d to be ex�lusi�e of any vther remedy in this D�ed of Trust vr by law prv�ided or permitted, but <br /> each shell be cumulati�e and shall be in addition tv e�ery ather remedy gi�en in this De�d o# Trust vr now or <br /> hereafter existing a#law or in equity or by statute. E�ery power or remedy gi�en by the Nate or any�f the Related <br /> Documen#s to Trustee vr Lender or tv which either of them m�y �e otherw+se entitled, may he ex�rc+sed, <br /> concurren�ly �r independently, from tim�to time and as often as may be deemed �xpedient by Trustee ar Lender, <br /> and eith�r of them may pursue �nconsistent remedies. Nothing in this Deed of Trust sha11 be construed as <br /> prohihiting Lender from seeking a defi�iency judgm�nt against the Trustor to the extent such a�tion is permitted by <br /> law. Electivn by Lender t❑ pursue any remedy shall not �xclude pursuit a# any other remedy, and an eleGtion to <br /> make expenditur�s or to take action to perform an obligation of Trustvr under this Deed of Trust, after Trust�r's <br /> feilure to perform,shall not a#�e�t Lender's right to declare a de#ault and�xercise its remedies. <br /> Request far Notice. Trustor. �n hehalf of Trustar and Lender, hereby requests that a copy af any Notice of❑efault <br /> and a copy vf any Notice of Sale under this Deed of Trust be mailed to them at the addresses set forth in ths first <br /> paragraph vf this Deed o#Trust. <br /> Attorneys' Feas; Expenses. If Lender institutes any suit or action to enfarce any of the terms of this Deed o� <br /> Trust, Lender shail be entitled tv r�co�er such sum as the cvurt may adjudge reasonable as attorneys' fees at trial <br /> and upon any appeal. Whether vr not any cvurt acti�n is in��l�ed. and to the extent not prvhibited by law, all <br /> reasvnahle expenses Lend�r incurs that in Lender's opinion are necessary at any time for the prvtection of its <br /> interest ar the enfarcement af its rights shall b�come a part of the Indebtedness payable vn demand and shall beer <br /> interest at the Note�ate frvm the date of the expenditure until repaid. Exp�nses cv�ered by this paragraph include. <br /> without limitation� howe�er subject to any limits under applicable law, Lender's att�rneys' fees and Lender's legal <br /> expenses, whether or not there is a lawsuit, �ncluding att�rneys' fees and expenses for bankruptcy proceedings <br /> �incEuding efforts tv mod+fy or►►acate any automatic stay vr injunction), appea�s, and any anticipated post-judgment <br /> collection ser�ices. the cost o#searching recards. abtaining title reports �including fvreclosure rep�rtsy, sur�eyors' <br /> reports, and eppraisal fees. title insurance, and fees for the Trustee, to the extent permitted by �pplicable law. <br /> Trustor alsv will pay any court costs, in add�tion tv al�other sums pro�ided by law. <br /> Righta vf Trustee. Trustee sha��ha�e a�!v#the rights and duties❑f Lender as set forth in this section. <br /> Pa1NER5 AND�BLIGATI�IVS �F TRUSTEE. The follvwing pro�isions relating tv the pawers and vbligations af Truste� <br /> are part of this Deed vf Trust: <br /> Powers of Trustee. In addition ta all pvwsrs vf Trustee erising as a matter vf law, Trustee shell h��e the power to <br /> take the following actions with respe�t to the Prop�rty upon the written requQst of Lender and Trustor: �a}join in <br /> preparing and filing a mep or plat vf ihe Real Property, including the dedicat+an of streets or oth�r rights to the <br /> public; �bZ join in granting any easement or creating any restriction �n the Real Property; �nd �c� join in any <br /> subordinatian or o#her agreement�ffecting this�eed of Trust or the interest of Lender under this De�d of Trust. <br /> Trustee. Trustee shall meet ail qualificati�ns required �v� Trustee under applicable law. In addition to the rights <br /> and remedies set far#h abo�e, w�th respect t� all or any part o#th� Property, th� Trustee sha11 ha�e the right to <br /> foreclase hy notice and sale, and Lendsr shall ha�e th� right to #ore�lvse by judicial farecfasure. in either case in <br /> a�cvrdan�e with and tv the full extent pra�ided by�pplicable Eaw. <br /> Successvr Trustee. Lender, at L�nder's option, may from time to time appoint a successor Trustee to any Trustee <br /> appointsd under this Deed of Trus# by an instrum�nt exe�utsd and acknowledged by L�nder and recorded in the <br /> office o# the recvrder of Hall County, State vf Nebraska. The instrument shall canta�n, in addi�ion to ail ather <br /> mettgrs required by state law, the nsmss vf the ❑rig�nel Lender, Trustee, and Trustor, the bvok and page �or <br /> computer system referencey where this Deed of Trust is recorded, and the name and address of the succgssor <br /> trustee, and the instrument shall be exe�uted and acknowledged by all the hene#+ciaries under this�eed v#Trust or <br /> their successors in interest. The successor trustee, without con�eyance of the Property, shall succ�ed tv all the <br /> title, power, and duties canferred upon the Trustee in this Deed o#Trust and by applicable law. This pracedure fvr <br /> substitution of Trustee shsl�go�ern to th�exclusivn vf a�l other pro�isions for substitution. <br /> N�TICES. Any notice required tv be gi�en under this Deed vf Trust, including wi#hvut limitation any notice of default <br /> and any notice of sale sha11 he gi�en in writing, and sha�l be effecti�e when actually deli�ered, wh�n actually recei�ed <br /> by telefacsimile �unless otherwise required hy lawy, when deposited with a nationally recognized v�ernight cnurier,vr, if <br /> mailed, when deposited in the United States mail, as first class, csrtified vr�egistered mait postage prepaid, directed to <br /> #he addresses shown near the beginning af this aeed �f Trust. Ail capies of notices of forec�osure from the halder of <br /> any lien whi�h has priority o�er this Deed of Trust sheli be sent to Lender's addrsss, as shvwn near the heginning ❑f <br /> this Deed of Trust. Any party may change its address for notices under this Deed of Trust by gi��ng formal written <br /> nvtice to the other parties. specifying that the purpose of the nvtice is tv change the party's address. For notice <br /> purposes, Trustar agrees ta keep Lender Enf�rmed at a1�times of Trustor's current address. lJnless othscwise pra�ided <br /> vr required by law, }�there is more th�n one Trustor, �ny natice g+�en by Lender t❑ any Trustvr is deemed to �e noti�e <br /> gi�en to all Trusto�'s. <br /> ASS�CIATIDN DF UNIT �WNERS. The #ollvwing pro�isivns apply if �he Reai Property has been submitted to unit <br /> ownership law ar simila�law for the estak�lishment of condominiums or cooperati��ownership nf the Real Property: <br /> Power of Attornsy. Trustor grants an irre�ocable powe�of attorney t�Lender to�ote in Lsnder's dis�retion on any <br /> matter that may come before the association o#unit vwners. Lender shall ha�e the right to ex�rcise�his power vf <br /> attorney vnly after Trustor's default; however, Lender may�iecline tv ex�rcise this power as Lender sess#it. <br /> Insurance. The insurance as required aba�e may be car�ied by the association of unit owners on Trustor's behaif. <br /> and the proceeds of such insuranCe may be paid tv the assaciation of unit vwners far the purpase of repairing or <br /> rsc�ns#ructing the Property. �f not so used by th�assaciativn� such proceeds shall b�paid to Lender. <br /> Defeult. Trustor's failure to perfvrm �ny ❑f the ob�igatEans impossd vn Trustvr by the declaration submitting the <br /> Real Property ta unit ownership. by the bylaws ofi the associativn af unit �wners, ❑r by any rules ❑r regulatians <br /> thereunder, shall be an e�ent a# defau�t under this Deed of Trust. 1f Trustar's interest in the Re�l Property is a <br /> leasehoid interest and such prvpsrty has been submitted to unit ownership� any failure by Trustor#v perform any <br /> �f the obl+gations imp�sed on Trustor hy the �eese of the Real P�operty from its owner, any default under such <br /> lease which might resuit in termination o�the le�se as it pertains to the Reai Property,or any failure vf Trustvr as a <br /> member vf an association o�unit owners tv take any reasonable activn with�n Trustar's power to pre�ent a default <br /> under such lease by the ass�ci�tton of unit owners or �y any member v# the association sheN be an E�ent of <br /> Default under this❑eed vf Trust. <br /> M�SCELLANE�US PR�V�51�NS. Th�fvilowing m+scg�laneous pro��sivns are a part of this Deed of Trust: <br /> � <br />