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2� 1 ��7�2� <br /> Borruw�t•'s����y.B�rr�v�er sha�1 be given�ne cop�of�his Security�nst�um�nt. <br /> 'I`ransf�r of�h�Property ar��3enef�cial Inter�st in Barrav�ver. �f al�or a�.y part of the Property�r any�n�er�st <br /> in i� �s so�d ar �ransferred �ar if a benefc�a� interes� in Borrower is so�d �r transferred and Borrower �s nfl� a <br /> na�ura� person� �►�z�hout Lender's ��rior v����t�n �o�sen�, Lender may, a� i�s o�ti�n, requ�re im�nediate payment in <br /> fu�X of a�1 sums secured by �his S�e�uri� �nstrumen�. Hovv�ver, this aptian �hall no� be e�ercised by Le�der if <br /> exerc�se i��pro�ib��ed�y federa��a�iu as�f the da�e of this S��urity�ns�rument. <br /> �f Lender e�erc:�ses �his opt�on, Lender shal� g��e Borraw�r notic� of acceleratxon. The no�ice shall pro�ride a <br /> peri�d �f no� Ie:�s than the minim�am number a�da�s e��ablished by App��cable La�v from the da�e the no�ice is <br /> delivered �r ma�led �ithin whi�h Borrower must pay ai� s�ms sec�ured by th�s Secur��.y �nstrument. �f Borrovv�er <br /> fai�s �o pi�y these sums pr�nr�o the exp�rati�n of th�s periad, Lender may in��ke any remedies perm�t�ed by this <br /> Securi�y�nstru�n.ent without fu�-�he�-no��ce�r demand on Borro�ver. <br /> Borr��e�r's I���;ht to Re�ns�at�. If Barrawer rr�ee�s cer�a�n condit�ans, Bor�awer sha�� have the rig�� tc� have <br /> enf�rcem��nt a�'��his Securi� �nstr��ment d�scantinue�d at an���im�prior�a the �arlier of: �a� 5 days ��r such o�her <br /> �eriod as App��cable Lav�may specify for reins�a�ement�before sale af�he pr�per�y pursuant to any po�rer af sa�e <br /> contained �n th�is S�curity �ns�rument; or �b� e�tr� of a judgmen� enf�r��ng �his Securi�.y Instrumen�. Those <br /> cond�tion,3 are �laat �flrr��ver: �a� pays Lender a�1 sums v�h�ch�hen w�u�d be due under�h�s Se�ur��,y �nstrumen�t <br /> and t�e�ontra��:as if no acceleration had ac�urred;�b�cure�any defaul��f a��other ca�enants�r agre�men�s; (�� <br /> pa�s a1�e:xpens�s incurred�n enforcing�his�ecurity Ir�strumen�, �nclud��g,but not�i�m�ted to,reasonab�e at�orne�s' <br /> fees to th{u ext�r�t permitt�d by�av��; and�d}tak�s such ac�ion as Lender may reasonab�y requ�re t� assure that�he <br /> �ien of thi.s Se�urity�nstrument,L�nder's rights in�he Pro��rty and Borr�wer's obligation�o pay the sum.s secured <br /> �y �his Sf�cur�t� Zns�rumen� shal� �an�inue unchang�d. Up��.reinstat�m�nt by �orro�er, this Secur�ty �ns�rumen� <br /> and�h� abligati�ans secured hereb,y shali re�nain fu�ly effe����e as if no accel�ra�ion had o�curred. �o�vever, this <br /> r�gh�ta r�:�nsta���shall n��app�y in�he case�f acceiera�ion under the se�t�an�i��ed Transfer of the Property or a <br /> B�n��ci��l Inte��est in Barra�er. <br /> Hazardaus Su�stance�. �arrow�r shall n���aus�ar permit the pres�nce,u�e, d�sposa], storage, ar release of any <br /> Hazardouis Substances�n�r in the Properry.B�rro��er shal�n��d�,r��r al�o�anyone else�o do,anything affe�ting <br /> �he Prop�:r�y �hi�t is in vio�a�ion of any Enwir�nmen�al Lav�. The pr�ceding �vo sentences sha�� not apply �a the <br /> presenc�,use,o:r st�rag��n the Praperty af sma�l quan�i��es of Hazardous Subs�ances�ha�are genera�Iy r�co�m�zed <br /> �o be app:ro�riate�o normal reside��tial uses and t�n�aintex�a�ce of�he Pr�per�y. <br /> Borr�wer shai�prampt�y g��e Len�der wr�tten n�tice of any investiga�ion,c�a�m,demand,�awsuit�r a�her action by <br /> any go�e�menl:a� or regu�atary a�enc� ar pr�vate parry �n�ro�ving ��e ]Praper�y and any Ha�ardous Subs�ance �r <br /> Environ��en�a� Lav� af v�rh�ch �orrovver has ac�uai knov�ledge. If Barro�vver Iearns, or is no�ified by an� <br /> go�ernrr���ntal���regu�atory au�hority,tha�any rem�va�ar o�her re7r��d�ati�n of any Hazardaus Su�s�ance affe�t�ng <br /> �he Prop��,rty is riecessary, B�rr��wer sha�I promp��y tak� all n��essary rem�dia� ac��ans in a�cardance vvi�h <br /> Environ��en�al��aw. <br /> As used i.n�his paragraph, "Hazar�dous Substan�es" are�hose substances def�ned as�o��c �r ha�ardaus substances <br /> by Environm�n�al Lar� and �he Follov��ng substax��es: gas���ne, kerasene, oth�r f�am.mab�e �r toxic pe�raleum <br /> pradu�ts, t�x�� pes�icides and herb�c�des, volatile s���ven�s, Ynater�als �ontain��g ast�es�os ar formaldehyde, and <br /> radioac�i��e mat�rials. As us�d in�this parag�-aph, "Env�ranmen�al L�.v�r"means federa��av�s and�aws�f the sta�e of <br /> Nebraska:that r�11a�e to health,safety�r en�ir�n�nen�a�pra�ec���n. <br /> Ac��leration� ]�t�m�dies. Lende�r shal� give r�otice ta B�rrow�r �rior t� acceleration fallowing Borr�w�r's <br /> breach�f any+co���ant or agre��ment�n th�s Se��r��t�Instrument or th��on�rac�under wh�c�n accel�ra�ion <br /> �s p�rn�ilt�ed�b�u� n�t pri�r to ar�e��ration under fih�section titl�d Transfer�f the PropQr�y vr a B�n���ial <br /> In�e�rest in B��•rovver, unle5s Appl��able L�� prav�des otherwi�e}. Th� not�ce shall specify: (a} the d�fa�l�; <br /> �b} ��e acti�� require� to �ua�e the defau�t; �c� a date, no� �ess th�n thQ minimum number o� d�ys <br /> e�tabli�hed �y Applicabl�Law ifram �he da���he notice i�gi�en �o�orro�v�r, by which th�defau�t mu5t be <br /> cur�d; and �d� that failu�-� tv cure the defaul� an vr b�efore the dat� s��c��ed in the �otic� �nay result in <br /> a�c�lera��ion o:f the sums secur�ed by th��s Securi�y ln5�rum�nt and sa�� of �he Pro�erty. '�`a the �x�ent <br /> permit�ed �y ��avv, �h� n�tice sh��x fur�her infarn� Barrov�e�- of t�� righ��� r�insta�e aft�r accelerat�on and <br /> the r�ghi:tn�ri�ng a caur�action to�ssert�he n�n--ex��t��ce of a dlefaul��r any a�her defense o�Bvrr�r�ve�r t� <br /> acce�era�t�on and sale. If the defaul� is n�t cured on �r �efare th�date specified in the notice,Lender�t its <br /> �p�i�n n:�ay �equ�re immediate paym�nt in ful� of all ��ms s�cur�d by thi� �ecurity Ins�ru�n�nt v���hout <br /> furt�er +�emarnd ar�d ma� invo�:e the pa�ver of s.ale and any oth��• r�xnedies permitted by App�i�ab�� L�vv. <br /> To the �:xten� p�rmitted by lavw, Lend�r s��l� �e en�it�ed t� c�ll��t al� �xpenses incurred in pur�uing the <br /> r�m�d�e�� pro�v�ded in this Sec�i�n, �nc�udin�, but n�t Iimi�ed to, �-Q�son�b�e attorneys' fee�and costs of t�tl� <br /> evidence:. � <br /> If the pca�er of s�l� is in���ed,Trustee shai� r�c�rd a notice of�lefa��t in ea�h county�n r�vhich any part of <br /> the]Pra��erty i� �acated and shall r�a�i copies�f�uch na�ice in th� mar�mer prescrib�d by Appli��b�e IJav�to <br /> Bor�~a�v��r ar�d t� th� other persons presc�ib�d �y App�icab�e L�w. .After the tim� requir�d by Applic�b�e <br /> Lavw, Tr°us�e� shai� gi�e public notice af sale t� �he pe�-s�ms ar�d in th� manner prescr�b�d by Appli���ie <br /> Law. Trus���,w�thout demand on B�rr��er, sh���se�l th��'rap�rty at public auc��an t�the highest bfdder <br /> at�he�i�:ne a��d place and unde�•the tern�s d�sig��ted in the no�i�e of sale i��ne or more parc��s and in any <br /> �rder Trus��e determ�nes. '�C"r�.�5tee ma� postp��e sa�e of a�l �r ang� parcei of the Praperty by public <br /> ann�un�y�men�.�t th�t�mQ and �place of�ny pre�i�usly scheduledl sal�. Len�er nr i�s d��ignee may purcha5e <br /> the Pro�yerty a.t any sale. <br /> Q 2004-2�I5 i�om}�tiance Sys#ems,Inc.8C5�-B250-2015.I1.3.1�98 <br /> Cans�mer ReaI Estate-��ec�rity Insin�ment D�..�fl3d Page 4 0�5 wwr�� <br />