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EXHIBIT "A" <br />LEGAI. DESCRIPTION <br />2000040"4 <br />A tract of land comprIs a part of Lots Two (2) and Three (3), Mainland, in <br />Section One (1), Township Teri (10) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6ti► P. M_, <br />ilail County, Nebraska, and more' particularly described as follows: <br />Ileginn[ng at a polnt on tl►e north line of said Lot Three (3) (also being the <br />north Lane of the Northwest Quarter (NW#) of said Section One (1) ), said <br />Point being One Thousand Seventy Tliree and Sixty Three iundredths (1,073.63) <br />feet east of the northwest corner of said Northwest Quarter (NW#); thence N <br />90° 00' 00" E (assumed bearing) , Tong and upon the north lines of said Lots <br />Tliree (3) and Two (2) , and also being along and upon the north line of said <br />Northwest. Quarter (NW}), a distance of One Thousand Five Hundred Sixty Five <br />and Twenty Four hundredths (1565.24) feet to the northeast corner of said <br />Northwest Quarter; thence continuing N 00° 00' 00" E, along and upon the north <br />line of sa Id Lot Two (7_) , and also being along and upon Ole north lane of ti►e <br />Northeast Quarter 01-. 0, a distance of One Hundred Fifty rive and Four <br />Ihuidredths (155.04) feet to a meander corner; thence S 56° 55' 56" W, a <br />distance of Pour Ilundred Ninety One and Eight IIundr.edt-hs (491.08) feet to a <br />point on the present day north high bank of tl►e north channel of the Platte <br />River; thence S 69' 29'. 48" W, along and upon said present day north high <br />bank, a d[ntance or Three Ilundred Thirteen and Sixty Five Hundredths (313.65) <br />feet; thence S 55° 05' 22" W, along and upo►► said present day north high bank, <br />a distance of Pour. Ilundred Thirty Five and Five Hundredths (435.05) feet; <br />thence S 55° 03' 17" W, along and upon said present day north high bank, a <br />distance of Four hundred Th-Ir.ty Eight and Twenty Three Hundredths (438.23) <br />feet; thence S 77° 41' 13" W, along and upon said present day north high bank, <br />a distance of Three ilundr.ed Six and Four hundredths (306.O4) feet; thence N <br />00" 00' 00" E, a distance of Nine Hundred Forty Tliree and Six Hundredths <br />(943.06) feet.. to the point of beginning- <br />