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2� 1 ��75�9 <br /> Transfer of the Prvper�y�r a Benefic�a�I�teres��n Borrvwv�r.�f a�� or any par�af�he Property��an�r��n�eres� <br /> �n it is s�ld or transferred (or if a benefcial interes� in Barrro�ver is sold flr transferr�d and Borrovuer i� nat a <br /> na�ural person� wi�haut L�nder's prior u�rz�ten c�nsent, Lender may, �.� its opt�on, re�uire �mmed�ate payment �n <br /> full �f a�� sums secured by �hzs 5ecuri�y �ns�rument. �ovvever, this �p�iun shal� not be exerc�s�d by Lender �f <br /> exercise is prahib��ed by federal lav�r as of�he date of�h�s Securit�Zn���umen�. <br /> �f Lender exercises �his aption, Lender shall g��� Borrower natice �f acceleratian. The notice sh�.1� prav�de a <br /> per�od of not less than�he minimum number af days es�abl��hed b�App�icab�e Lavv fr�m.the da�e �h� natzce �s <br /> de�ivered or mailed wi�hin which Borrower r�ust pay a�l sums secured b�� this Securi�y �nstrume�t. �f Barrovver <br /> fai�s to pay these sums prior �o the expira�ion of this peri�d, Lender may invoke any remedies permit�ed by this <br /> 5ecur�ty Instrument vv�thou�fur�her na�ice or demand on Borrc3Wer. <br /> Borrower�s �ght �o Re�nstafe. �f Borr�wer meets �er�ain c�nd��ians, �Borrower sha�� have �h� r�g�.� �Q have <br /> enf�rcement of�h�s Se�ur��y �ns�ru�aerz� d�sco��inued a� any ti�me prior to �:he ea�-l�er of: �a} 5 days �or such other <br /> per�od as App�xcab�e La�v may specify f�r reir�statement}bef��e sa�e of�he Property pursuant�o any po�v�r�f sale <br /> con�ained in this Security Ins�rurnen�; or �b� en�ry af a ju�gm.ent enforcing �his Securi�y �nstruxnen.t. Th�se <br /> canditiflns are �ha�Barrower: ta} pay� Lender al� sums which then urou.ld be due und�r th�s Securzty �ns�-ument <br /> and�he��ntract as if na a�cele�at�on ha�t occurred; �b�cures any default of'any ather cavenantis�r agr�eme�.ts; �c} <br /> pays all expenses incu.rred�n enforcing�his Se�u:��ty Ins�rumer��, inc�uding,�bu�not Iimr�ed to,reasonabl�a#t�rneys' <br /> fees to �he ex�en�permitted by Iav►�; and �d} �akes such actxon a�Ler�der may reasonably require to assure�ha��he <br /> lien af�his Security Instrument, Lender's righ�s in�he Propert�j and B�rrour�r's abliga�i�n�o pay�he �ums secur�� <br /> by this Securit�r�nstrumen�sha�� con�inu� un�hanged. ZTpon reinsta�ernen�by Borrnwer, this Security �ns�ument <br /> and the flbliga�ions secured hereby shall r�main fully effec���e as �f na ac��eleration had accurred. Howev�r, this <br /> righ�to re�nstate sha���.ot app�y in�he case of a���Iera��an un�ier�he s�ctia����le�Transfer of the�'r�perty flr a <br /> Ben�f�cial In�erest in l�orrower. <br /> Hazardous Substances.Borr�wer sha��n�t cause ar permit the preSenCe,��.s�, dzsposa�, storagey or re�ease of any <br /> Haza.rdous Subs�ances on�r in the Properfi�r.Bonrourer shall n��do,nor alla�w an�one else�a da,anyth�n�affect�ng <br /> �he Praperty that is in vialation af any Environmen�al Lavv. The prece��ng t�ro sentences shall n�� a�aply�� the <br /> pres�nce,use,or storage on the Praper�y of sma�l quanti�ies�f I-�azardous Substances t�at are gener�.I1y re�ognized <br /> to be approprzate to normal residen�ia�uses amd�a rnaintenance of th�Pr�p�;rty. <br /> B�rrov�er sha��pr�mp�Iy give Lender v�ri�t�n notice af any�nv�st�ga�ion,cl��im, demand,Iav�rsuif�or a�her ac�:zon by <br /> any g�vernmen�a� or regula�ory agen�y ar private party involv�ng tl�e Pro��erty and any Hazardous �ubsta.nce ar <br /> Er�v�r�nmenta.l Law of v,�hich BorroWer has ac� knawl�dge. If Ba�:rower learns, or is notif�ed �y an� <br /> governxnen�al or regulatory authori�y,tha�any re�noval or other r�m�dia�ion of an�Ha�ardous Substa�c�affec�ing <br /> �he Property �s necessary, Borrawer shall promp�ly ta�e aIl nec�ssary remedial ac�ions �n accflrdan�e vv�th <br /> Env�r�nmental Lavv. <br /> As used zn�his paragraph, "Hazar�ous Substances" are�hos� �ubs�ances d�,f ned as�axi� �r hazarc��us substances <br /> by Environmenta� Lavv and the fo��ovving subs�an�es: gasoiine, k�roser�e, o�her f�ammable or t�x�c pe�flleum <br /> products, toxic pestzcides and herbic�des, v��ati�e solven�s, rnateria�s �fln�taining asbestos or forrx�aldehyc��, and <br /> radinactive ma�eria�s. As used�n this paragrap�, "Environmental Lav,�" means federal Iav�s and lavvs of t��s�ate of <br /> , Nebraska that rela�e to health,safety�r env�ronmenta��ro�ection. <br /> Ac����ra�ivn; l�emed�es. Lender sha�� give noti�e to Borro�vver prior ta accelera��on fall�wing �va�r�wer's <br /> bre��h of any�ovenant�r agreement ir��hi�Security Instrumen�or th�e�on�ract under which �c���era�xan <br /> fs perm�tted �but nvt pr�or�o a��elerat��n under the sect��n �i�l�d Transfer of the Property or���nefi�ial <br /> Intere�t in Borrovver, unless App�i�able Lawv provides oth�erwi��}. The r�oti�e shal� specify: ��} the d�fau��; <br /> ��� �he ac�ion required to cure the d�fault; �c� a da�e� �o� �es� �han the m�rn�mum nu�n�er of days <br /> established by Applicable LaYv fir�m the�ate th�notice�s g�ven�o�or:r�w�r,by which the d�fau��t na�us�be <br /> �ured; and �d) that failure to cu�re the �efault on or befa�e the date E�pecified xn �he not�ce m�y re�ult �n <br /> accelera�ion �f �he 5urns �ecured by this Se�urxty Instrumer�t and �ale of �he Prnperty. To th� extent <br /> per�u�ted by law, th� ma�zce shal�furth�r inf�rm B�rrow�r of the r�gr►t�o reins�ate after ac��I�r�.�xan and <br /> �he right to bring a court ac�ion to ass�r�th��on-existence of a defau�t or any�ther defense�f�3orro�wer to <br /> accelerat�on and sale.If�he default is not c�r�d �n nr before thP date specif��d�n the not�ce,L�nde� at its <br /> vp��on may re�uYre �.mxr�ediate �aaymen� in fu�i of alI 5um5 secured �fy tha�s Secu�-ity Instrum�nt with�ut <br /> further demand and ma�invoke the pawer o�sa�e and any �ther r�ra� permi�ted by Appl�ca�le Law. <br /> T� the exten� p�rmitted by �aw, Lende� shal� be entitled to c��Iect all �xpenses incurred �n pursuing the <br /> remedi�s provided in this Sectiv�.,i�nc�uding,buf not limited ta,reas�n�b�e a�t�rne�s' f�es an� co�t��f tf��e <br /> evid�ncQ. � <br /> �f�he power �f sa�e is�nv�ked,Trustee��all rec�rd a n��i�e �f defau��xn each �flu�ty�n whi�h any�ar�of <br /> the Pr�perty i��ocated and shall mai��flpi���f su�h no�YCe�� th�manrier pres�r�bed by Appl�c�.b�e I.�aw�o <br /> Barr�wer and �o the other persons pres�ribed hy App��cab�e Lav�. Af'ter the t�me required �y App���ab�e <br /> La�v, Trustee sha�l pub�ic notice af sa�.e �o the perso}7� an�l �n the manner prescr�bed by App���able <br /> Law. Trus�ee,v���hau�demand �n Borrowe�-, �hai�se�l the Praperty at public aucti�n to �he h�ghes��aidder <br /> at the time a�d place and under�he terms d�signated in the n�ti�e of sa�e�n one or rnore par��Is amd in any <br /> order Trustee determaines. Tru�tee ma� p�stpo�e Sale o;f all �r any parcel of the Pr�pe�ty by �aublic <br /> annauncemer�t at the.tim�and p�a�e of�r�y�r�v�ous�y sch�duled sa�e.IJender vr its de5ignee�nay pua��hase <br /> th e Prvperty at ar�y s al�. <br /> L��aox� re�e�p� of payment of�he pric� b�id, Trus�ee shal� de�iver to the ;purchaser Trustee's de�d. �onveying <br /> �he Property. The reci�als�n the Trust��'s deed shall be pr�ma fa�cxe e��idence of the tru�h of the stat�ments <br /> Cc�24�4-2�i 5�Qmplian�:e 5ystems,Inc.61 SA-4C8S-2fl�5.12.3.I.1�15 <br /> Cons�mer Real Estate-Se�urity Instr�ment DL2436 Pa�e 4 af 5 www.comglian�esyst�ms.cvm <br />