2� 1 ��7851
<br /> Property Cond�t�an, Alterations and Inspe�tiob. Trustor wil� keep the Property in good condit�fln and
<br /> make a11 repa�rs that are reasonably necessary. Trustor shall not cammit or aiiow any waste, impairment, or
<br /> det�riora�ion af the Property. Trustor agrees �hat the natur� of the occupancy and use wi�� not substantYal�y
<br /> change without Beneficzary'� priar wrYtten consen�. Trustor will not permit any change �n any license,
<br /> r�strictive �o�enan� �r easement w�thaut Beneficiary's prior wr��ten �onsen�. Trust�r wi�I notify Beneficiary
<br /> �f a1I d�mands, pr��eedings, cla�ms, and actions a�a.inst Trustor, and af any lass �r damage to the Property.
<br /> Benef�cza.ry or B�n�f�ciary's agents may, at Ben��cxary's op�ion, enter the Praper�y at any reasanable time far
<br /> �he purpose �f inspecting th� Property. Beneficiary sha1� gi�e Trustor notice at the �ime af or before an
<br /> inspectxan specifying a reasonable purpose for the inspe�tion. Any inspe�tion af the Property shaii be entirely
<br /> for B�nef�ciary's benefit and Trus�or will in no way rely on Beneficxary's inspec�ion.
<br /> Autharity to Perfarm. 7f Trustor faixs ta perform any duty or any of the ca�enan�s conta.i.med in this Secur�ty
<br /> �nstrument, Beneficiary may, w�thaut no��ce, perfarm or cause �h�m tfl b� performed. Trustar appoints
<br /> Beneficiary as att�rney in fact to s�gn Trustor's name or pay any amount necessary far performance.
<br /> Beneficiary's righ�to perform far Trustor shal.� no� crea�e an ab�igation to perform, and �eneficiary's fai�ure
<br /> to p�rform �vill n�t prec�ude Seneficiary from e�cercis�ng any of Benef�ciary's other r�ghts under th� law or
<br /> th�s Security Ynstrument,
<br /> Leaseho�ds; Candom�niums; P�anned Unit Deve�oprnents. Trustor agrees �� comply with the pr�visions of
<br /> any lease zf this Security Instrument is on a leasehold. If the Proper�y includes a unit in a condominium or a
<br /> planned unxt de�eiapment, Trustor will perfarm a].1 of Trus�or's du�ies under the covenan�s, by--Iaws, or
<br /> regulatzans af the candominxum or planned unit develapment.
<br /> Condemnatxon. Trus�or vv�i1� gx�e B�ne�ciary prampt notice af any pending ar�hreaten�d action, by pr�vate
<br /> or pubZiG entities ta purchase �r take any ❑r aI� of the Praperty tlzrough condemna�ion, exninent doma�n, or
<br /> any other means. Trust�r authar�zes Ben��cxar�r to xn�ervene in Trustar's name in any of the above d�scr�b�d
<br /> act�ans or c�aims. Trustor assigns ta BenefYcxary �he praceeds of any avvard or claim for damages cann�cted
<br /> wxth a condemnatifln or other �aking of all or any part af�he Property. Such proc��ds shaiX be cansid�red
<br /> payment� and wil� b� appli�d as provided �n this Security Ynstrument. This assxgxvment af proceeds is sub�ect
<br /> to the terms of any prior mor�gage, deed of trust, security agreement or other lxen do�um�nt.
<br /> Insurance. Tru�tar sha.�� keep Proper�y insured against l�ss b� f�re, flood, th�ft and ath�r hazards and risks
<br /> reasonably as�ociated wi�h�h�Praper�y due to its type and�ocation. Th�s�insurance sha1�be maintained xn the
<br /> amounts and for �he peri�ds that Beneficiary requires. What Beneficiary requires pursuant �o the preceding
<br /> tvvo sentences can change durYng the term of�he 5ecured Debt. The ins�rance carrier pro��ding the insurance
<br /> shail be chosen by Trustor subj��t to Benef�ciary's appr�val, wh��h sha�I not �e unreasana�ly withheld. If
<br /> Trustor fails to maintaxn the caverage described abo�e, B�neficiary may, at Beneficiary's option, obtain
<br /> coverage�a protect B�n�f�c�ary's rights in the Properfiy according to th�terms of�his Security Instrument.
<br /> Al� insurance p�xxcies and renewals shal.l be acceptabie ta Benefxcxary and sha11 include a standard "martgage
<br /> c�ause" and, where applicabXe, "�ass payee clause." Trus�or shall imm�d�ate�y natify B�nefxciary af
<br /> can�e��ation or terminat�an of the insurance. B�neficiary sha11 ha�e the r�ght to hold the polrcies and
<br /> renewals. �f Beneficiary requir�s, Trus�or sha11 �mmedxately give�a Beneficiary all recexpts of paid pr�miums
<br /> and renewa� notxces. ZJpon Ioss, Trustor sha11 gi�e immediate notxce ta�he �nsurance carrxer and Benefi�iary.
<br /> Beneficiary may make proof of lass if nat made immediately�y Trustor.
<br /> Unless oth�rwxse agreed in writing, alx xnsurance pr.a�eeds shal� be appiied to th� restora�ion or repazr of the
<br /> Prope�-�y or ta the Secured Debt, whether ar no� then due, at Beneficiary's aptian. Any application af
<br /> praceeds �o prin�ipal shall not e�tend or pastpone the due date af the schedu�ed paym�nt nor chang� the
<br /> amount of any payment. Any excess w��x be pa.id ta the Trustor. �f the Praperty is acqu�red by Ben�fic�a.r�,
<br /> Trustor's right to any �nsurance pfllicies and proceeds r�sulting from damage to the Prop�rty befare the
<br /> acquisi�ion sha11 pass ta Ben�fic�ary to�he ex�ent of the 5ecured Debt immediately before the acquisition.
<br /> F�nancia� Reports an� Additi�nal Documents. Trustor �vi11 pro�rde ta Beneficiary upan request, any
<br /> f�nanc�al statement or infanna�ian Benefxciary may deem reasonably n��essary. Trustor agrees ta sxgn,
<br /> deliver, and fi�e any add�tional d�cuments or certif��atians�ha� Benef�ciary may consYder necessary to perfect,
<br /> continue, and preserv� Trustar's obXigation� under th�s Security Instrument and Benefi�iary's l�en status on
<br /> the Property.
<br /> 6. 'L�V Y �F TITLE. Trustor warra.nts that Trustor is or will be �awfully seized af the �state con�veyed
<br /> by thzs 5ecurity Znstrument and has�he r�ght to irrevocably gran�, convey, and se11 the Property to Trustee, in
<br /> trust, with power af sale. Trustar alsa warrants tha� �h� Progerty is unencumbered, ex�ept far encum�rances
<br /> of re�ard.
<br /> 7. DUE �N SAI1E. Benefic�ary may, at its aptian, deciare the en�ire balance af the Se�ured Deb� to be
<br /> immediately due and payab�e upon�he crea�ion af} ar contract for the creati�n of, a transfer or sale of a1X ar
<br /> any part af�he Property. This right is subj ect to �he restrictions impased by federal xaw �I.2 C.F.R. 5 9 I}, as
<br /> app��cabxe.
<br /> Security lnstrument-apen-En�-Consumer-N� DCP-R�[]T-NE 71Z124�1
<br /> VMPD Bankers SystsmsT''" VMP-C4fi�iNE) {1�n7}.DO
<br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial Ser�i�es D�994,2��� Page 3 af 6
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