2� 1 ��751 �
<br /> fu�l of a�I sums secured b� th.�s Security �ns�men�. Hovve�►�er, �h�s opti�n shall not �e ex�rcis�d b� L�nt�er if
<br /> exercise�s pr�h�bx�ed by federal la,w as of�he date�f th�s Security Ins�rument.
<br /> If L�nder exercises this ap��on, Len�er shall �ive B�rrov�e� no�ice of a�celerat�an. The no��ce shal� pravzde a
<br /> per�od af no� �ess �han th.e m�nxmum number of day� estab��shed by App��cab�e Law from the date the �.otice is
<br /> deliv�red or mai�ed v��th�n which Borrovr�er �nt�s� pay al� sums secured by this Secur�ty �ns�rumen�. �f B�rrower
<br /> fails �a pay these sums p�i�r ta the expira��o� af�his periad, L�nd�r�ay i���ke any rem�dies permz�t��d by �his
<br /> Security�ns�rument wzth�ut fur�her notzce or demand�n Borr��ver.
<br /> Borrower'S Right to Re�nstatev �f Bflrr�w�r meet� cer�airn cand�ti�ns, Barr�,wer shal� have �he rzght �� have
<br /> enforcemen�of th�s Secux�ty�nst�-ument disc�ntinue�. at any�in�e��i�r t� �he earl�er of: �a} S days �or such�ther
<br /> periad as App��cab�e Law ma�r spe��fy for rei�.sta�emzn��befare sal�of�he Pr�pert}r pursuan��o any p�wer of sa�e
<br /> contained in th�s Secur�ty �ns�rurnen�; or �b} entry af a �udgme�t enforcing �his Security �ristrument. Those
<br /> canditions are that B�rra,wer: �a� pays Lender al� sums which then urou�.d be due und�r th�s Sec�a.r��.y ��strument
<br /> and the�ont�act as�f rzo acce�era��on had occurred; �b�cu.res an�defau�t af an�o�her covenan�s ar agreemen�s; (c}
<br /> pays a�l expenses incurred in enf�rcing�h�s Securz�y Ins�ru.ment,inc�ud��g,but not��m���d�o,reasonabl�a��or��ys'
<br /> fees to the extent permi�ted by iaw; and �d} takes such ac�ion a�Lender may reas�nably re�uire�� assure�ha��he
<br /> lien of t.�ais Securzty�ns�rumen�,Lender's righ�s in�h�Properry and Borro��ver's obliga��on ta pay�he surr�s seeur�d
<br /> by �his Securi�y�ns�rumen� �ha�� con��nue unch�.nged. Upan reinst�temen�by Borrativer, this 5ecuri�y Ir�strumen�
<br /> and �he ob��ga�zons secur�d hereby shal� remair� fuil� effecti�re as �f r�o acce�era�ion h�d oc�urred. Ho�vever, this
<br /> righ�to reins�ate sha�l no�apply in�he case af acce�erat�on under�h�se��ion ti�Ied Transfer of�he Pr�perty vr a
<br /> Beneficia�Ir�terest�n]Borrower.
<br /> Ha�ardous�ubstan�es.Borrovver shall not cause or perm�t the presence,use, d�sposal, storage, �r r����.se of any
<br /> Hazardous Substances an or in�he Proper�r.Borrovver sha11 not do,nor all�w any�ne else�o do,any�hing affe�ting
<br /> �he Pr�perty that is in vio�a�ian of any Env�ro�.rnental Law. The preceding two sen�ences shall nv� app��r �o �he
<br /> presence,use,�r storage�n th�Pr�per�y of sr�al��uantities of Haza�d�us Subs�ances�ha�are gene�al�y rec�gnized
<br /> �o be appropria�e t�narmal res�dent�al us�s and�o maintenance of the PrQperty.
<br /> B�rrovv�r shall promptly g�ve Lender wri���n r��tice of any�nves�igation,c�aim, demand,lawsu��or oth�r action by
<br /> any governmen�al or regulatory agency or priva�e par�y znva�vzng �h� Praper�y and any Hazardflus 5ubs�a.nce or
<br /> Env�ranmen�a.I Lativ of vvhxch Borrov�rer has actua� knaw�edge. If Borrower �earns, or �s no��fi�d by any
<br /> go�ernmenta�ar regula�ory autharity, �h.at any removal�r oth�r remediation of any Hazardous Subs�an��affe�ting
<br /> the Property is necessary, Borrativer sha�� �ramp�ly �ake a�I necessary rem.ed�al action� in accordance v�r�th
<br /> Environmen�a�Lavv.
<br /> As used�n�his paragraph, "Hazardous Subs�an�es" are�hose substan�es def�ned as toxic or hazardous subs�ances
<br /> by Env�rQnme�.ta� La�v and the fol�owing substances: gaso�i�.e, kerosen�, other fla�mab�e or �o�.ic pe�raleum
<br /> products, �flX1C �3�5��.C�C��S and herb�c�des, vola��l� so�vents, mater��.ls can�ain�ng asbes�os or farmaldehy�ie, and
<br /> radioa��zve mater�als.As used in�his paragraph, "En��ironmer�tal La-w"�x�eans federal�av�rs and lavvs af�he state of
<br /> Nebraska�ha�re�a�e to hea��h,safety or environmen�al pratec��on.
<br /> Accexerat�o�; Remed�esa Lender sha�I g�ve n�tice �fl B�rrflwer prior t� accelerat�on follow�ng ��r�ower's
<br /> �brea�h af any cflvenant ar agree�rnent in th�s Security Inst�r�umernt��-th��ontract under whi�h a�ce��rat��n
<br /> �s perm�it�ed �but nflt pr�or �a a��e�erati�n under the 5ec�ion �it�ed Transfer Qf the Praperty or a�e�e���a�
<br /> In�erest in I3orrower, un�e�s Appl��ab�e L�w pr�`~�des �t�erwise). The x���ice shall speC�fy: �a� th� c�efau��;
<br /> ��) the acti�n required to cure the defauX�; �c� a date, not l�ss than �he mi��mum r��m�er of days
<br /> est�.b�ished by Applicab�e Law from the date�he noticQ is gfven �o�3orrvvver,by which the�ef�u�t nnust be
<br /> cur�d; and �d3 that fa�lure t� �ure the defau�t fln or before th� da�e spe�i�ed in �he nat�ce ma� r�su�t zn
<br /> acc�lerat�on �f the surns secured by this S��urity Ins�rument �.nd s�le of the Property. Tv �he exten�
<br /> permitted b�'law, the natice shall fur�h�r inforr�Borravv�r af�he right�a re�nstate after ac�elera�i�on and
<br /> t�ae r�ght to b�ing a cvurt actfon t�ass��r�the�on-existencfi�f a defauit or any vth�r defen5e of I3arrawer�o
<br /> aC���era�ifln and sale. If the default is ��t �ured vn or before t�Q da�� specified in the not�c�,Lemder at its
<br /> vptYon may requir� imm�diate paymQnt fn fu�I flf a�l sum�s s��ured by this Security Ins�rurrxent v�ithou�
<br /> further demand and may invoke the power of sa�e and am� ather remed�es permftted by A�pli�abl�e JLaw.
<br /> Tfl �he extex�t permitted by law, Lender s�.all be ent�tled t� coll�c� all expenses �ncurred in pu��u�ng the
<br /> remedies prov�ded in �hi5 Sec�i�n,inC�udin�,�ut nvt�imit�d to,reasonab�e a�torneys' f�es and casts of��itie
<br /> eviden�e.
<br /> If�h�power of sale is�nv�ked,Trustee �hall�Q��rd a not�ce af�efau�t in each county in wh�ch any�part flf
<br /> the Property�s Iocat�d�nd sha�X ma���p��s of such no�Yc�in the m�nner prescr�bed by Ap�l�cab���aw�o
<br /> ��rrower and �o �he other per�ans pr�scr�bed by Applieable La�ve Aft�r the time required b� App�ieabie
<br /> Lav�, Trustee shal.� give publ.ic nvtice �f��1� �o the pers�ns ar�d �n the mann�r prescribed by Appli�able
<br /> Lav�. Trusfie�,�vvithaut dern.and �n Bor�v�er, shal�se�l th�Prap�rty a�public auctian to the hxgh��t b�dd�r
<br /> at�he time and p�a�e and under the term�c�esignated�n the n��i�e�f SaI�in ane ar more parc�ls�and in any
<br /> ord�r Trus��� determines. Trustee may postpone Sale of all or an� parcel af the Property by pub��c
<br /> anno�ncement at�he tYme and place of any prev�ou5�y schedul��1 sale.L�nder vr its desxgnee m�y pur�hase
<br /> the Pr�p er�y at any s ale.
<br /> Up�n receipt of paym�nt vf the pr�ce bxd, Trust�e shal� d���ver to the purchaser rTrustee's dee�. j�o�veying
<br /> the Property. The reci�ais�n the Truste�'s de�d shall b�p�ima fa�cie ev�dence of the truth of�h� �tat�men�s
<br /> made there�n. Trustee �ha�� ap��y the p��ceeds �f �he sa�e �n �h� fn��o�vving order: �a� �fl a�� ���ts and
<br /> expenses of exercisaing the power of sale, aa�d the sa�e, incl�ud��.g the payment af th� Trust�e�s �'ee� a��ua�ly
<br /> ��444-2ti t 5 Compliar�ce Systems,Inc.6 I SA-Ea 1B-2015.12.3.I.I 115
<br /> Cansumer Real Estate-Security�nstrurr�en#DL243G Pa�;e 4 of 5 www.comp�iancesystems:c�m
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