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<br /> gQ., 10040�
<br /> � event of lasg Horrower will give immediate aotix by mul to the • any of the conditions or Agreemenu contained in this inst�ument,or
<br /> Leader,who may auke proof of loss if aot made promptly by tbe note w��ch�t secures,thea the eAtire principzi sum and acc►ued
<br /> Borrower,and each insuana compauy concemed is hereby interest shaU At on�e become due and piyable.at the election of the
<br /> authorizai aed directed to make p�yment for such loss directly to Lender.
<br /> the I.eader instad of to the BoROwer tnd the Lende�joindy,sad
<br /> tbe inaunace procads,or any put tberco�may be applied by the Lender shall give aotia to Bor�ower prior to acalention
<br /> Lemier at its optioa either to the�oductioa of the indebtednws following Bonower's breach of any coveaant or agrament i�this .
<br /> I�ereby secured or to tbe nstoration or repair of the property instrumeni(but not prior to acceleration under paragaph 12 ualas
<br /> , dtm�ed.Ia event of forcclosurc of this iastrument o�othe�transfer spplipbte l�w provides otherwise).The notice shall specify:(a)the
<br /> oi title to tUe aiort�ed propeny in eadnauishment of the default;(b)the acNon required to cure the default;(c)a date.not less
<br /> indebtedness secwed hereby.all riaht,ptle aad iaurest of the than 30 days from the date the notiee is giveo to Borrowcr.by which
<br /> Borrower in and to iny insuraaoe policiw thea in fora ahall pus to the default must be cwed and(d)that fiilure to curo the default on
<br /> tLa purchaser or gnata. or before the date specified in the notia m�y result in acceleradon
<br /> of the sums secured by this instrument and sale of the Property.The
<br /> 9.That as addidonal aad collateral secwity for the payment of the aatice shall further infosm Bortower of the right to reinstite afte�
<br /> note descn'bed,aad all sums to beoome due under this instrument, asaleration and the ri6ht to bring a court action to acsert the aon-
<br /> tbe Sorrower hereby astigns to the Leader all profits.nvcnues, existenoa of a default or any other defense of BoROwer to
<br /> rpyaitks,rijhts and benefits axruiag to tbe Borrower under any and aoaleation and ssle.If the default is not cured on or before the dite
<br /> a110l and sas le�oo said prcmises,witD the ri�ht to reaive snd specified in the notice.Lender at iu option may require immediate
<br /> reoeipt for tbe same aad apply tliem w said iadebkdness as we11 paymeat in full of all sums secured by this instrume�t without
<br /> before u aRer default ia t1K waditions of this inswment,�nd the further demand and may invoke the power of sale and any other
<br /> Lender msy demand,sue for and reoover aay such paymenu when remedies permitte�by applicible law.Lende�sha116e entitled to
<br /> due and psyable,but shail aot be required so to do.This assiS�ment cotlect all expenses incuned in pursuing the remedies provid�in
<br /> u to terminate and bocome a�ill and void upon relase of this tt�ic psragnph 13.uicluding,but not timited to.rasonable
<br /> iasuumen� attomeys'fas and oosts of title evidence.
<br /> 10.That tbe Bortower will kap the bu'Idings upoa said premises If the power of sale is invoked.Trustee shaU record a aotice of
<br /> in good repair,and neither oommit nor permit waste upoa said land. defiult in ach wunty in which any pirt of the Property is laxted
<br /> noc suffer tbe aaid premises to be�sed for any ualawful purpose. aad sha11 mail copies of such notia in the manner pres�ribed by
<br /> spplicable law to Borrawer and to the other persons prescribed by
<br /> 11.That if the premises�or any part thereof,be condemaed under spplicxble law.After the dme roquired by applicabie iaw,Trasta �
<br /> �s�'i6�i"vwct i»�uuu'vili w1'E::SS�i`•!:.:�itl.i°.�.�iw.�Fn lin���lu� eh�ll�y���hlir r�ntitr nf�le tt�the�fersons and in thE mioIle� : __-
<br /> dtmt=p awardod,the proaeds for the nlung of,or the prascn'bed by applicabte ltw.Tructee,withaut demand on Borrower, '-
<br /> wasideratioa for sucb aoquisitioa,to the exunt of the full amount of shall sell the Property at public auction to the highest bidder at the
<br /> indebtedness upon this instrumeat and the nou which it i�given to time and plice and under the terms design�fed in the notia of sale ; --
<br /> sxure rcmainin`unpaid,ue hereby assigned by t6e Borrower to the ia one or more parais and in any order Trusta determi�es.Trascce =-
<br /> Lender,and shall be paid farthwith to said Lender to be applied by may postpone sale of all or sny pircel of the Property by public =
<br /> the latter on a000unt o[the next maturing iasullments of such announcement at the ame ind place of any previously scheduled =
<br /> ���. sale.Lender or its designa may purch�se the Propeny at my sak. � -.�
<br /> ';.,
<br /> 12.T6e Borcawer further agcas thst should this inswment and Upon reaipc of payment oF the pria bid.Trusue shall deliver to t
<br /> the note secuted hereby not be elig�'ble for iasurana under the the pnrchsser TnLSta's dad conveying the Property.The recitals in �
<br /> Naaoaal Housin=Act within eiEht months from the dtu hereof the Trusta's dad sh�ll be prims ficie evidena of the uuth of the
<br /> (written staua�ent of any o�ar of tLe Deptrtrt�ent of Housing and st�temenu made t6erein.Tnutee shall apply the procads of the sile
<br /> Urban Development or authoriud aEent of the Secretuy of Housing ia the following otder.(a)to�ll expenses of the sale.including.but �
<br /> and Urban Development datod subsequent to t6e eight moaths'time not limited to,Tnuta's fas as permitted by applicable law and �
<br /> trom t6e date of this instrument,dxiiniag to iasure said aote and reasonablc attomeys'fas;(b)to tll sums sxured by this Security �
<br /> this mortpae,beins deemed ooaclusive proof of such ineligibility), Insuument;and(c)any excess to the person or persons legally
<br /> the Lender or holder of the note may,at its option,declare all sums enaded to it. :`'�`�,'
<br /> secured hereby immedi�tely due iad payable.Notwithstauding the , '�
<br /> toreaoing,this option msy not be exercised by tUe Lender or the 14. Upon aoaleration under paragraph 13 or abandonment of the :
<br /> holder ot the note w6ea t6e ineligibility for iasurance under the Property,Lender(in person,by agent or by judicially appointed �
<br /> Natiooal HousioE Act is due to the Lendu's fa�7ure to remit the reaiver)shall be endtled to enur upon,a�e posussion of and
<br /> mort�e insurance premium to the Deputmeat of Housing and aunage the Property and to oollect tbe rents ot tAe Propeny
<br /> IJrb�n Developmea� including those paSt due.Any rencs oollccted by Lender or the
<br /> rooeiver shill be appliod 6rst to payment of the costs of management
<br /> 13.Thit if the Borrowa fails to make any gayments of moaey of the Property snd colleccion oi rents,inclad.ing,but not limited to.
<br /> wben the same bxome due,or f�ils to ooaform to and comply with receiver's fees,premiums on receiver's bonds and reuonable
<br /> ' attorney's fees,snd then to the sums secured by this instrument.
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