2� 1 ��7�89
<br /> DEED �]F TRU�T
<br /> Loan Na: ����9��23 ��Dntinued} Page 5
<br /> may be the naminal p�rty in such proceeding, bu�Lender shaSi be entitled t� participate in�hs �aroc�eding and to be
<br /> r�presented in �he praceeding by caunsel o# i�s awn choiGe, and Trustar vvill del�v�er ar caus� �o be del�ve�ed to
<br /> Lender su�h instruments and dvcumen�at��n a� may be requested by Lender frQm �ime to �ime t❑ permi�r such
<br /> partiGipation.
<br /> Applicati�n a�iV�t P�o�eed�. I�all ar�ny part o��i�e Proper�y is condemned by emin�n�domain proceeding� �r by
<br /> any proceeding ar pur�h�se in lieu o�f condemna�tian� L�nde�may at i�s el�ctivn require�hat all or any portian a�F the
<br /> net pro�eeds ofi �he award he appl�ed tv the lnd�btedness vr �he repair or restc�ratian ❑f �he Prop�rty, The net
<br /> �ra��eds a��he award shali mean the award after paymen� a� all reasanabf� costs, e�penses, and a��orneys' fees
<br /> incurred by Trustee❑r Lender in canne��ion vui�h the candemn�tion.
<br /> iMpaSiTl(3N �F TA3C�5, FEES AND CHAR�ES BY GC]VERNMENTAL AUTH�RIT�ES. Th� fof[avving �arv�isions rela�ing
<br /> to gv��rnmen�al ta�es,�ees and Gharges are a �ar�vf�his Deed ❑�Trust:
<br /> �urr�nt Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upvn request by Lender, Trustar sha�� execu�e such do�um�nts in additian �o
<br /> this deed of Trust and �ake wha�e�er v�her a�tion is reques�ed by Lender�a per�ec� �nd can�inue �.ender's lien on
<br /> �h� Reai Prnperty. Trus�or shaf I �eimburse Lender tvr all ��aces. as d�scri�ed b�l�w. together with ail expenses
<br /> inGurred in recflrding, per�ecting Qr continuing �his Deed of Trus�, ineluding wi'�hout fimitativn all �ax�s, fees,
<br /> dvcumentary�tamps� and a�her char�es�For recvrding ❑r�egistering�his [�eed o�Tru��.
<br /> Taxes. The fallowing sha�i canstitu�e �axes t� which this se�tion applies: ��} a specific tax upon this �ype of
<br /> �eed o�Trus� �r upvn all ❑r any part ❑f the Inde�tedness secured by this D�ed ❑�Trust; ��} a spe�ifiic tax vn
<br /> Borrav►rer which Barrawer is authari��d ❑r required �v dedu�t from paym�n�s an th� Indebtedness seGur�d �ay�his
<br /> �ype vf Deed of Trust; {�� a taac on �his�ype a� Qeed of Trus� chargeable ac�ains��he Lender or the holder o�the
<br /> Note; and �4� a 5p2GifiC �a� ❑n ai� or any �ortivn of the Ind�btedness �r on payments a� principa� and interes�
<br /> mad�by Barrower.
<br /> 5ubsec�uen� Tax�s. �� any ta�c �o whi�h �his seetion appfies is enacted subsequent to �he date at this Deed v�
<br /> Trust, �his e�ent shall ha�e �he same e€€ect as an E�ent a� ❑e�auit, and Lender may exer�Ese any �r all o� i�s
<br /> aWailabl� remedi�s for an Even� �� Q��ault as praWided bel�w unEess Trusxor either ��� pays the tax be�are i�
<br /> �ecomes delinquent, or �2} con�ests the tax as pro�ided abvWe in the Ta�es and Liens se��i�n and deposi�s with
<br /> Lend�r cash ar a sufficient Gvrp�rate sure#y bond ❑r other se�urity sa�is�actory to Lender.
<br /> SE�URITY AGREElVIENT; FSNANCiNG STATE�ENT�. The �allowing pro�isians relating �v �his Deed ❑f Trus� as a
<br /> seGurity agreement are a par�of�his Deed o�Trust:
<br /> 5e�urity Agreemen�. This instrumen� �hall cons�i�u�e a Security Agreemen� �v the extent any v� the Prc�perty
<br /> constitu�es fixtures, and Lender sh�ll have aI� o�the righ�s o� a secured party unde�the Uniform Cammerci�l Code
<br /> as amended trom time�o time,
<br /> �ecuri�y lnterest. Upon reques� by Lender, Trus�or shalf �ake wha�e�er a��ion is r�quested by Lender ta per�Fect
<br /> and can�inue Lender's security interes�in the Personal Prop�rty. In addition �v recarding �his i]eed vf Trust En#he
<br /> real prope�-�y recards, Lender may, a� any time and withou� -Further authar�zation frvm Trustar, f��e execu�ed
<br /> �a�nterparts, capies or repraduc�ivns a� �his �3�ed ❑� Trust �� a �inan�ing sta�ement. Trus�nr shal� r�imburse
<br /> ��nder �or �II expenses in�urred in per�ec�ing or' continuing �his securi�y inter�s�. Upvn de�au��, Trus�vr sha[l nvt
<br /> remoWe, s�W�r or detach th� P�rsonai Property �rar� th� Praperty. Upon defauit, Trustar shai� ass�mbl� any
<br /> Persanal Prvper�y not at�ri�ed to the Prvperty �n a manner and at a p1a�e reasona�ly can�enien� �v Trustvr �nd
<br /> Lender and rnal�e it a�ailable �o Lend�r within �hr�e �3} days after receipt vf writ��n demand �rom Lender �o the
<br /> exten�permitted by applicable law.
<br /> Addresses. �he ma�ling addresses n� Trustor �de���ry and Lender {secured par�yf from which inform��ion
<br /> conc�rning �Che security in�erest gran�ed by this �]eed af Trus� may be obtained �each as �-equ�red by �he Uni�orm
<br /> �ommerciaE �ode} are as stated on�he�irst page v�this ❑eed ��Trust.
<br /> FURTHEl� ASSURANCES; ATT�RNEY-iNwFACT. The fofEawing pro��sior�s relatin� �Co -�ur�her �ssuranc�s and
<br /> attvrney-in-�act are a part ot this Deed af Trust:
<br /> Fu�her Assur�nces. At any time, and �rvm time to t�rne, u��an request❑� Lender, Trus�ar w�ll ma1�e, eacecu�e �nd
<br /> deli�er, ❑r will �ause to b� made� executed or deli�ered.tv Lender or to Lender's designee, and when reque�ted by
<br /> Lender, caus� tv be fi�ed, reeorded, refi�ed, ar rere�orded, as �he case may be, at such times and in such affi�es
<br /> anc� places as Lender may deem appropriate, any and al� such mortgages, deeds of�rw��. security deeds, security
<br /> agreements, �inancing s�C�tements, continua�ivn s�a�emen�s, instrumen�s of �ur�her assurance, cer�i�icates, and
<br /> other da�uments as may, in�he sole �pinion of Lender, be necessary or desirable in order tv e�fectuate, comple�er
<br /> per�ect, cvntinue, vr preser�e {"�} Borraw�r's and Trustor's vbliga�ions under the No�e, this Deed of Trust, and
<br /> �he Related �]ocuments, �nd �2y �h� liens and �ecurity in�eres�s crea�ed by this ❑�ed ❑�Trus� on �he Prop�rty,
<br /> whether nvw❑wned vr herea�ter acquired i�y Trustar. Un�ess prahi�i�ed by law c�r Lender agrees to�he cantrary in
<br /> writing, Trus#ar shali reimburse Lender�or a[t cas�s and e�penses incurred in conne�tion vvith th� matters referred
<br /> �v in this paragraph.
<br /> Attorney-in-Fact. I�Trus�or fails �o dv any❑fi�he things referred�v in the preceding paragraph, Lender may do so
<br /> far and in the name ❑f Trus�vr and at Trus�ar`s e��ense. Fvr such purposes, Trustar hereby irre�acably appvints
<br /> Lender as Trustor's at�flrney-in-�ac��or the purpc�se ❑� making, execut�ng, deli�ering, �iling, recv�ding, and daing ali
<br /> o�her things as may �a� ne�essary or desirable, �n Lender's sale vpinion, to accamplish the matters re�erred to in
<br />