2� 1 ��7�78
<br /> services and subseque�t charg�s each ti�e r�mappings or similar changes occur�vhich reasonably might
<br /> affect such determi�.at�o�.v�eert�f cat�on. Borro�er sha��a�sa�e r�s�o�.s�b��fo�the paym�nt o#'an�fees
<br /> irx�posed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency�n connection with the re�ie�v of any fl�ad zone
<br /> determination resulting from an ob�ection by Borrower.
<br /> If Barrower fails to maintain any of the co�erages described aba�e,Lender may obta.in insu.ra�ce coverage,
<br /> a#Lender's optian and Barrower's e�p�nse. Lender is und�r no obligation ta purchase any pa.rt.icular type or
<br /> arn�unt of cov�rage, T'her�fore, �uch co��rage sha11 cov�r Lender,but m�gh�or might not protect B�rrower,
<br /> Borrower's equity�n�he Property,or the cont�nts of the Froperty,against any risk,ha�ard or liability and
<br /> might pro�ide greater or le�ser cvv�ra�e than w�s�re�ie�usly in effect. �orrower acknowledges that the cost
<br /> �f�he insuranc�cavera�e so�bt�ined m�ght significantly�xceed th�cost of insurance that��xrower cauld
<br /> have�btain�d. Any am�ur�ts disbursed by Lender und�r this Section� shall bec�me additi�n�l debt of
<br /> Bonawer secur�d by this Security Instrument, These arn�unt�shall bear interest at the Note rate from the
<br /> dat�of d�s�ursement and sha��be p�.yable,with suc�.interest, upon notice from L��der to�orrower
<br /> requestir�g paymer�t.
<br /> AIl insurance policies required by Le�.der and renewals of such policies sha11 b�subject ta Lender's right ta
<br /> disappr�ve such palicies, shal�include a standard mortgage clause,and shal��ame Lender as mortgagee
<br /> andlor as an addi�ional loss payee. Lender sha11 ha�e the right tv hold�he policie�and renewal certificate�.
<br /> �f Lender requires, Borrower shall promptly give to Lend�r a11 receipts of paid premiums and rene�ral
<br /> notices. If Borrower ob�ains any form of insuran�e coverage, not othervvise required by Lender, for damage
<br /> to,ar destruction of,the Property, such policy shall include a standard mortgage clause and shal�name
<br /> Lender as mortgagee andl�r as an additional loss payee.
<br /> In the event of los�,Borrower sha11 gi�e prampt notice to the insurance carrier and Lend�r. Lender may
<br /> make proof af loss if not made promptly by Barravver. L3nless Lender and Borrawer otherwise agree in
<br /> vvriting,ar�y insuran�e prviceeds,whether ar nat the underiying insurance�vas requued by Lender, shatl be
<br /> applied to re�torat�on or xe�air of the Propert�r, if the restoratian o�r repair is ec�nom�cally feasib�e and
<br /> Lender's se�urity is not 1es�ened. I3uring such repair and restoration period, Lend�r sha1�have the right to
<br /> hold such insurance proceeds until Lender ha�had an�pportunity to inspect such Praperty t�ensure the
<br /> �ork has been completed to Lender's satisfa�tion,provic�ed that such insp�ction shall be undertak�n
<br /> pronnptly. Lend�r may disburse proc�eds fo�r the repair�and restoration i�.a s�ngle�ayment�r in a series of
<br /> px�ogres�payments as the v�rork i�completed.Ur�less an agreem�nt is t�n.ade in wr�ting or Applicable La�
<br /> requi.res interes��a be paid on such in.suran��proce�ds,Le�der shall nat be required t�pay Borrower a,ny
<br /> �nterest vr eamings an sueh�r�ce�d�.Fees fo�p�bl�c�dj�s��x��or otb.er thi.rd par��es,retained by Borrower
<br /> sha11�.ot be paid out of t�e xnsu�rance proce�ds and shal�be the�ole ob�igation of��rrower. If the r�stvration
<br /> ar repair as not ec�no�nically f�asible ar L.��de�r's seGurity�vould be lessened,�l�e insuranc�proceeds shall be
<br /> applxed ta the sum�seeur�d by th�s Security Instrun�ent,w�,ether or no��hen du�,with the excess, if any,
<br /> paid to Borradver, Such insurance proceeds sha11 be�pplied�n the�rder provided fvr in���tio�.2,
<br /> If Borrower abandons the Proper�y,L�nder may fi�eg negotiate and settle any availab�e insurance cla�m and
<br /> related m�.tters. If�arro�er does not respond�v���iin 3�day��o a nntice from L,e�ader t�at t�e insuranc�
<br /> carrier has offered to s�ttle a claim,then Lender rnay negotiat�and�ettle the�laim. The 3�-day period�vil�
<br /> begin when the notice is gi�en, in e�ther event,or if L�nd�r acquires the Property under S�ction 22 or
<br /> otherwise,Borrower hereby as�igns tv Lende�-(a}�orrowe�'�r�ghts to any insurance proceeds in an amou�.t
<br /> not to exceed the a�n�unts unpaid under the�ote or this 5ecurity Instrument,and(b}any other of
<br /> Borrower's rights�ather than�he right to any refund of unearned premiums pa.id�y B�rrow�r)under al1
<br /> insurance polieies coverin�th�Property, insofar as such righ�s ar�applicable to the coverage af the
<br /> Property. Lender may use the insurance proce�ds either to repair or restore the Property or to pay amounts
<br /> unpaid under the I�Tate or this Security�nstrument,whether ar not th�n due.
<br /> ,
<br /> NEBRASECA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac���F4RM IlVSTRUMEIVT WITH M�RS Form 3428 1101
<br /> VMP C� VMPfiA(NE}(13C12}.04
<br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial Services Page 7 of 97
<br /> q03361217653 ��33 674 ��17
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