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2� 1 ��7287 <br /> ASS[GN�I�NT �� ��N�'S <br /> ���n�lnued� Pa�e 4 <br /> purposes, Grantor agre�s t❑ keep Lender infarme� at aIl tim es of Grantor's cu rre nt attciress. U�less otherw�se <br /> provided or req�ired by faw� if there is more than one Grantor� any natice given by Lender to any Grantor is <br /> deeme�ta be notice�iven to a«Grantars. <br /> Pawers of Attorney. The var�ous agencies and powers of altarney conrre}�ed on Le�der under this Assignment are <br /> granted for purp�ses of security and may�ot be revoked by Grantor�tntiE such time as the same are renaunced b�r <br /> Lender. <br /> Sev�ra��lity. I�a court of compe#ent�urisdic�ion fnds any provisiQ� of this Ass�gnment to be ill��al, in�al�d, or <br /> unen�orceabf� �s to �r�y circumstance, that fir�dir�g shall not rnake ��e o�fending proW�s�on illega�l, invalid, or <br /> unenforr.eable as to ar�y ather circumstance. jf fe�sibie, �he offendin� provision shall be considered modified sa <br /> tF�at i k becomes legal, valid and enfvrceab�e. �f the oFfen�iin� p�a�isian cannat be so modified, it sh�ll be <br /> oonsidered dele#ed from this Assignme�t. LJnless athennrise required by I�v�r, tY�e illegality, invalidi�y, ❑r <br /> unenfor�eability of any �rovis�on of this A�si�nmer�t shall no# affect the le�ality, validity ar enforceability of any <br /> ath�r prova�ian of t�is As�ign�ent. <br /> Successars and As�igns. Subject to any limitations sta�ed in this Assignrnent on fransfer af G�antor's interest�tE�is <br /> Assignment shall be bincfing upon an�i inure to the t�en�fit of the parties, �i�eir 5[JCC�SSO�S and �ssigns. If <br /> o�rnersh�p of the F'roperty be�omes vested in a�erson ather tf�an Grankar, Lender,without notice ta Crantor, may <br /> dea��rith Grantor's succe�sors with reference kv this Assignrnent and the Indebtedness by ti++iay bf forbearance vr <br /> exten��vn�r+,ritF��ut�e[easing�rantor�ram the oblig�tior�s of th�s Assignment or liability under if�e Endebtedness. <br /> �'ime�s a�the �ssence. Tir�'�e is of th�esser�ce i n th e perfarmance af this Assig nrnent. <br /> Y�a�ve Jun,r. All parties ta this As$ignmen� hereby wairre the rlght�o any ju�ry trial �r�any act�an, proceed�ng, ar <br /> counterc�a�m brought by�ny party against any othet'pa�rty. <br /> ll'Vaiver of H omesteati �xempt�on. �rantor hereby releases and weives aEI rights and benefi�s o f the �orrrestead <br /> exernPtivn�aws of the State of iVebraska as t��II Indebledness secured b�this Assignment. <br /> dEF[N17l�NS. �he tallawir�g capi�a�i�ed words and t�rms s[�all have t�e fal�owing rneanings when used �n this <br /> Assignment. Unless specifically state� to the contrary, all refer�nces to dolfar amv�nts shal� mean arnounts in Iawf�I <br /> mvney of ths L�nited States of America. Vllords and terms us�d in the singular shal! inclutle the plu�al, a�d the �lural <br /> s�all include the singular,as tf�e context may re�uire. 1Nords and terms not athe�v�rise de#ined ir�this Ass�gnment s�a�l <br /> have th e�neani�gs attribu ted ta such ferm s i n t���lni�o�m Commercial Code: <br /> Ass�g nment. T�e word "Assig n m ent" mear�s th is AS51 G N�IEi�T�F RENTS, as this ASSIG NM�NT OF RENTS m ay <br /> be amended ar ma�ified fram #ime to time, tog�ther v+rith all exhibits 2�nd schedules atfached tv this ASSIGNMENT <br /> ��RENTS fror� time to time. <br /> Borr�wer. The word"�arrower" means�asges, l..�..C.. <br /> aefault, The word"Default"me�ns th��efault set forth in this Assignment in the section titled "�efault". <br /> Even#of Defaul#. �'he words "Ever��af Defa��t" mean any af tF�� events af default set fort� in this Assignme�t in <br /> the default sectivn of th[s Assignment. <br /> �rantor. 7he wo�d "G��nto�"means Sasges,L.L.C.. <br /> �uarantor, '�he word "Guarantor" rneans any guarantor, s�rety, or a�cvmmadation party af any or a11 af the <br /> Indebtedness. <br /> �uaranty. The urord "�uar�nty" means the gu�r�n�y from Guara�tor to L�nder, inc�udin� witF�oUt limita�ior� a <br /> guaran�y of all or part of the Nate. <br /> Indel�#edr�e�s. Yh� vtirard "�ndebtedness" rnear�s ail principal, interesi, an� ath�r amounts, cos�s and expenses <br /> payable under the Noie or F�elated Doc�ments, fogether v+rith aII renewal� of, extensioRs af, rnodifcations of, <br /> cvnsol idatior�s af an�substi�u tians fo r th e Note flr Re�ated DvGu me�ts and any a maunts expended or adva n ced by <br /> Lender to d ischarg e G ra ntor's obligations or ex�ens�s incurred by �ender to enfo�ce G rantor's o�Iig ation s �nder <br /> this Assi�nme�t, together wikh interest an such amounfs as prov�ded in this Assignment. Specifically, withvut <br /> �imita�ion, Indebtedness�ncfudes�ll�mou�ts that may be i�directly secured by fhe Cross-Collateralization �rovision <br /> of iF�is Assignment. <br /> �er�der. T�e word"Lencfer"means First Natiar�al Ba�k of Omaha,ifs successvrs and assigns. <br /> Note, The word "Nofe" means any and all of�orrawer's liabilities, abligations and debts ta Lendet, novtir existing <br /> or hereinafter inc�rred or created� �ncluding.wi�hdu�limitation, aIl loans� advances� interest, cosfs debts, overdr�f� <br /> indebted n�ss, cred Il card ind ebtedness� �eas� obligatio r�s, Iiabil�ties an� obligations under i Rterest rate pra�e�tian <br /> agreements or fareign curret�cy exchange agreements or commodiky price protect�an agreements,oiher obligafiorts, <br /> and I�abilities at �orrower together with a!I modificatians, increases, renev�raE�, an� extensivns of the <br /> aforemen#ioned. Additionally, nereby incorporated as i� f�cfly sef forfh f�erei� are the ier�ns and condi�ions of any <br /> pra m issory riote, ag ree ment or oihe` docurne n k executed by Borr��ver a ndlor Lender ind icati n$ tfn�s sec�r�ty <br /> insfrument �r the p�operky described herei� shal� b� considered "Collatera�" se�uring su�h pr�missary nofe, <br /> agreement,or oth�r in strurne n�,or any si m ila r referenc�. <br /> Praperty. The v+rord "Pra�erty" means aIl af �rantor's right, tit�e and interest in and to al[ fhe Property as <br /> d�scribed in the"Assignment"section of this Assignment. <br /> I�eEated 0 ocuments. �'he v�rvrds "Re lated Do�u me nts" mean a�l prom is sory notes, cred it ag reemen ks, [oa n <br /> ��C��I'Cl�flt5, envirvnmental agreem�nts, guaranties, securify ��I'��l17�C�t5� Ci14C�ga�BSr d��C�S of trust, securiky <br /> deeds, collafe ra! mortgages, and a[[ oihe r inst�u m e�fs, agre e m ents �nd docu men#s. vv h et�er n ow a� hereaf ter <br /> exlsting, execuled 1��orine�ilon vtiriin the Indebtedne�s, <br /> Rents. Tf�e word "Rents" means a!� af Granfur`s presenf and future righfs, title a�nd interest in� fo and under any <br /> a nd all pTesent an� fu tu re leases, ir�c�ud ing, �v itho ut lim�ta�tio n, all re nis, reve n u e, income� issues, roya Ities, <br /> bonuses, acco�nts re�eivable, cash or securify depasits, advance rentals, prafits and praceeds fram the Property, <br /> and other payments �nd benefits derived ar t❑ be deri�red f�otn such leases af every ki�d and natUre� v�rhether due <br /> now or�ater, inc�t�ding without limitat�on Grantor's right to enforc�such leases and ta rece�ve and eollecf pay�nent <br /> and proceeds tf�ereunder. <br />