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<br />That 1, Dorothy A. smith of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, have
<br />made, constituted and appointed, and by these presents do make, constitute and
<br />appoint, Kathleen Sch'lachter.of Grand Island, Nebraska, or in the event of.the
<br />resignation, refusal oY iriability'of Kathleen'Sohlachter so'to serve, I
<br />go cipt ; ?amela .Dunning, of Lakeland, Florida true end lawful attorney for me..
<br />and in'my•name, place and-on my. behalf,,eubjeot . to provisions,.
<br />hereof, to and execute all or any of the following acts, 'deeds and things:
<br />1.. To draw.and endorse checks. To draw checks against my account•in
<br />any bank, to endorse notes, checks, drafts or bills exchange which may
<br />require' my endorsement for deposit as cash or colleatiori in any bank, to
<br />accept all drafts or .bills of exchange which may be drawn upon me in the .usual
<br />course of my busine9S.,
<br />2.. To,Deal with united States Bondi and Inslrumente. To receive,
<br />endorse and.casb', redeem, deposit,• o, invest in,'Uni'tmd'Statee savings bonds
<br />and any other securities, and any checks received'from the United`States
<br />Treasury Department made payable to me' for any reason including income. tax'
<br />refunds, .eocial•"aecur;ity benefits, supplemental security income, or any other
<br />benefits. - =-
<br />3. To receive debts,'payments and property. To'ask, demand, she for,
<br />recover and receive all sums of'money, debts, dues, goods, wares,'merchandiee,
<br />chattels, effects and things eif whatsoever nature or description which now are
<br />or hereafter shall be or become due, owing, payable, or belonging to me in or
<br />by any right, title, 'ways or means howsoever, and upon receipt thereof, or of
<br />any part thereof,,to make, sign, execute and deliver such receipts, releases
<br />or other:discharges for the same respectively as my said attorney shall deem'
<br />advisable.
<br />4. To settle accounts. To Settle any.account'or'reckoning Whatsoaver.
<br />wherein I now am or at any time hereafter shall be in any wise interested'or
<br />concerned with any person whomsoever, and to pay or receive the balance
<br />thereof as the:caes may require.
<br />5. To satisfysecurity interests and mortgagee. TO receive'every sum
<br />of'money which. now ie or hereafter shall be due or belonging to re upon the
<br />security or virtue of any s,eourity interest or'agreement, or mortgage,- and
<br />on receipt of the full amount secured thereby .to ett'ecute a•.good and sufficient
<br />release or ether.disciharge of such security interest, or mortgage by deed or
<br />otherwise,. ,
<br />1
<br />,TO compound., _submit._ to.-: arbitration; _.or.:otherwiae ..or.. adjust' .
<br />differences. ,TO compound with or make allowanoee to :an person for or in
<br />respect to any d or demand whatsoever which now is'or shall at'any
<br />hereafter become due .and payable to me, or by me, or, upon my account, and to
<br />:take and receive, or to pay and discharge (de the case may be);'any
<br />domposition or dividend thereof or thereupon, and to give or receive.releasea
<br />p #.. ; gthez_4sche ilpt for the wl ole, of such_debte demands, or to settle;
<br />compromise, or. submit to•arbitration every such debt or demand and,every other
<br />right, matter, and thing due to or conaernirig'me'as my attorney shall think
<br />.best, and for that purpose to enter. into and execute and deliver, such bonds.of
<br />arbitration or other instruments as my attorney may deem advisable in the
<br />premises'.
<br />7. To prosecute and defend. To,commence, prosecute, discontinue, or
<br />defend all actions or other legal proceedings touching my estate•or any part
<br />thereof, or touching any matter in which I or my estate may be in any wise
<br />concerned.
<br />8. To manage real estate. To enter into and upon all and singular my
<br />