2� 1 ��7�78
<br /> �'!. Ffaz�rdausSu�stanc�es.As used in t��s Section��: (a) "H�azr�rc�ou.s�'uh.star�ce.s"are t�ase s�bstan�es
<br /> defined as toxic or hazardous substar�ees,��llutan�s,or v�astes by Environm�ntal Law and the follawing
<br /> substances: gasolin�,kero�ene,ot�er flammab�e ar toxic petroleum praducts,taxic pesti�ides and h�rbicides,
<br /> v�latile solvent�, mat�rials contai�ing asbestos or formaldehyd�, and radioactive materia�s; (b�
<br /> "E►�w�ror�iraental Law"mean�federal Ia�vs and Iaws�f�he jurisdiction�vhere the Property is IoCated that
<br /> relate to h�alth, safety ar envuo�menta�pr�tection; �c} "�r�vir�r�►ner�ta�Cl�ar�up"includes any r�spo�xse
<br /> action, remedial actian, ar remo�al actio�, as def��xe�in Environmental Law; and(d}an "�rtvi�or��raental
<br /> Cor�ditior�"means a�ondit���tha�can cause, contribu�e to, �r otherw�se tr�gg��an Envixonmental Cleanup.
<br /> Borrawer sha�l not cause ox permit the presenc�,use,disposal� starage,or relea�e�f any Hazardous
<br /> �ubstances,or threaten ta re�ease any Haz�rdo�s S��sta.nces,an o�in the Froperty. �arrower sha�1 n�t do,
<br /> nor allow anyo�.e else to do,any�hing affecting t�ae Prop��rty��a�that is in violatio�of any Enviranrnental
<br /> Law, (�)vvh�ch creates an�nvironme�tal�qndition,or��}which,due to the presencey use,or release of a
<br /> Ha�ardous Substance,crea�es a�ondit�Qn�b.at adversely aff�+ct�th���1ue af t�e Froperty. The preceding two
<br /> sen.tences shall not apply ta t}ae��esence,use,�r starage Qr�the Paroperty of sr�all quantitxes of Ha��rd�u�
<br /> Substa�ces that a�e gen�ra�ll�r re�agnized�a b��ppr�p�riat�tv normal r�sid�nt�al us��ar�d t�rr�aint��an�e of
<br /> � ����r�p�rty�in��ud�ng,�ut not limited t�,ha��rd�us�ubs�ne�s in c�nsum�r praduct�}.
<br /> Borra�ver shair promp�iy give Lender�vri�t�n notice of(a}any in�estigati�n,claim,demand, tawsurt or other
<br /> action by any go�ernmental or regulatory a�ency or private party�nvq��in�the Property and any Hazardous
<br /> Substance or Environmental Law of v�hich Borro�ver has actual knowledge,[b}any En�ironmentax
<br /> Condition, including but n�t limited to,an�r�pilling, leaking,di�charge,release or threat of release of any
<br /> Hazardous�ubstance,and(c}any candition c�used by the pr�sence,use or relea5e of a Haza.rdous Subs�ance
<br /> which adversely affects the�a�ue of the Property. If Borrower learns,or i�notified by any gaverrlmenta.l or
<br /> regulatary authority,or any private party,that an�r rem��at or other remediation of any Ha�ardvus Substance
<br /> affecting the Prop�rty is necessary,B�rr��v�r shall promptl�ta�e a11 neeessary remedial actions in
<br /> accQrda�ace wit�Environmental Law,Nothing herein shall c�eate any�bligation on�Lender for an
<br /> Enu%ronme��l �1 eanup.
<br /> Nvr�-Un�fvrm C��enar�ts.Borrawer and Lender��venant and agree as follows:
<br /> Z�. Accelerativn;Remedies.Lender shall giv�natice�p B�rrower�rior to aCceleration foll�wing
<br /> Borrower's breach of an��ovenant�r agre�rt�ent in th�s�ecur���nstrume���but not pr��r t�
<br /> �cceleration under Sectio�18 ual�ss Appli�ab�e Law prov�des otherw�ise}.'The�natice sh�ll specify: ta}
<br /> t�e de�auit; �b}the�c�ioa required to cure the default; (c�a date,nat�ess than 3�da�s fr�m the dat�
<br /> the a�otiCe is given to Barr�wer,by which���default�nust b��ured� and�d�that failure tv cure the
<br /> defau�lt on or befor�the date�p��ified in th��oti�e may r�suit�n acce�eratit�n vf#�a�sums secur�d by
<br /> this Security Instrument and sale�f the Property.The noti�ce shall further inform B�rr�wer of th�
<br /> right t�reinstate a�t�r a�celeratian and�h�ri�ht t��ring a court a�ti�n t�a�s�rt the nan-exi�te�Ge�f a
<br /> defa�al�or a�ny�th�r��f+en�e af�orraw�r ta a�celeratiaa and s�l�.If t�e def�ult is nat�ured on ar
<br /> bef�re the da�te sp��if ed in th�nQt��e,��n�er at���fl�tio�may require i�tmediate payment��fuil�f
<br /> all suras se�ur�d by this Secur�t�Instrume�t withuu�t fu�ther deman�and ma�invake the p�vw�r of sale
<br /> and any other reme�ies perrnitte�by App�ica�Ie�aw.L�nd�r shall be�ntitled tc��ollect�il expenses
<br /> �ncurr�d Zn purs��ng the re�e�.��s prov��e�.�.n th���ect�an��2,in��uding,but na�limited tv,re�svnabl�
<br /> att�rneys' fees and casts of title e�iden�e.
<br /> q43361217��3 Q�33 C74 1417
<br /> NEBRASKA�ingle Family-Fannie MaetF�dd�e Mac UNIF�F�M iNSTF�UMENT WITH MERS Farm 3428 11�1
<br /> VMP� VMP�A{NE)�13�2}.4U
<br /> Wolters Kitiwer Financ�a�Services Page 14 0#17
<br />