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<br /> � Secretar af Houaing and Urb�n Development.
<br /> THAT Jaak Kemp + y
<br /> of Wash�ngtoa, D. C., Gr�ator, in can�idera[�OR of the •um of ONE DOl.l.l►R (51.00) and
<br /> other valuable conaideratioas ia t�and paid� does hareby granto bargain, •ell and convey
<br /> � unto
<br /> Ralin D. Kreuehi and Naney M. Kreuahi (Hu sband and Wife)
<br /> � of Grand Island, Nebraska , �r�n�ees,
<br /> aa joint tenanta, and aot as teaante in comaion, the folloWing dnacriDed l�eal prupert�
<br /> aitu�te in the County of Hall , Stata of Nebraaka, to wit:
<br /> A part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section �enty-
<br /> four (24), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10)� West of the 6th P.M.
<br /> Hall County� Nebraska, described as follows: �3eginning at the Northeast
<br /> Corner of the Southwest Quarter of said Section �aenty-four (24), Township
<br /> Eleven (11) North , Range Ten (10) West, running thence South on the Easterly
<br /> line o� said Quar�er Section a distance of Ninety t90) feet, Lhence c�ue West
<br /> parallel to the Nor�h line of said Quarter Section, a distance of Or�e hundred
<br /> sixty three (163) �eet, thence due North �rallel to the East line of said
<br /> Quarter Section a distance of ninety (90) feet to the North line of saic3
<br /> Quarter Section, thence due East on the ti�:th line of said Qi�arter Section
<br /> a dis�ance of One hundred sixty three (lE3) feet to the Northeast corner of
<br /> said Southwes� Qsar�er which is :.he place ef beginning.
<br /> �- �.
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<br /> BEING the same property acquired by the Cra�tor puryuant to �I�e provisfons of che � ` '
<br /> Natianal Houaing Act, as amended (12 USC 1701 et seq.� aad the Department of Hausing �rtd ��
<br /> Urban Development Act (79 Stat. 6b7). :
<br /> , :��.
<br /> TOGETF�R WITH all tenements� hernditamenta and eppurtenances thereunto belonginR, :
<br /> and all the eetste, right, title, interest. claim or demand whatsoever .if the said .
<br /> Grantor. of, i�, or to the s�mn, or say p�rt thereof. �
<br /> IT BEINC tha intention of •11 partiea hareto th�t in the event of tht death of �
<br /> either of said Grantees� the entire fee simple title to the real estate de�cribed P�erein
<br /> shall vaat in the surviving Grantee.
<br /> �
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the �bove described premiaes� With t}�e eppurtenances. »�to the :
<br /> s�id Grantees as Joint tenanta, and not as tenanta io conanon, and to rheir assigns, or :
<br /> to the heirs and aesigns o£ the survivor of them, Eorev�r, a�d rhe said Secretary of
<br /> Housing and llrb�n Developmee�t, �nd for his succeseora and assigns, does covenant with �
<br /> tht G rantees herein named� and With their �ssigns •nd aith the heire� and aiaigne of the
<br /> eurvivor of them� that the sal.d Grantor is lawfully •eized of said pramisee; that they . ,-________
<br /> — � are free fram incumbrence; that the esid (:rantor haa good right and lewful autharity •
<br /> - - _ CO lEll C11E SaII1@� �AO Lllat �(iC i�1V ueGa$a`.iij� 4a F{Cs�161iig Gi�d !lr.har. �L•1�1����Z=� .,..i 11 � '. .
<br /> and hia successors and •ssigM, •h�ll, WARRANT and DEFEND the se�he unto the named �rantees ;:
<br /> � �nd untn their �ssigna and the heirs aad assigns of the survivor of them� forever� eRainsi ,
<br /> ��� • e • • •__ � .s_ t t t h.. ��rr!!°}t Q� !!n�Pt' r�li�iil, and }---
<br /> LIIE titilLt G��LIItb Otlu aCiuriivs t3L t�aa j�ciovia8 a.2SZiS3:.H . � e�
<br /> �'� � ageicst no other clatms or demands. : ' �
<br /> SIJBJECT to ell covenant�. reetrictione, reservattons. easemrntu. cundltlonR and �
<br /> rights �ppeariu� of record; �nd SUBJECT to any et�te of factd nn nrcnrate N��rvev �+����Irl n
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