- � �
<br /> - �o-- �.004s�
<br /> � 1dt„�
<br /> �{� �� � �� � ��\1
<br /> DEED OF TRUST �� ` `' � �� ��` � �� 1� �;� �` � ,
<br /> I� �1 tt� � I �c�� �i . I�� .
<br /> +�� Hun�nen
<br /> l�tt:�ti fl)Rl`►: + 794707202 �
<br /> � lA1T NI�MC 1 IRfT �NITI•i 1 n1T M11�t1 � ��IGi �"���IA{. 1' l 1 Il'�\1 �_
<br /> MAILING wooNC�s c� r ��wt� ..� .nut. -
<br /> 340 EAST SOUTH S'PREET GRAND ISLAND, NE 68801 ��Ng ISI��TA.,_.... ._.�_,�;i ti�t�s��
<br /> THIS Rl�:i'D OI'TRUS7.�i�dc thic 18t1L d:�y ��i DRCRMRF.R _. ly_S.�_. Irt��rc�r1EE1N CHRIS�.'1�IAN. (Hi,aSBANp_&[dIF�_
<br /> herein�fter rallcd TRUSfON,��h��.c:�ddr.�s;�_3G0_EAST SOUTH, ST.,_GRAND.ISLAND�_1�E 68�ip���1Y�� ROGERS
<br /> —_--- --•hrreitr�ftar rallcd 'fRI�STI I,wh.,.�• .�ddrr.. �,.�0{�S N 1�� ST,s--$�.ITE _IQ�� _QZSL�HA.NE --fi$.��
<br /> �and AVCO fINANCIAL Sl R\'1('fS INTI'R\ATI(1ti:1L. 1\l.. ,� Xrhr.icka .,,rp�•r,i�t,,n. hrrcin.i;trr .•,�IIcd lil VI I ICI:�N1. ��l��u.�� addrec. �,
<br /> ._�'_1425 NOR�H WEBB ROAD�GRAND ISI,AND�-NB--- . _68.$Q3 --. - .- ----. . . ---_.------ _
<br /> ' �17TNF.SSI'TH: That Trustor GRANTC, t'O\�'1�1'S, Sl lLS •1ti11 \1,\RR•\VTS T(� Iltl tiTl I . IV TRl ST. R'ITH 1'(�\�I It (11 S\LI . thc i��U���cinL �Ir.�nhrd
<br /> propert�•,situated ip HALL---- -. . _ -- t'����nt.. �.•t�r:,.�,.�:
<br /> Lot Fifty—Five (55), in Buenavista Subdivision,.an.Addition' ta,the City of Grand Island,
<br /> Hall County, Nebraska , , ; �
<br /> . . . � . .
<br /> � �
<br /> . ; . •
<br /> ' � ;
<br /> � ;
<br /> together �+•ith all buildinks and impra�emrnt. nm� ��r h�ttaft�r rrcrtrd ih.r�on :md :dl .:rcrn�. .n�nmLC. .hade�. ct�+rm .ach and hlind., and he�nng,IiLhtin�. .
<br /> plumbing, gas. electric. centilatin�, refrigerating and airrundiuoning rympment u.�d in :onne:�ion therru�th, all �,i w•hi�h. f�,r thr purp���� ��f thic Derd oi"
<br /> Trust, shall be deemed fi�tures and cub�rct to thr lirn hrrcof, rnd thr hrrrdit.nnrnt: end appurt�n.inres prrt�inm_ t�. the pmprrty ahu�r des.•ribcd, and all
<br /> strcets, lanes, alle>•s�,�pa�aagrs, }�•ays, aaters, Katet.cour�c, richtc, hbertics and pmilcLr.. ��B.it:��r�cr thrn�untu b�l�mc�nc ur m ancuicr ,�pperta�mn� :and thc �
<br /> revcrsiuns and rem�fl{QOrss all_�which ic.[ef�rrrd.tq hcrcinaftcr ac thr "prcmi,��'. �
<br /> TO HAVF: A\ll � D tl�¢{ski6�,�tictuit�'td�ptemesrs.«ith thr;,ppurrcn:mrrc and tn�ur�..un���thc �Jtii B�mri�:i:�rc. ii�w:.•cc.,,r�and a�;i�n�.f.u<<�rr.f��r - . : -
<br /> the purposes and s�� s�t�twi6. free iro�t all tight< and brnetitc undrr .,nd h� cirtu. �+( .�ny Humr,te.+d F�rmpti��n l.a��c �+f tDe SWte nf Nrhr.i�I..�
<br /> which may be enay�c���h�iatd ri"gbts and l�enefits the said'Pru>���r dorc hrrrh} r�prc.�l� rclr.�.c and �cai�•r.. =
<br />� Tfl15lOL 2�50 $SSj°o!!S td�@Il°�C�1I)' C:.�Z•C.^.'S,:::L:C:«:.'�.�LOfft+ :S31i� �%��.ui.�a,p,�auitu� Enc t tgut tU cV11CCt:If1U USC IOC Sa171C,«•�m or a�iti�nut takinc p��.�c..,�m��i = -
<br /> the premises,during continuance of default hereunder,and duein�continuancr of�urh drfault:�utLoririnr Hene�'iriar� to enter upon+aid prrroisrt and/or to roUr.•t =.
<br /> and enforce the same without tegard to adeyuacy uf any security far the indrbtrdnesc hrr�by secured b} any I�ncful means in�9udinc app�+intmrnt uf a mrri��rr in • .
<br /> the name of any party hereto,anJ to apply the same Iess costs and e�pensrs of oprration and cnllcrtion,indudin�:rcasunabl�atturney'c�rr.,upon am•indcbtcd-
<br /> ness secured hereby,in surh arder as Beneficiary may determine. �
<br /> I�OR THE PURPOS�. Ol� SECI;RING: (1) Perfo*mance uf each a,�reement uf Trwtor rontained herein: 12) Pacmrnt ��t th� ��rincipal �um �.ith intere.t. :��
<br /> provided in accordance ��ith the terms and procisions uf a Prumissory \MC �Loan 4ereement (herrinaft�r refcrred u� �s °prumi„��r} nnte"; drted �
<br /> , DecemhPr 1$� �RA . hcren•ith r�crined b�� Tnutur anJ payablc to thc or�er u!' H�•naficiai}, in thc Yrinc�pal ,um ��f
<br /> S ],(�,��.Q� .and hatiin�:thr d�tc��f ih final pa>•mrnt Juc�m 12�19/93 .��r r,r�trndrd. .
<br /> deferred or rescheduled by renew�al ur refinnnce: 13) Pa}•mem of any additiunal aJv�nce:, «itL intrrc>t th�rcun .�e may hrn.ifter br l���ned b) BrncY��i.,n � �
<br /> 10 200.07 `" �
<br /> to Ttustor in a ma�imum sum of S � «ithii�15}'ran f;��m thc d,�tr��f thi.1)rrd��t iru,u h�+��r�rr. '�
<br /> this paTaFr2ph does noi constitute a cuuunitment by Ncncliriary to makc firturc ad�•anres: �4) Thc paymcM uf an} mnnr> th.�t ma) br ed�an:rd b} Ihr '
<br /> Benefleiaty to Trustor for any re�son ur to third parties,�cith intrrest therenn, «hem thi•.unuunts arr ,�d�anced t�� Pnrt�et th�•.rcurtt�' in aic�+rJanir«ith the �i4�
<br /> eovenants of this Deed oS Trust: (5) Any rene��•al, refinancinL or e�tensiun of.,��d pr��micson note, ur an}' other a;�rermcnt to E�,,} uhi.h m.�� be�ub�titutcd '�
<br /> therefor.
<br /> Al)payments made by l ruaur un thr ohl�e�tiun.rrurcd hy thi.llr.J ��t I ru.� �h:dl bc .�pplieJ in ti�e t�,llouing „rdcr.
<br /> F1RST: To the paytnent of ta�cs and ac,r.+mrnl, that m;n hr Ir�ird .�nd .�.,r..rd .,_�m.t .�id ��rrmi,r,. in�urancr��rcmuun.. rr��.un. .,n�l .all „th:r .har��,
<br /> and eKpenses:+greed to tx p�id by rhe Tructnr.
<br /> • SECONU: 7o thc payment of intcrest dur un wid loan.
<br /> THIRb: T'o thc p�yment o(principal.
<br /> TU PROTEC7'THE SECURI7'Y HEREOF,TRUSTOR(S)COVENAN"fS AND AGREES:(1)7'o keep said premises insured against loss by fire and othcr hazards,
<br /> casualty and contingencia up to the full value of all improvements for the protection of Beneficiary in such manner, in such amounu,and in such companies as
<br /> Beneficiary may irom time to time approve,and that loss proceeds(less exponse of coltection)shall,at Beneficiary's option,be applied on said indebtedness,whether
<br /> due or not or to the restoration of said imyrovements.In event of loss Tn�stor will give immediate natice by mail to the Beneficiary,who may make proof of loss if not
<br /> � madepromptiy by'1'ruttor,and eaeh inswance company conceraed 3s hereby authorized and directed to make payment for such loss directly to the Beneficiary insread of
<br /> to the Trustor.(2)To pay all taxes and special assasments of any kind that have been or may be levied or assesced upon said premises,and to delivery to Bene�ciary,
<br /> upon requat of the Beneficiary,the official receipt showing payment of atl such taxes and assessments.(3)!n the event of default by Trustor under Paragraphs 1 or 2
<br /> above,Beneficiary.at its option,may(a)place and keep such insurance above provided for in force throughout the life of this Deed of Trust and pay the reasonable
<br /> premiums and ehuges therefor;(b)pay all said taxes and assasments without determining the�•alidity thereof;and(c)pay such liens and all such disbursements shall be
<br /> deemed 8 part of ihe indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust and shall be immediately due and payable by Trustoc to Benefic;ary 14)To pay when due any lien on the
<br /> ptoperty wh�Ch is senior to the lien of'Beneftciary and,notwithstanding any right or option granted by any senior lien or by any senior lienholdcr to permit the principal
<br /> balance of such senior lien to inerease,Trt�stor will not permit the principal balance of any semor lien ta increase above the batance at tha time of the making oP this Trust
<br /> Deed until ihis Trust Dad shall have been paid in full.(5)To keep the buildings and other improvements now existing or hercaftcr crecled in good cdndition and repair,
<br /> not to commit or suffer any waste or any use of said premises contrary to restrictions of record or contrary to law,and to permit Beneficiary to enter at all reasonable �------ -
<br /> times for the purpose of inspecting the premises;not to rcmove or demolish any building ihereon;to restore promptly and in a good and workmanlike manner any �
<br /> buildings which may be damaged or datroyed thereon,and to pay,when due,all claims for labor performed and materials futnished therefor;(6)That,it a signer of the
<br /> Promissory'riote,he wiii pay.promptty[ne inuebtednas secureC nereoy�and perform sil otha obngat►ons m iuii compiiancc witn tnc terms ot sa�a Yrom�ssory Nocc '
<br /> Snd this Dad of Trust.(7)That the time of payment of tht indtbtedness hereby secured,or of any portion thercof,mny be extended or renewed,and any portions of thc
<br /> pttmises therein dacribed may.without notice,be released from the lien hereof,without releasing or affecting the personal Iiability of any person or the priotity of this
<br /> Deed of Trust. (8)That he does hereby forevcr warrant and wilt forever defend the title and possession thereoi against the law ful claims of any and nll penon� �
<br /> Wh,�fcnov.r: 2!r
<br /> IT IS MUCI�ALLY A(:Rk.Eb?ilA7_ p�
<br /> 111 Should Tru�t�.r fail to tn.�ke anc �.�tmrnt „i d�� �n .��t .�. hrre�n �rv�iJed. �n il �up iih„n ut ♦
<br />_ � � . y } �,r�nrrdnr• �. .nuimrn.rd ��htrh tn.rtrn.ili� etlr�t.
<br /> Bcnefinary'e mlcrc.t in thc I'rcn�itic�, thcn Hcnchciar� ur I�uacc. but 151II1/�U1 uhli��tiun �„ dn .,�, .md «ith��ut m�ii,r t„ ��r drmcmQ up�m inictnr. .m�l �.
<br /> :vithuut rcic�cin� �lruu��r ft�,�u any' ��hli�siti��n hcrcundcr. ma} makc nr d•� tlio ..unr..md in.i� ��e3. ��unh.nr.�„n�:.� ��r ���mpi�mai�r.me cnrumhrrn,c.�I�,n�•r v
<br />� ot I�cn, wh�.h m thc�nd}�inen�n(rithct.�pp�.uti t��alfcrt 4ud �r��pertv..�nd m r�cni.m� .inL .uih puucr,, im��� .�m h.�l��hn .�nd c���rnJ uh.�tr�rr .nn„unn in n
<br /> tLc .�hwlutr Jiurchun ut Bcncli�i.�ry ��r Itu��e�• rrthrr m.i} d�•cm nnr4.�r> thcri•I��r All .uni. .o �mutn�J ��� r��,rudrd b� firn�•uii,u� „r Ini.q�i• .h.�ll h� ��
<br /> «ithuut dc�nenJ nnn�cJi.�trly duc .nul � .�1•I. h I nni���. �h,dl h�.�r �nir��•.� .�t �lir Inrh:••� r.�tr ,cnnittrJ bt I�.� .�n,l .h_�II br �
<br /> I'�1 Y 1 ��i utril hrr��l�t .�
<br /> �.1 Shnuld Ihc 1'rcnil.c• �•� .�n� ��v� �lirir..l I�r i.ikrn I,y tr��,�u ��1 .�ut ��mdrtnu��i.�n p��..rrJm:• IA��.�i �.�r� .I�•I. i . ;u�i11;J �, �., �
<br /> • ill _ .,�� . i:t.mi�
<br /> .,qd �qhcr p.�y ntenl� thcrri��r. �nd � . �p�.�� n., .,n�� . n •li, �ntlrbtrdi�c.. ��,urctl hr��b� r�
<br />. 1�1 Hy� .ii<<•piin.• �+nnirn� ..I .int �� I��� ':< <n u�.�� �irir i�. du� diti.��r �1�, � il��� I�lin�..,t u����.� .-i �I�•t�nit �nJ ..t �I��,-�i�.�, .. . .. i�..�_ii,i.in .h.dl u�.� ..
<br /> ���mr �h 1�:•hl h� n y�nr• �•�•,��q,� ��i���..n' .:I�t. .I��� -�I ill ��ih.i ��n„ .i� �ui��I. . , . J� l.in �1��1�.�I� . ,�Inr. . .. . .. � ,rh '!i� �.. t�n�l �
<br />- .i9t .n:l� nnt� � ,�f �li��•il� �i�J ..t I ��. �� �.. II ••� �n� n���•�i�l hd��.�i -� �tJ in�l�fn�Jtc�. I• 1� � .. ..�,1, � ,�I:li � . ., ..� , , .i.l.., �.
<br />` ,<.��rr�l I����rl,l. i� •��,t �t�t.,i . �1�. � �. i. � , �, .�,ii . , ��L,i 1..•i- r, . . �.��, �ni . ir.�t •, . i . � .
<br /> !�. •.4l� �fi! �J ��. 6f• '�1 '�1 r�f t.n� � .�1{fv I�AYi �
<br />