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2� 1 ��7892 <br /> �I 9. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer;Noti�e of�rievance.The Note or a partia�interest in the <br /> No�e(toge�her with this Security Instrument)can b�snid one or more times withaut prior natice to <br /> Borrower.A sa�e might result in a change in the entity(known as the "Loan Servicer"}that collec�s <br /> Perio�l��Payments due unde�th�Note and this Securit�Instrument anti�erforms o��'�er rr�a�gage loan <br /> ser�icing obligation�under the Note,this Security�nstrument,and Applicable Law. There also might be <br /> one or more changes of the Loan Ser�icer unrelated to a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan <br /> Ser�icer,Borrawer�uill be gi��n wr�tten notice of the chaage which�vi��state the name and address of <br /> the new Loan Servic�r,the address to whieh pa�rments should be made and any other informa�i�n RESPA <br /> r�quires�n connectian with a nntice of transfer of servicing. �f the Note is sold and thereaf�er the Loan is <br /> serviced by a Loan Servicer other than the purchaser af the Note,t�e mortgage�aan servici�g obliga�ions <br /> to Borrower will remain with th�Loan Ser�icer or be transferred to a successor Loan Ser�icer and are <br /> not assumed by th�Not�purchaser unless�therw�se provided by the Note purchaser. <br /> Neither Borrower nor Lender may�ommence,join,or be��ined to any judiciat action�as eit�er an <br /> indi�idual litigan�or the member of a class}that arises from the other party's actions pursuant to this <br /> Security Instrument or that alieges that th�other party ha�breached any provision of,ar any du�ty ow�d <br /> by r�ason of,this Security Instrument,until�uch B�rrower or Lender has notified the other party��vith <br /> such natice g�ven in compliance�rith the requirements of�ection 14}of such a��eged breach and affarded <br /> the other pa�ty hereto a reasonable period after the giving of such notice to take correcti�e action. If <br /> Appl�cable Law provides a time period wh�ch must elapse before certain acti�n can be ta.ken,that time <br /> period wili be deemed to be reasonable for purpases af this Section. The no��ce of acceleration and <br /> opportunity to cure given�o Borrawer pursuant to Section Z2 and the natice of accelera�ion given ta <br /> Borrower pursuant ta Sectian 17 shall be deemed to satisfy the natiee and opportun�ty tfl ta�e corrective <br /> action provi�ions of this Section 19. <br /> ��. Borrower Not Third-PartyBenefieiaryto �ontra�t af�nsuranee.Mortgage Insurance reimburses <br /> Lender(or any entity that purchases the�Tote}for certain losses it rnay incur if Borra�er does not repay <br /> the Loan as agreed.Borrower acknowledg�s and agrees that the Bortovver�S not a third party beneficiary <br /> to the con�ract af insuran�e bet�v�en th� Secretary and Lender,nor is Borrower entitled�o enforce any <br /> agr��ment between Lender and the Secreta.ry,unless explicitly authorized to do so by Applicable Law. <br /> 21. Hazar�dousSubstanees.As used in this Section��: (a} "Hazardous Substances"are thos�substances <br /> de�ned as toxi�or hazardous substances,pollutants,or wastes by En�ironmen�a.1 Law and the follovving <br /> substance�: gasoii�e,kerosene,other fla.mmable�r toxic petroleum products,toxic pesticide�and <br /> herbicides,valatile solvents, materials contaiping asbestos�r f�rmaldehyde,and radioactive ma�erials; <br /> (b} "Env�ronmental Law"means federallaws and laws�f the jur�sdiction�vh�re the Praperty is loeated <br /> tha�relate to health, safety or env�ronmental protection; ��}"Env�ronmental Cleanup" in�ludes any <br /> respanse action,remedial act�on,or remaval ac�ion,as defined in Environmental La�u; and(d}an <br /> "Env�ronmental�ondition"m�ans a condi��on that ean cause,cantrxbut�to,or otherwise trigger an <br /> Envirotamental Cleanup. <br /> Borrower shall nat cause or permit the pres�nce,use,disposal, storage,or release of any Ha�ardous <br /> Suhstanc�s,or threaten to re�ease any Hazardous Substances,on or in the Property. Borrower�hall not <br /> do, nor aliaw anyone else to do,anything affecting the Prap�rty�a�that is in violation of any <br /> En�iranmental Law, �b}whi�h creates an En�iranmental Condition,or�c}which,due to the presence, <br /> use,or release of a Hazardous Substance,creates a conditian that adversely affects the�alue of the <br /> Property. The preceding two sentences sha11 not apply to the presen�e,use, or�torage on the Property of <br /> FHA Deed af Trust With MERS-ME 913412n14 <br /> Banicers 5ystems�+� VM P C� VM P4N(N E)[1546�.4n <br /> Wolters Ki�rer Financial Services Page 13 of 1� <br /> q�3361294865 a�33 443 1317 <br />