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(CAUTION: Granting any of the following will give your agent the authority to take <br />actions that could significantly reduce your property or change how your property is distributed <br />at your death. INITIAL ONLY the specific authority you WANT to give your agent.) <br />Create, amenN, revoke, or terminate an inter vivos trust <br />Make a gift, s k,•jectto th imitations of the Nebraska Uniform Power of Attorney <br />Act and any sp ial in actions in this power of attorney <br />Create or chang- rig's of survivorship <br />Create or change's .eneficiary designation <br />Delegate to anot person to exercise the authority granted under this power of <br />attorney <br />Waive the p ncipal right to be a beneficiary of a joint and survivor annuity, <br />including • survivor enefit under a retirement plan <br />Exercise .'fiduciary pc) ers that the principal has authority to delegate <br />Renou e or disclaim interest in property, including a power of appointment <br />LIMITATION ON AGENT'S AUTHORITY <br />SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS (OPTIONAL): <br />*(Give special instructions here) <br />EFFECTIVE DATE <br />201607291 <br />Except as otherwise authorized by the Power of Personal and Family Maintenance, an <br />agent MAY NOT use my property to benefit the agent or a person to whom the agent owes an <br />obligation of support unless I have included that authority in the Special Instructions or the Grant <br />of Specific Authority. <br />This power of attorney is effective immediately unless I have stated otherwise in the <br />Special Instructions. <br />NOMINATION OF (CONSERVATOR OR GUARDIAN) (OPTIONAL) <br />If it becomes necessary for a court to appoint a (conservator or guardian) of my estate or <br />(guardian) of my person, I nominate the following person(s) for appointment: <br />Name of Nominee for (conservator or guardian) of my estate: Cynthia K. Lindley <br />Nominee's Address: 3123 West 14 Street -Grand Island, NE 68803 <br />Nominee's Telephone Number: (308) 227 -9440 <br />Name of Nominee for (guardian) of my person: Cynthia K. Lindley <br />Nominee's Address: 3123 West 14th Street -Grand Island, NE 68803 <br />Nominee's Telephone Number (308) 227 -9440 <br />