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2� 1 ��73�� <br /> B�RR�WER��VENANTS that Borr�wer�s la�rful�y seis�d of th�estate hereby can�ey�d and ha�th�right to <br /> grant and con�ey the Property and�hat��ae Prap�r�y zs unencumbered, �xcept far encumbrances of re�ord. <br /> Borrower warrants and v�i�l defend generally th���t���o the Prop�rty against ail c�aims and demands, subject�o <br /> any encumbrances af record. <br /> TH�S SE�'UR�TY�NSTRUMENT combines un�farm cavenants for national use and nnn-un�farm covenants with <br /> lzmit��i�ariat�ons b�jur�sd��tian to constitute a unif�rm se�ur�ty instrument cnv�r�ng rea� pr�perty. <br /> Uniform Covenants. Barrawer and Lender c�v�nan� and agr�e as fn��ows: <br /> 'I. Payment of Principal, �nterest, Es��ow �tems, Prepay�ent Charges, and Late Charges. B�rrotiver <br /> shall pay when due the pr�nc�pa��f, and interest an, the d�bt e�idenced by�h�Note and any pr�payment <br /> charges and �a�e charg�s due un��r the No�e, Borrower shall alsa pa�funds for Escrow �tems pursuant to <br /> Sec���n 3. Paymen�s due under th�Nnte and this Se�uri�y �nstrum�en�shai�be made in U.S. currenc�, <br /> However, if any check�r o�her ins�rument rece�ved by Lender as payment und�r the No�e or this Security <br /> Instrument is returned to Lender unpa�d, Lender�na� require tha�any or all subsequent paym�nts due un�er <br /> th� Note and th�s S�cur�ty Instrument be made in one or more of the follow�ng forms, as se�ect�d by Lender; <br /> �a}Gash; ��}m,on�y arder; �c}cer�ified Che�k, bank check, treasurer's check nr cashier's ch�ck, pr�vided any <br /> such check is drawn upan an instituti�n�hose deposi�s are �nsured by a federal ag�ncy, �nstrum�n�a���y, or <br /> en�ity; or�d} Electronic Funds Transfer. <br /> Payments are deem�d reC�i�ed by Lender when received a�the��cation designated in�he Note ar at such <br /> other��cat�on as may b�designated by Lender in acG�rdance�vith the na�ice pra�is�ons �n Section 1 S. <br /> Lend�r may re�urn any pa�ment or partia�payment if the payment or par�ial paym�n�s ar� insuf�icie���n <br /> brzng th�Loan current. Lender may ac�ept any paymen�or par�ia� paym.�nt �nsuf�c�ent to bring the Loan <br /> current, w�thout�vaiver nf any rights hereunder or prejudice�o its rights to refuse such paym�n�ar par��al <br /> paymen�s �n the fu�ur�, �ut L�nder�s nat ob��gated t� apply such payments at th��ime such payments are <br /> accepted. �f each Period�c Paym�nt is appli�d as of�ts schec�uted due date, then Lend�r n�ed not pay interest <br /> on unapp���d funds. L�nder may hald such unappl ied funds un��� Barrower makes payments�o bring the <br /> Loan current. �f Barra��r daes not d�sn vv��h�n a reasonab�e per��d of time, L�nder shall e��her app�y such <br /> funds or re�urn�hem�o Bnrrawer. �f no� app��ed ear��er, such funds �vill b�appiied�o the outs�and�nb <br /> principa� ba�ance un�er the Nflt� imam�d�a�ely prior ta f�reclosure. No offset or c�aim wh�ch Borrower m��ght <br /> ha�e n�w ar�n the fu�ure against Lender shall re�ieve Barro�er from making payments du�und�r the Not� <br /> and th�s Secur��y �ns�rument or perfarming the cavenan�s and abreem�nts secured by this Security <br /> �ns�rum�nt. <br /> �. Applicativn of Payments or Prviceeds. Ex�ept as athervvise de�cribed�n this 5ection�, a��paym�nt� <br /> accepted and app�ied b�r Lender sha�� be app�ied �n the foilawing order af priority: �a} �nterest du�und�r the <br /> Note; �b}prznc�pa� due under the Nate; �c} amounts due under Sectian 3. Su�h payments shail be appli�d ta <br /> each P�r�odic Paymen� in the arder in which �t became due. Any remain�n� amaunts shall be appiied f�rs�t� <br /> la�e charges, secand �o any oth�r amaunts due under�his Securi�y �nstrument, and�hen ta reduce�he <br /> principa�ba�ance of the Note. <br /> If L�nder rece��e� a payment from Borrower far a delinqu�nt Periodic Paymen�wh�ch includ�s a sufficien� <br /> a�noun�t�pay any�a�e charge due, the paymen�may�e appiied�o �he de��nqu�nt payment and the�ate <br /> charge. If more than ane Periadic Payment is outs�andxng, Lender may apply any paymen� received from <br /> Borr�wer to the repaymen�of�he Per�od�c Payments if, and to th�extent that, ea�h payment can be paid in <br /> fuil. To the e�tent�hat any exc�ss�x�sts aft�r the payment is applied�o the fu��payment of one ar mare <br /> Per��dzc Faym.ents, such ex.cess may�e app�ie�.to any lat�charge�du�. Vo�untar�r prepayments sha11 be <br /> app��ed f�rst to any prepaym�nt charges and�hen as descrzbed �n�he Nflte. <br /> N�BRA5I4A-Single Famiiy-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFqRM 1N5TRUM�NT �arm 3fl28 11D1 <br /> VMP(� VMPC�NEy�1�Q2) <br /> WQlters K�uwer Financial 5er�ices Pag�4 af 17 <br />