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2� 1 ��7751 <br /> requ�r�d by RESPA, and Bflrrawer shal� pay ta Lender�h�amount nec�ssary�o make up�h.�def�Giency in <br /> accordance with RESPA, but in n� more �han �2 man�hly payments. <br /> tJpan paym�nt in fu�� of aIl sums secured by th�s Security rns�rument, L�nder sha��pronlp�l�refund�a <br /> B�rrow�r any Funds held b� Lender. <br /> 4. Charges; Liens. B�rrow�r shal�pay a�� taxes, assessments, charges, fines, and�m�pfls�tx�ns attrxbu�ab�e t� <br /> the Proper�y which can attain prior�ty over th�s �ecurity�nstrumen�, leas�hold payxnents�r ground rents�n <br /> the Proper�y, if any, and�ammun��y Assoc�at�an Dues, Fees, and Assessments, if any. T��he��.�ent that <br /> �hese��erns are E�cr�w ���ms, Barrawer sha��pay�hem in�he m�anner pravided in Se�tion 3. <br /> B�rrawer shal�prompt�y discharge an��ien wh�Gh ha�prxorz�y aver th�� S�curity. Instrun�zen�un�ess <br /> Barrawer: �a} agrees in wri�ing t��he payment of the ob��gat��n secured by the�ien in a m.ann�r acceptab�� <br /> to Lend�r, but�n�y �o �ong as Barr�wer is perform�ng such agreem�nt; �b} c�nt�sts the iien �n good fa�th by, <br /> or defends aga�nst enfor�emen�af the l�en in, �egal praceed�ngs wh��h in Lender's opini�n opera�e�o prev�nt <br /> the enfarcem�n�af�he li�n wh��e�hose proce�dings are pending, bu�on�y unt�l such proceedings are <br /> c�ncluded; or�c} se�ure� fronl�he holder of�he Iien an agreement satxsfactory�o Lend�r subordina�ing the <br /> lien to this Security�nstrument. �f Lender determines that any part of the Proper�y �s subj�ct t� a�zen vvh�ch <br /> can a�ta�n priori��over�his�tcur�ty �nstrum�n�, Lender may gi�e Borr��ver a no�ice ident�fying th���en. <br /> '��t��xz� 1�c�ay5 UT���c�ia��u�i w������ ���at��u�i�c is �,i����, B�rruw�r s1a��.�l ��tisf��1������z�r��.ke��z�e�r�za�r� <br /> of th�ac�i�ns �et fo�th a�ove zn th�s 5ec��on 4. <br /> Lender may requ�r�Borro�ver tn pa� a one-�ime charge f�r a real es�ate tax�erifi�ati�n andlor repor��ng <br /> s�rvi���5��.��L�����x i��c�iu����i�n wit1�th�s L�an. <br /> 5. Property �nsurance. Borrow�r shall keep�he impro��men�s now exis�ing or hereafter erected on th� <br /> Pr�p�rty insur�d aga�ns�Ioss by �r�, hazards in�luded w�thin�he term "extended c�verage," and an�other <br /> hazards zn��uding, but n���imited to, earth�uakes and floads, for�vhich Lender requzres insurance. This <br /> �n�uran�e sha11 be mainta�ned in the am�u�n�s �in��uding deduct�b�e�e�e�s} and for�he per�ods�hat Lender <br /> requ�res. �V�'hat L�nder requires pursuan�ta the preceding sentences can change during �he ter�n.of th�Loaz�. <br /> The insuranc��arr��r prov�ding�h�insurance�ha�l be cho�en by B�rr�vver subject t� L�nder's r�ght to <br /> disapprove Borr�wer's cho��e, which righ�shall no�be exercised unreasonabiy. Lender may requ�re <br /> Borr���r to pay, �n cannect�on w��h�his L�an, either: �a} a ane-t�me charge far fiflod 2ane de�ermination, <br /> c�rti�cation and track�ng servic�s; or�b} a one-�ime charge for fload zone determ�nat�on and certificat�on <br /> serv�ces and subsequent�harges each�ime r�mappings or simi�ar changes �ccur which reasonab��mught <br /> affect such determination�r certification. Borrower shali als�be responsible fnr�he paymen�of any fees <br /> �mpos�d b� the Federal Emergen�y Management Agenc� in c�nne�tion�vith the review of any flaad z�n� <br /> determination resulting from an�hjectxon�y Borr�wer. <br /> If Borrawer faiis ta xnaintain any�f�he coverages described aba�e, L�nder may�b�a�n xnsura.rice covera�e, <br /> a� Lender's option and B�rrower's expense. L�nder is under na obligatian to purchase any particu�ar type or <br /> amount of c��erage. Therefor�, such cov�rage shal� co�er Lender, but might ar migh�not prot�c�Bflrraw�r, <br /> Borrower's�qui�y in the Pr�p�rt�r, or th��ontents of�he Proper�y, against any risk, hazard or l�abx�zty and <br /> m�ght pra�ide grea�er or l�sser c���rage than was pr�viously in effec�. Borrower acknow�edg�s tha��he cost <br /> of the�nsurance co�erage so abta�ned m�ght signif�cant�y exceed the cost af insurance that Borravver could <br /> ha�e abta�ned. Any am�unts dis�ursed by Lender under�his Sectinn S sha11 become additiona�debt of <br /> B�rrower secured by this Security �ns�rument. These amflunts shall bear inter�s�at the No�e ra��frflm th� <br /> da�e of d�s�urs�men� and shall b�payabl�, wi�h such xnteres�, upon n�tice from L�nder to B�rr�wer <br /> requesting paymen�. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single�amily-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac L1NIF�RM INSTRLiMENT Form 3Q28 110i <br /> VMP Q VMP64N���13027 <br /> Wolters Kluwer�inancial Ser��ces Page E of i 7 <br />