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2� 1 ��72�� <br /> Transfer�f the Proper�y vr a Benef���al In�er�st in Borrower.��'al�or an�par�of t�ie Property or a.ny in�erest <br /> �n rt is so�d ar �ransferred �or �f a beneficial i��terest in Bor�-ov�rer is solc� or transferred and Borrow�r is nQt a <br /> na�ura� person} vSri�hou� L�nder's pr�or vv�-��te� c�nsent, Lender may, at its ap�i�n, require immediate pay�m.ent �n <br /> ful� af a�1 sum� secured by tih�is 5ecur�ty ��stru.ment. Hovvever, �his op��on shall n�� be e�erc�sed by Lerider xf <br /> exerc�se rs prohib��ed by f�deral lavv as of the dat�of this Secur��y�ns�rumer�t. <br /> �f Lender exer�ises this optian, Lender sha�� g�ve B orro,wer notice af ac�celeration. The n���ce sha�l provide a <br /> peri��. of n�� ��ss than �.h� min�rnum numb�r of days estab�ished b� Appl.icab�e La�w from the date �he n���ce �s <br /> delzvered or ma��ed tivxthin which Borro�ver must pay a�l sums secur�d b� th�s Security �nstrumen�. �f�orrau�er <br /> fa��s to pay these sums prior �o �he exp�ra�iar� of��is periQd, Lend�r m�y inv�k� any remedies permitted by this <br /> 5 e cuxity�ns�rument�rvitho�t further n��ice or demand on B orro�rer. <br /> ��rr�vver's l�ght ta Reirnstate, If Borraurer mee�s certain cond���ons, Borrov�er sha�l have the righ� �o have <br /> er�forcem�nt of�his Secur�ty Ins�rumen� dis��ntinued a� any t�me pr��r�a�the ear�ier of: �a} S days �or su�h other <br /> peri�d as Appl�cab�e Lavw xnay specify for re�nsta�emen�}bef�re sale of the Property pursuant�o any pa�tuer af sale <br /> con�a�ned in �hzs 5ecurzty �nstrument; or ��} �nt�y �f a judgm�nt enforcing this Se�urity �nstrument. Those <br /> conditions are �ha�Barro�ver: �a� pays Lender a�l sums v�rh�ch �a.en�would be due under �his Security �ns�ru.m�n� <br /> ar�d the�ontract as if no acce�era�i�n hatl accurr�d;�b) cures ar�y default of any other covenants�r agreements; �c) <br /> pays aIl expenses incurred�n enforcing th�s 5cc�.ri�y�nstrumen�, inc��ding,but not��mi�e�.to,reasor�able a�tarneys' <br /> fees�o the extent pernu�ted by�avv; a.nd�d} �al�es such actian as Lender may reaso�ab�y require�v assur��hat the <br /> �ien of this Se�ur�ty I�s�rument, Lender's rights�n�he Pr�perty and Barrov�jer's oblxgati�n�o pay the sums secured <br /> by �iis Se�urity Ins�rumen� shall can�inue unch�nged. Upon reinsta�emen�by Barr�wer, �hi� Security �ns�rument <br /> and the abligat��ns secured hereby shall remain fully effect�ve as if no acce�era�zQn had nccurred. H��v�ver, �his <br /> r�ght�o r�insta�e shall nat app�y i.n.�he cas�of acce�erat�on under the sec��on�z��ed Transfer of the Pro��r�.y flr a <br /> Bene�cial In��rest in Borrovver. <br /> �-Iazardous Substanees.Borrovver sha��not cau�e or permi��he presence,�us�, d�sposa�, s�orage, �r re��as� of any <br /> Hazardous Subs�ances an or in the Pr�per�r.F�orrovv�r sha�l no�do,nnr al��v�anyane e�se�o do,anything affecting <br /> the Property �that is in via�ation �f any Env�r�n�nenta� La�v. The precedin�g twa sen�ences sha�� not app�y to the <br /> presence,use,or s�orage�n the Property of srna���uan�ti�ies�f Hazardous S�ubsta.nces tha�are generally recogn�zed <br /> �a be apprapria�e�o n�rma�resi�en�ial uses and to maintenanc�of�h�Prop�r�y. <br /> Borrawer sha��promptly give Lend�r vvritten no�ice of any inves�igation,cl�.im, demand, �av�rsuit or o�aer ac�ion by <br /> any governmen.tal �r regulatary agency or pr�va�.e par�y �nvo�ving the Praperty and any Ha�ardaus Substance or <br /> Environmental �La�v of v�vhich Barrower has ac�ual �noW�edge. �f Borrower �earns, �r is notif�ed by any <br /> g�vernmen�al �r regu�atory authori�y,t�ia�any remova� ar other remed�ati�ra�f any Hazardaus 5ubstance affec��ng <br /> �he Proper�y �s necessary, B�rrovver shall prarnptl�r �ake a11 necessary remedial act�ans in acc�rc�ance wi�h <br /> Envxranmenta,I Law. <br /> As used zn th�s paragraph, "�-Iazardous Subs�anc�s" are th�se substance� dnfned as��xic �r hazardous su�astances <br /> by Env�ronmenta� Law and the fa�lowing suUs�ances: gasal�ne, kerosene, other f�ammable ar toxic petroleum <br /> produc�s, toxxc pesticides and herbicides, vfl�a��Ie solven�s, materia�s �o�:ta�ning asbestos �r formald�hyde, and <br /> rad�oac��ve materials. As used in this paragraph, "Enviranmen�al La�v"me��ns federal�aws and lavvs of�he state af <br /> Nebraska�ha�relate to health,safety or envir��xnen�a�pro�ec���n. <br /> Accelerat�vn; R�m�d�es. Lender shail g�ve x�fl�i�e to BorrQyver �rxor �to accexerat�on fo�iow��ag Borrower's <br /> breach of any covenant or agre�ment in th�s Security Instrum�nt�r the��n�ract under v�hich�c�e��rat�an <br /> is perm�tted �but no�prior ta acce�eratinn un�Qr the sect�on �f���d Tra.nsfer�f the Property or a Bex�e�i��.a� <br /> Inter�st in BarroVver, ux��ess Applicable Law prov�des othe�wi5�}o The noti��e Shali speci�fy: �a) the defau�t; <br /> {b} the ac�xan. required to cure the d�fau�t; �c� a da�e, not less t:han �he m�nirnum numbe�- o� days <br /> e��ablished by Appl�cab�e La�v from the da�e the nflt�ce�s g��em t��or�rower,by wh��h the d�fau�.t rn�.ust be <br /> cexred; and �d� that fa��ure ta cure the d�f�u�t o� ar b�fore th� da�e specif�ed �n the n�tice may r�sult in <br /> a��elerat�an �f the sums secured by th�s ��curity Instrum�nt and �s��e of �he Praperty, T� the ��tent <br /> p�rmut�ed �y lavv, the n�t�.ee �hal�further i�form Borrower of the �ig�ht to reinstate after a��e�era�i�n and <br /> �he right to bring a Court ac��or�ta ass�rt the non-e��stenc�of a�efauit�r any other defense of�3�rrower t� <br /> a�celeration a�d saZe. If the defau���s no� cured on ar bef�re the d�te specffied in the nvtice,Lende� a�its <br /> optivn may r�qufre imrnediate payment i� fu�l �f a�� sums secu�ed ]�y this Secur�ty InStrumernt v�fthout <br /> furth�r dema�d and may invoke the po�v�r �f sa�e and any vth�r re�m.�dxes perrnitted by App�icab�� Law. <br /> T� the e�tent pernrutted �y �aw, Lender �hal� be ent�t�ed to collle�t al� expense� �ncurred �n pursuing the <br /> remed�es providQd in th�s Sect�on,inc�u�,but not limited�fl, �r� attflrneys'fee5 and�asts�f ti�Ie <br /> �vid��ce, <br /> If�he power of saie fs�nvaked, Trustee �hall record a not��e of default i� ea�h caun�y in�vhich am�part of <br /> the Property��lo�a�ed and shall mai� cop�.es�f su�h n���ce��a th�man�€�er prescrib�d by Appl��a�le Law�o <br /> Bor�ower and to the �ther persons �resc�ibed by App�ic�ble Law. A�fter the ��me required hy�ipp��cab�e <br /> Law, Truste� shall give pubX�c notic� vf�a�e to �h� persvns and in t�:�e manner prescr�bed by A�ap�.cab�e <br /> Law.TruS�ee,yvithout d�mand on Borr�vver, sh��I sel�the Pro�a�rty a��ubiic auc��on �tfl �he h�ghest�idder <br /> a�the time and p�ace and under�he terrr�s des�gnated in�h�no���e af���Ie in one ar more par��I�and in any <br /> order Trus�ee determ�.nes. TruSte� may postp�ne sa�e nf all vr an�� parcei �f the Property �y pub�ic <br /> ann�uneeme�t at the�ina.e and place vf�ny�prev�ous�y sch�dule��ale.Lender nr it� des�gne�may�u�-cha�e <br /> th�1'rvper�y at any�a�e. <br /> Upvn receipt �f paymen�of the pric� b�d, '�rustee sha�� de�iver �� the purchaser Trustee's d�e� ��nvey�ng <br /> the Property.The r�c�ta�5 in the Trustee'S deed �hall be prima f��ie evi��nce of�h�truth of�h� stat�xr�.en�s <br /> �2044-2Q 15 Cvr�pliance Systerns,Fnc.618A-4 tFD-2�15.I Z.3.1.1 I I 5 <br /> Cansurr�er ReaI Estate-Security Instrumer�t DL2035 Page�of 5 www,campliancesysterns.cvm <br />