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2� 1 ��751 � <br /> Applicable �aw. As use�i in th'rs Security �nst�ru.ment, �he term "Applicable Lavsr" shall mean all c�ntralling <br /> applicable federal, s�a�e and �ocal s�atutes, regulations, ordinances an�. adm�nis�ratzve ru�es a�d order5 �t�a�have <br /> the effect of�atiu�as�ue��a�a��app�xcable f na�,n�n-appeaiable�ud�c�al opinians. <br /> Charges; Li�ems. Borrower shall pay al� �axes, assessments, char�es, fnes and impasxt��ns at�r�bu�.b�e to the <br /> Proper�r whi�h may atta�r�priari�y�ver�his �ecurity�nstrument, and�easeho�d paymex�ts or grQund r�nts, if any. <br /> At�he reque�t of Lender,Borra�rer shall prompt�y ftu-nish to Lend�r receip�s evidencing th�payment�. <br /> Borrovver sha��prampt�y d�scharge any Iien v�rhich has priari�y Qver�his Securr�y Instrument unless Barra�ver; �a} <br /> agrees in wri��ng �o �he paymen� of the oblzgat�om secured by th� �ien in a manner accep�able �o Lender; �b} <br /> c�ntes�s ��n good faith the �ien by, �r defend� aga�nst enforc�men� of th� lien in, lega� proceed�ngs which in the <br /> Lender's ap�nion operate to prevent �he enforcement of�he 1ien; �r �c} secures from the holde� �f the l�en an <br /> agreement sa�isfac�ory�o Lender su�bardin�.�ing the �ien�o �h�s �ec�rx�y�nstrum.ent. �f Lender de�ern� that any <br /> par�of�he Pr�pe�-�y is subj e�t�o a 1��n v�rh�ch may attain pri�rifiy aver th�s Securi�y�ns�rumen�, Lend�r may give <br /> BorroWer a no�ice identify�ng the �ien. Borr��vver shal� sa�isfy�he lz�n or take one or mare of the act�o�s set farth <br /> above within 1�days of�he giving af no�ice. <br /> Ha�ard or Property Insuran�e. Barrower sha��keep �he �mprovexnents��ovv exis��ng or hereafter ere�c�ed fln�he <br /> Property�nsured against lo�s by f re,hazards included within the term"extended coverage" and any��he��azards, <br /> inc�uding f�oods ar flooding, for which Lend�r requires in�urance. Thi� insurance shall be maintainec� in the <br /> amounts and for�h�per�ods that Lender requires. The insurance carrier pr�viding the znsurance sha�l b�chosen by <br /> B�rro�rer sub��c� �o Lender's appro�a� which sha�� not be u:�.r�asvnably �withhe�d. If B�rrovver fa��s to �aintain <br /> c�verage described above, Lender may, a� Lender's op�xon, �b�ax.n cov�rage �a pr�tect Lender's ri�h�� in the <br /> Property in accardance vv�th sec��an ti�Ied Prflte�t�on of Lender'�I�igh�s�n�he Prvper�y. <br /> A�I insurance p�Iic�es and renewais sha�� be accep�ab�e �o L�nder �nd sh��� inc�ude a standard mor�gage cXause. <br /> Lender shall have the righ�to hold�he polici�s and renewa�s. If L�r�d�r rer�u�res,Borrov�rer shall prornp��y give ta <br /> Lender al�receip�s flf pa�d premiums and renewa�notice�. �n the event af�oss, B�rra�r�r sha�l give prornpt no�xce <br /> ta�he�nsurance carrier and Lender.Lender may make proof�f�oss if no�made prampt�y by Borra��ve�. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower other�vise agree �n writ�ng, �n�urance pr�ce�ds sha�� be app�ied �o restora�ion or <br /> repazr ❑f�he Proper�y damaged, �f, in Lender's s��e d�scre�ia�n, the restora��on or repa�r is ecanornica�ly �easib�e <br /> and Lender's secur�ty�s no� �essened. If, �n Lender's sole discretion, �he r�storation or repair is n�� �c�nom�.cally <br /> feasible or Lender's securi�y would be�essened,the insurance proce�ds sha11 be applied��th�sums sec�ar-ed by this <br /> S e curity Instrument, vvhether or nat then due, wi�h any exc ess �aid �o B arr�v�er. If B�rro,wer abandflns the <br /> PrQper�r, or does not answer wi�h�n the n�.mb�r�f days prescribed by App�icab�e Lavv as set for�h�n a n�t�ce from <br /> Lender�� Borrower tha�the insurance carr�er has affered�o �e�tle a c�a�m, �hen Lender may ca�Ie���he in�urance <br /> proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds �o repa�r ar r�s�ore t�:�e FroperCy flr ta pay sums secured by th�� Security <br /> Ins�rum�n�,whe�her or no�then due. The peri�d�f time for Barr�vver�o an 5wer as se�for�h in the na���e�r��l begin <br /> u�hen the natice is given. <br /> t]'nl�ss L�nder and Borrower a�erwzse agree �n�ri�ing, any applica��on of�r�ceeds tfl pr�ncipal sha1T not extend <br /> or pas�pane the due date of the paymen�s due under�he �an��ac�or change the amount of the paym�n�s. �f ur�.der <br /> �h.e sectxan�itle�A�ce�eratian; Remedies, the Proper�y is a��uired by Lender, Borrawer's r�gh�to any insurance <br /> pol�cies and praceeds resu�ting from damage to �he P�operty prior �Q the acquisi�ian sha�I pass ta Lender �o the <br /> e�ten��f�he sums secured by th�s Security�nstrument�rnmed��.�e�y pr�or�a the acquxsition. <br /> Pr�servati�n, �Iaintena��e and Protec�ion af the Prvp�rty; ��rrov�ver's Loan Appli�at�an; Leas�ho�ds. <br /> ��r�otiver shall no�destroy, damage vr impair�he Proper�y, a�I�w�he Property�o de�erxora�e, or comm�t Was�e on <br /> �he Praperty. Borrower shali be in defaul��f any forfe�ture action or prflcee�ing,�vhether civil or cr�m�na1,is begux� <br /> �ha� in Lender's good fai�i j udgment could resu�� in farf�iture af�he Property ar ��herwxse ma�erial�y�mpair�he <br /> lien created by �hrs Securi�y Ynstrument or �.ender's security interest. �arr�wer may cure such a defau�� and <br /> re�ns�a�e, as prnv�ded in sec��an�i�led�orr��er's iZ�ght to Iaein�tat�, by causing the ac�ian or p�oceeding to be <br /> d�sm�ssed�th a ru�ing�hat, in Le�der`s good fa��h de�ermina��an,pr�c�ud�a forfeiture�f�he Borro�ver's i�.��res�in <br /> the Property or ❑�her materxal �mpairme�.� af the Iien creati�d by �his S�curi�y �ns�ru�nent or Lender's securzty <br /> in�erest.BarroWer sha�I also be zn default�f Borr��rer,dur�ng�he�oan appl�ca��on prflcess,gave ma��r�a�I�fa�se ar <br /> inaccura�e �nfarmation ar s�atemen�s �o L�nd�r (ar fai�ed �a prav�de Ler�d�r wi�h any ma�erial inforxna�i�n� in <br /> conne�tiion Wxth �he laan ev�denc�d by th� ��ntrac�. �f th�s Security Ins�rumen�is on a Ieasehald, B�rrav�rer shal� <br /> comp�y,tnri�h a��the provisians af�he�ease. If Borrower acqu�res f�e��t�e ta the Property,�he�easeho�d�nd the fee <br /> tit�e shall nat merge unless Lender agrees to�he merger in writing. <br /> Pr�t�ct�on of L�nder's l�ghts �n the Pr��erty. �f Barro�er fa�ls tn �erfarm �he covenants and agre+�ments <br /> contained in this Security�nstrument, or th�re is a�egal proce�ding�ha�m��y s�gnif cantly affec�Lender"s rights in <br /> the Praperty �such as a proceeding in ba.nkruptcy, pr�ba�e, far condem�.zaati�n or forfeiture or to enfor�e laws or <br /> regulat�ons�, �.hen Lentier may do and pay for whatever is necessary �o protect �he value �f th� Property and <br /> Lender's right��n the Praperty. Lender's actxor�s may xnclude pa�ing any su��a.s secured by a Iien which has prz�r�ty <br /> o�er this Secur�ty Instrum.en�, appea.ring in cour�,paying reaso�a�Ie���tirneys'fees and en�ering an th�Pr��er�to <br /> make repairs.Although Lender may take action under this sec�ion,Lender d.oes nv�have�a d�s�. <br /> Any arnounts ��sbursed by Lender under �his section shall bec�me additi�nal �eb� af BorroWer secured �y this <br /> Security �nstrument. Un�ess Borrovver and L�nder agree to o�her ter�s of paymen�, these amoun�s shall bear <br /> interest fram �he da�e of d�sbursement at th� same rate assess�d an advan�es under �he Cnntra�� �nd s��.al� be <br /> payab�e,with�x�teres�,upn�natxce from L��der�o BarroWer reques�ing pay,men�. <br /> Q 2flQ4-2015 Compliance Systems,T�c.G18A-EO1B-2015,12.3.I.1115 <br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security Instrument DL2036 Pa�e 2 af 5 www,camp�iancesyster�s.cvm <br />