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2� 1 ��75�9 <br /> Payrnent of Principal and Inter�st; �ther�harges.Borr�wer sha11 prvmptly pay wh�n due�h�pr�ncipal of and <br /> interes��n�he deb�o�ued under the Con�ra�t and 1a�e charges a�r any ather f��s and charges due und�r�he��ntract. <br /> Applicable Law. As used in this Security Yns�rument, the term $'Appli�:able La�r" shall mean a1� can� <br /> applica�le federal, s�a�e and lo�al s�a.�u�es, regulations, nrdinances a�d adm�n�strative r�1es and �rders �that haue <br /> �he effect�f lav�r}as,wel�as a�I app�zcable f nal,nan-appea�ab�e j�dicial opinions. <br /> Charges; L�ens. Borr��vver shall pay a�i �ax�s, ass�ssmen�s, charges, fines and impas�t�o�.s a�tr�bu�able to the <br /> Pr�perty vv�ich may attazn pr�ar�ty a�er�his Sec�.rity�nstrument, a�d Ieaseho�d paymen�s or grour�d ren�s, if any. <br /> At the reques�of Lender,Borro�ver sha��pr�mpt�y furn�sh to Lender�eceip�s evrdencing the paym�n�s. . ' <br /> BorroWer shall pra�mptly�ischarg� any�xen�vhi�h has prior���over th�s S�cur�ty Instrument unless�orrav��er: �a} <br /> agrees in writing �o the paymen�. tif�he �bliga�ion secured by �ie �ien i:� a manner acceptab�e ta Lender; �b� <br /> con�es�s �n go�d fai�h �he Ii�n by, or def�nds against enfarcemen� of�.e �lien in, lega� praceedings �rhi�h in �he <br /> Lender's opinion �perate �� pr�ven� the enforcement of�he lien; or �c} �ecures from �he halder of��.e ��en an <br /> agreemen�satisfactary to�.ender subordina�in�the Iien to thi� Security Ins�ruament. �f Lender determ�nes that any <br /> par� of the Prapert� is sub�ect ta a lien vt�hich may a�tain prior��y o�rer �h.�s Securi�y�ns�rument, L�nder may give <br /> Borrower a no�ice iden�ifying the lien. B�rrav�er shal� sat�sfy the Iien or ta�e one or more of the a�ti�n.s set for�h <br /> ab�ve vvithin ��days af the giving of no�i�e. <br /> Haza�-d or Prape�ty Insuranee. Borrov�rer shal�keep the �mprovemen�s now exzsting or hereaft�r erec��d an�he <br /> Property znsured against loss by fire,hazards i�c�uded vvithin the terrn"ex��nded caverage" and an��o�h�r hazards, <br /> inc�uding f�oods or flflading, f�r v►rh�ch Lender re�uires insuranc�. This insurance sha1l be�ined iri the <br /> amaun�s and for�he periads that Lender requires. The i�surance ca�rier pro�viding the insurance shall�e chasen by <br /> Borro�er subj ec� to Lender's approval vvhich sha�� nnt be ur�reasona�b�y yvithhe�d. �f Barrov�rer f�.i�s to maintain <br /> cov�rage described a�bave, Lender may, at Ler�der's option, ab�ain �overage �a prot�c� Lender's ri�hts in the <br /> Property�n accordance wi�h sect�on titled Prote�tiQn of LendQr's R�gh��i��the Proper�y. � <br /> A1I insurance p�X�c��s and reneuja�s shal� be �cceptab�e �a Lender ar�d shall include a standard mor�gage �lause. <br /> Lender sha�I have the r�ght�o ho�d�he po�i��es and renewals. If Ler�d�r re�uires, Borrav�er sha��pror�p�ly��ve�o <br /> Lender aIl receip�s of paid premit�ms and r�nevval no��ces. In the ev�n��f loss, Barrovver sha�l give pr�mp�nflt�ee <br /> t��he ir�surance�arrzer and L�nder.Lender may make�roof�f.Ioss i�not m.ade pramp�ly by B arro��er. <br /> LTn�ess Lender and Borrovsrer othervvise agree i� writing, insuranC� �roc��eds shall b� appl��d �a res��ra�:�on or <br /> reparr flf�he Fropex�ty �iamaged, if, in Lender's sole discreti��z, the res�oratian or repai� is econornicaily f�asible <br /> and Lender's secur�ty zs nflt lessened. If, i� Lender's so�e dzscre��on, the restora�ion or repair�s nc�t economica�Iy <br /> feasible�r Lender's security wou�d be��sse�.�d,t�e insurance proceeds shall be applied t��he sums�ec�u.�ed by�h�s <br /> 5ecurity Instrument, �vhether or nat then due, vv��h any �xcess paid to Barrower. �f B�rrower abandons the <br /> Pr�per�y, ar does n�t answ�r vv��in�he r�u�ber of days prescr�bea�b�Appli�a��e Lav�r as set fQrth i��no�ice from <br /> Lender�� Borr�wer that the�nsurance ca.rrier has affered�o s�ttle a��a�m, then Lender may co�Ie�t�he insurance <br /> proceeds. Lender may use �he proceeds t� repa�� or restore �e �roperty �r�o pay sums secu�-ed by�h�s Secur�ty <br /> Znstrument,vvhe�her�r n��th.en due.The p�rio�of time for Borravver��ansv�er as se�fax�h in�he natice v�ri��begin <br /> �hen the r�a�ice is given. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Borrovver o�herwise agree in writ�ng, any applicat��n of pr�ceeds to prin�ipal sha�I no��xt�nd <br /> or pos�pane the due da�e �f the payments due under�he �an�act or chang��he amoun�of the payments. If under <br /> �he section ti��ed A�eelerat�vn; RemedBes, th� Fraperty is acquired�y Lender, BQrrotiv�r's r�gh�tc� a�y znsurance <br /> polic�es and proceeds resul�zn� fram damage �o tih.e Proper�y prior �o the .ac�uisition sha�� pass �tc3 L�nder to �he <br /> ex�en�of the sums secured by th��Security�nst�-�.rnen�irnmed���ely prior�o the ac�uis��ion. <br /> Pre�ervaiion, Ma�n�enanc� and Protect��n �f �he Prope�-�y; �arrowler's Loan App��catifln; L�as�ho�ds. <br /> B�rravver shall not des�roy, damage or impair the Praper�r, al�ow th�Propnrty�o deteriarate, or cc�mmit vvaste an <br /> the Property,Barr�wer sha�l be�n defau��zf any forfei�ure action�r proceec�ing,�vhether�ivil or crinr��na�,is begun <br /> that �n Lender's good fa�th.judgment could resu�t in forfeiture of the Prop�rty �r�the��urise materfal�y �mpair �he <br /> lien created by �his Secu.ri�y Ins�rument or Lender's securit� interest. Borro�rer rnay cure such a d�fat�lt and <br /> reinstate, as pravided in section t�tled B�rrower's Righ� �o l�eins�a�e, by causing�h� �c��on or proc�edir�g tfl be <br /> dismiss�d with a ruling that,in Lender's go�d fa�th de�e�-mina�i��n,pr�clude�forfeiture of the B orro��er's int�rest�n <br /> the Pr�perty or o�her mat�rial impairment of�he lien create�d by this Se�uri�y Ins�rumen� ar Len��r's securz�y <br /> interest. Borra�wer shal� als�be in default zf�arro�rer,dur�ng the l�an applica��on process,gave ma�er�a�ly f�.�se or <br /> �naccura�� znforma�ion ❑r s�a�exnents �o Lend�r (or failed �o pr�vide Lender ,with any ma�erial informa��on� in <br /> Connee�ion w�th�he loan ev�denced by �he Go�.�rac�. �f�his 5�cur�ty Instru�nent is on a��aseh�ld, Borrower shal� <br /> c�mp�y vvi�i all the prov�sions of�he lease. If Borrovver a�qu�r�s fee���1e to th.e Praper�y,the�easeh���.and�he fee <br /> �itle shaX�no�merge un�ess Lender agr�es t�the merger�n wr�ting. <br /> P�-otec�ian of Lender's l�ghts �n th� P�op�rty. If Barrower fails to perform �he c�venan�s and a�reements <br /> contazned in this 5ecur��y�ns�rumen�, or�here is��ega�proce�d�ng�ha�rn.ay significantly affect Lender's righ�s in <br /> the Property �such as a proceeding in bankrup�cy, prQbate, for condemnat�ion �r forfe�ture or to �nforce Iavvs or <br /> regulati�ns}, then Lender ma� do and pay for �crhatever is rnecess�.ry to protec� �he value of the Praper�y and <br /> Lender's rights in�he Praper�y. Lender's actians�ay include paying any sums secured b�r a��en vvhich has priority <br /> �ver�his Secur�ty�ns�rurn�n�, appearing���ur�,pay�ng reaso�able attflrne.ys'fees and ent�r�ng on�he�'roperty�o <br /> make repa�rs.A�though Lender may�ake ac��on under�hi.s section,Lender does no�have�o do s�. <br /> Ariy amounts disbursed by Lender under �his sect�on sha�i becorn.e additic�nal d�b� of�3orrovver �ecured by �his <br /> Security �nstrument. Un�.�55 B�rrovver and L�nder agree to � �:erms �af payment, these amoun�s sha�I bear <br /> 0 2444-20 i 5 Compliance 5ystems,Inc,d 1$A-4C85-2a 15,12.3,1.1115 <br /> Cvnsumer Real Estate-Security Instrument DL��35 Page 2 of 5 www,� <br />