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<br /> ��_������� SECTtON 1.Tna Cemet�ry aituat�d in tns SoutRiYt�uirtK of tRp Southsut�uarter ot tife SoutNwest Quarter oi
<br /> � Sacfion 5ix(8),Town Nirts(9),itanytTw�Tve(12)ttort:f,County ot Hall:Stata of Nebrpskv,shalt be dominited as the - .
<br /> S�elion TawnaRip CemBtery�ROlnatl Q�ths prope�ly ot Shetton Township,Buftal�Caunty,NeOruka,an the canditton�
<br /> uet torth in tP���e�A wnvlyfrtp sai�Cemetery t0 S�tftan ToarnaAip, SuSf�lo County, ltebra�ka, hom t�p Snefton
<br /> Com�t�Dry/tMOiCtatlOR. �
<br /> , SECT{�IN II_T�iB SSSBStCft T61ti3iNSR C6tit�lfjF Shil!E8 i37IGN tR8(Ilifti�BfiB(tt�ifd GBRT[�10�II QOiTd 6!TfttS1E@!, '
<br /> consi�tirtQot I�rN!qu�tllled et�ctorsol th�Town�hlpOt Shetton,who etf�li ROt�thd��01Ttt!for�tlMt 01 t�tAR yaif�.artd
<br /> un1i1 tMlr aucCSfaors an NeCtW and puallli�t- •
<br /> . SEC7fOM Iti.At tM annual tnwn mNting O!Slwttan Torrnthtp�N4 on iM tikA day Of MartN,1818,the etector�
<br /> prtxnt shali etsct one Trustes tor a tem o�thre�(3)yeun,nnd one to hotd his oflfc�tor a term of two(2f yeare,and orte
<br /> Who sAall hold h[s oftiu fDr a tarm af on�(1)ysar,and there lhalt be�ISCtW annualty th�rqf2er pne Trust�A wAo ah�ll
<br /> �010 his ofllee fOr tMM(3)ysKS.Sald eqetbn to Os Oy Ga[bt,raqulrinQ�msprity Of atl vo[p tatt to c0nstitert�an
<br /> ' electton.
<br />— SECTtON IV.B�(oralnlNinq upon Ih�duHe�ot ihelr oifia,eaCff trWt�eaNail tak�and wEscriOe to the Tpilowlnp
<br /> oath befae tne Town Clerk:
<br /> 1 ................ do aoi�mntq awer th�t 1 wi11 support t�e Conftitutinn ol tAe Unftsd States, and ths
<br /> consttt Wian o1 Ut6 Stata of HMra�ica ond ehat�wttl faNhlully perlarm sil lh�dutiea imposed upon m�by th�state(awy,
<br /> and t�e Dy-taws of 5ttalf,an townehip,and e�pecialiy thase laws and by-taws poveminp SNelton townahlp Cametery.
<br /> SECT�ON V.TM boatd ot trustea sttyl mval not tater t�an ten(10)C�y�ofter M�artnnal Townahip m�atirsg and
<br /> sAall arpanize by e►�ctinp one of l�elr number Chairmsn,anQ anoth�r pf t�efr numpK shall b�t�e Quly ot
<br /> tiro Chairman to pralCt af all m�etlnp�o!the Qoud,to aipn aU CNds ana s11�rarnnts_ it sAatl te the duty ot tAe
<br /> 8ecretary to keep s rseord of ali meetinps;heana(1 afno Aave sutharlty to s�l)tots,issue and s�gn dMda tot�une,to�iQn
<br /> : au warranta on thsiownsMD troasurer,and tawsfect al�moneys arlsinp f►am the aale of tots or fram any other aourca tnr
<br /> the benefit o!the Clmetery,8nd to pay the fame over to the TownaAfp Treasurar,taktn9 t�ia r�ceipt therpFqr. '
<br /> SECTION VI.TheSeaetary ahall Gsfaroentaring upan tAe Gutie�ot hisoftice anfl not tater than ten Ft0)days after
<br /> ' hif apppintmant ar el�ction,9ivt bonds farr twice tha amount of money that is liobte to ca�ir:3,hss Rand�tn any one
<br /> ' , year,conGitionsd upon th�taitAful putormance nt 1�is duty n Secntary.The amount ot the:'�nc.�.s�.`,ait ps tirsd pN the �
<br /> TownaAip BoarC,who tBati approvs t�s aatd OonGf;saiG Oond a8att De fits0 witD th�7awr.�:?�!'_'tefl{artl shsil run to . ,.
<br /> StiNron TawnrhSp. '
<br /> SECTIOH Vtl.At1 moMq xitinp trom tNe sats of fot6 an0 from all otGer aauress tor the Ctnefit cf°'�Cemetery
<br /> �hali const�tute a Cemebry luna en0 ehall be kept separate fram the ottler tunds ot t�e Township€s�rYo�owns�ip
<br /> Tretsunr;an0 It ia�ereby made tAe auty o!tke Tow�s�lp Treaaurer to keep an Itemized accdunt ot me rc�etpts 8rtd '
<br /> • espenditurp o!t�e Cemetery fund.
<br /> SECTION Vtll.TAs TOwnenlp Treasurer i�hereby aui�nrfzed to pay e11 vnrrants on the CemetBry(un0 that are
<br /> S:pned by the Chatrman antl S�cretary ot tAe Boardof Trustaea,to a limit of ths fundt on Aand�n sa10 Cemetery fund.
<br /> ' SEC��ON IX.It ta harsDy maAst�e duty o!tne electors prestnt at t��aanual Town:Rlp meati�to m�ke a tevy
<br /> wnlch t�tt.t4���Opmem w111 ralse auffttent lurtds to meet t�e requframeMS of the cem�tery tor tt�e a�se��p year.
<br /> SECTtOK 1(.1Te Trutt�ss shal)�ave poWer ort benatf of the Tawn�lp to make all contneta and r;,�lntend all
<br /> , tabor Ccr{c t6^�Jrsct ths sxpendRUr�ot all money arid auptrint�rfd all tcr.provemania pnd embYltia�,*r,amts ot tAe
<br /> . Cametar7F rrt�pet on►y to tM wIU of a m�jority of tha elactors pnwrtt at any annual Townan!p m�t1��,and to nava
<br /> , y�.ersl s��nvpan ol th�Cem.�tary n0 th�proputy thK�ta Osbnptnp and to kNp th�sartEC i�at�ood r+t�alr p tt�s
<br /> � SJtiGs wlll ptlrmit.
<br /> ' SECTION XI.Ths truatea sttstl contrxt no prl�tH�xplflOitUfb t�an Ma pMn provl0ed}ar inth�Gm�tsry fuaO, �
<br /> but tR�Tpwnahla Boartl may,In cas�01 audNn or ansxp�ct�d�merpancy,approprt�ts ftom ths q�tara:tund of the
<br /> , TownaNnr,such sum ot maney,as In thely diecrotion sha11 t»n�aafary to mNt sueh emsrqency,pravtCea the artrount on '��%
<br /> hand in I�s p�n�ral funa wlll permlt wlt�out Nrbue Qatrimmt to ths oth�r Intuesti ot t�e Towruhtp, ,+�,
<br /> SECTfUN XII.Ths TeuftMS ahnl rsG�ivs the Pofbwtny COmp�nssttan tor ths um�sxpanaod In tne int�re�tt ot � .•;,•'
<br /> S�elton Townahlp Cemetery:ths 3ecntary aho�l►ecelve th�aum ot one huntlred dol;ars per a�r�um;the CAalrman ehatt
<br /> , recelve t�s sum of one hundred dollu�ps►annum;tha thlyd m�mber of the boaid ahall receiv6�1�e aum pt one hunGred �
<br /> Collua per an�um plus Iwo dol[an p�r frlp for esmetery Gustneta.
<br /> SECTIOH XIII.TMSecntary ehall not�IMw any Intmmenta In�ny unsoltl tofa In the Cemetery,except(n that part �
<br /> knawn a!the"PottNb FINO",�na no Iot shall D�i010 un1ll It h�s Eeen,pald tar In ca�h,or otFterwlle 10 the�atlsfactton '
<br /> ot th�S�cratary,wno s�afl W psponribl�far IAe amount ot alI satss.
<br /> SECTION XIV. TM TruatMS mry sKUrp th�servfce�of a eulaCte �r�on to dIp �nd HII �II qtavq. Th� .
<br /> � oampMqttan to De paid for Ihls work Mall M detKminsd by the Trust�,but e�ld compe.^�satton anatl te wllected Cy
<br /> !M pnv►Clpp�r i�om t1N parly or partlM h�vtnp the interment maC�end 1hal! bs rdt�i�ed by hlm a�hla total '
<br /> � Comp�natbn fo�dlpainp and f111Inp pId pnv�. '.�
<br /> � SECTtON XV.No Intsrm�nt�hall b�mW�In Shelton Townahlp Gmetery nor anau a-:;,�qrave ba Cipped there3n,
<br /> untll�Buriat Permlt aMtl hiv�bNn obtatn�0 from!he S�ustary at tha Boara at Tru�teAa.SstO permit nfiafl y{v�ths
<br /> � n�ms ot the�eroon t0 W bu►ted,tHe numbKOt Iht(ot,and th�nam�of the o•rrs�soc`eald lot aa ahown by th�books pf the s
<br /> Secrotary.
<br /> 9ECTfQhi Y.NI.Any pKion may purc�ue one or mors lots In Shsfton Townehip Cemetsry for ihs purpoH ot �
<br /> Int�rm�nts,b�;.aying th�appralwd valus ot Ihe aam�u eitabllsnb by th�Boud of TruttNa and comptytnp wltA a11
<br /> requlnm�nts ot lne�e by-taw�tAat may retaU to or pov�rn e��sat�of loti. �
<br /> SECTtON XVII.Alf vacarrclN In ths oflln af Tru1t�M sh�Il 0�f ill�d Gy pppolntm�nl by th�Town�f►lp 8oud,�nd ,
<br /> th��ppolntN�fMtl hotd ctt�ct untll 1tu n�xl mnual townthlp mMtlnq,wh�n th�vaeaney sha114�HIIW by M�etlon.
<br /> ` SECTtpl�1?fVIH.M t�Yl on�rtalf of�It io•a�le��nd�t leat 1tftMn Qotlu�!rom�acb op�nlnp of pr�v�by put In -
<br /> Tns PerpNwt�dre Fund.
<br /> SFCTfON xSX.TInN DyIaw�m�y0e cr��pe0or�mended ql any annual rt-.e�t►np by�maJo►Ny vote of�II el�ctois
<br /> preN�ft�n0�ounp.
<br /> i . . � « . • �..
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