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<br /> ; � R��. PROPERT� MORTGA�� �14048g ;� .
<br /> � ; gp-- ,�
<br /> � ` � � .
<br /> � Edmund J. Kirker and Nancy A. Iiirker, , !J
<br /> -! � Husband and Gtife -eO-m°--°_ --, herein eslle3_the morF�sgor �►haEher oa� or more, , !;'
<br /> S f ;' �
<br /> i� �`� , .
<br /> ,� ( ia consideration of �29,000.00-----
<br /> .� �_
<br /> received from mortgsgee, doeo mortgage to Martha J. Kirlser, het heirs and assigns, �
<br /> • 1� � the follawing real propertp as describe9 i.n ATfiACHMENf A. ��
<br /> :) � ��
<br /> ; �� , ` ��
<br /> . � } � �� � . .
<br /> - � . � '� . ; .
<br /> ' ,`I� � ' ,� . - . .- �; . ' .
<br /> � 'i ' . .��, �.�i.nd the mortgsgar daes heretsp`�:�trc:.r.snt with.the mortgagee and wIt�i .mortgsgee'� heirs snd �!
<br /> ' � assiga� tha�'.tuortgagor ia laivful���: tieiss�i 4f .�aid prP.,�isee, thnt they are frc� 4rom eucumbranct= i�sst � �
<br /> � r , .
<br /> � � mortgagor 1;�.'�goad right and la��� anthori� ta coA�ay, t}�e same, and th�� martgagor warran� s.rid � �( .
<br /> � : i� Ril1 +isfend the title �a�Raid prer�� agafn.��• the lawfisi:eft.ir�b af all person$ whomsoever. . ;'. . -.
<br /> ? � Thi.S �artguge is given to �+tr?iri` tX�A payment of: thQ ,prrn�'�sflry note of thia date made by '' �
<br /> � ! ' • . �� .
<br /> mot'tgagor �o�t`�I9,000.00------- ��g`a�lA �:,n 180 monthly ins�allmenta af $192.71. �
<br /> � i� . . � .� ,
<br /> ' J( . . ��
<br /> �+ , I --
<br /> � li � � ;�;r:;::
<br /> � , 3lortgagar hhull pay all taxe� ry�.�3 asseasments levied upon said real prn�erty sud all other t�e� �?'��'.
<br /> ' i
<br /> ' i; levied on this mortgage or the n�i� �2bick this mortgage is. given to Aeeure be?�rd the same become delin- � . ; �:m'
<br /> . �i qiient an�i sh�ll maintain fire, winrlc�crm and extende�i r�.�rerage insttrance trith a mortgage elause oa ' ;;:_L
<br /> ' ' thcs buildi�i�h mi y�id preiuises.irrtht��n-e�+:+----�----------- If raortgugor 4aile to pay aueh tnaes I; '�
<br /> � ; and assessmant�: or procure sueh inaurance, tuortgttgee may paS such taaea and purchese auch inauranCe �j �i
<br /> ; and tlic amount tio advanced witla i�_2erest at nine percent per annum �hell be secured by this L;ottgage. , �� .
<br /> , I In ease of tiefault in the pay�zer�t of the principal sum or any installme�t ��iereof or of any interest _._
<br /> { t�*.ereon «�hen the same shpll beeozne due or in case of the non-payment of any tASex or assessmenta or oi _
<br /> � j tlie Yailure. to mointain insurance as I�erein �sc+�-9uided, martgagee mey at the option of mortgagee, with- I
<br /> � ; out notice, a.± any time during t.lze {.�ntintit�nc�e of such defa�ult or bre�eh, de^.'are the whole debt seeured �
<br /> �, by thiK�uort;;�ge to be immediutc��- ��`ue and Pfly�ble 4B�rnay foreclose thi�s ���3t!�L�. I '�
<br /> j � In tl�r et•ent oY cl�>fr`;»ilt iu the performflnce of an� of the t�rr_tg and eoawa":sr:: of t�ia mortg�g� or I�
<br /> ' � i t]t��unte �;ecured by it, tY��� �;-�ortgaRee shall be entitle�i to 11TIi1tC(Zla�'c� �r-::se,ision of the pr��c�cty above de- �j
<br /> � � � s�riUed and all the rents, recenue And incomF derived there�frmn during Anc)i time as ti:e mortgage in- j; ,
<br /> ` � debtedne�;:� rNma�n� unpaid shall tie �pplied by the martgngee to the paymEn� of the note and all at�er �
<br /> } � sums seeured hereby aft�e deducti�� of Any neces�ary costy o4 collectioi�. I �'
<br /> I� I :.�.�
<br /> � �, Dn�tec� January 31, 1990. j � -
<br /> 1 'I � .. . .
<br /> ' I� !� � /�///// �j� `�1 �� �...
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<br /> . !I - G�
<br />. . ;, , ;;
<br /> ; �, STATE OF NE$RASKA, County of . '�?-'�°_....✓........ ...............: ��
<br /> ; i , .
<br /> � �( f The {oregaing instrumoni vras acknowIedged before me ..................... . :�i�nl,c-�.al..�.�.•_. ... ..�-��...�....... 19_9CS �;
<br /> . '� } by :l.�.lt.�>{.:y:.F:.`--�..�,...�...... ....�.�. .�--:� r..o.......r................... .... ��
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<br /> ,
<br /> ; ������ Signature of Porson Taki°J,��kno�edgment I�
<br /> , .
<br /> . �
<br /> NNIW/.KO�OEI. " ' '
<br /> , � .
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<br /> � ...................................................,..... ,
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<br /> � ............................ at ................ a'etock ................ 3i., .
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