2� 1 ��72��
<br /> Payrt�ent�f Pr�nc�pal and�In��res�; Uther�harg�s.B�rrower sha��promptiy pay vvhen due the prin��pal tif and
<br /> in�erest on�he debt owed under�he�ontract and la�e charges or any ather f��s and charges due under�h���ntract.
<br /> Appli�able JLaw. As used in �his �ecurity Ins�ru.ment, �he term "�pplic�ab�e Lav�r" shal� mean a�� �antra��ing
<br /> applicabl� federal, state a�d Iocal statutes, regulations, ordinances ar�d ad�ninis�rative rul�s and arders �that have
<br /> �he eff�c�af Ia�r�as well as aIl applicable final,nan-appealable judicial�pinians.
<br /> �hargQs; Liens. Borr�w�r sha�� pay a�� tax�s, assessmen�s, C�.arge5, fix��e� and imposi�ians at�ribu�a.ble to the
<br /> Proper�y tivhich may attain priority over this 5ecur�ty Ins�rument, and leas�,hold paymen�s or ground�en�s, �f any.
<br /> Ati�he reques�of Lender,B�rrower shall promp��y furnish to Lender receipt:s evidencing�he payments.
<br /> Borrower sha��promp��y dis�harge any lien whi�h has pri�r�ty�ver�his S��curity Instrurnent unless Borr�we�: �a}
<br /> agrees in wri�i�g �� the pa�ment of�he obliga�ior� secured by the Iien �r� a manner accepta�le �o Lenc�er; tb}
<br /> con�es�s �n good fa�th the l�en by, or defend� a�ains� enforcem�n� of�h� ��en in, l�gal pr�ceedings whzch �m the
<br /> Lender's opin�on �perate �� prevent �he e�forcemen� of the I�en; �r �c} �;ecures fram �he ha�der of the �ien an
<br /> agreement satisfactozy�o Lender subardi.na�ing�he Iien�o �h�s Securi�y Yn��rumen�.. �f Lender determin�s�ha� any
<br /> par� af the Property is subj ec�to a I�en,whzch may a�ta�n�pri�rit�r o�rer thi�� Security�nstrumen�, Lende�may gzve
<br /> �3orrower a notice identifying the Iien. Borro�er shaX� sa�isfy the �i�n or ta.ke one or more of�h� ac��ans s��for�h
<br /> abo�e w��h�n I D days af�he giving of notice.
<br /> I�azard or Pr�pert�Insurance. Borr��ver shall keep �he �mpr�vements n.�vv�x�st�ng ar hereaf�er erected.��a the
<br /> Pr�per�y insured aga�ns�loss by f r�,hazards�nc�uded within�he term"ex�ended coverage" and any��h�r h�zards,
<br /> in�iud�.ng flaads or floodzng, for vvhich Lende� requ�res in�uranc�. This insuran�e shall be maintaix�ed in �he
<br /> amounts and for�he periads that Lender requ�res. The insurance�arr�er pr�viding�he insurance sha�l be chosen by
<br /> Borr�wer subjec� �fl Lender's approva� whzch sha�I x�at be unreas�nably ��ri�hheld. �f B�rravver fa��s to main�ain
<br /> caverage des�rzbed a�ov�, Lender may, at Lender's option, ob�ai� cov�.rage �� pro��ct L�nder's ri�h�s in �h�
<br /> Pr�p�rty in acc�rdance wz��a section�it�e�Prof�c��on�f Lender's�ghts f�1 the Prvperty.
<br /> All insurance po�icies and renevva�s shal� b� aCceptab�e �o Lender �nd sh��� znc�ude a standard mortg�ge c�ause.
<br /> Lender shal�have the r�gh�t�hold�he policies and renewals. If Lender�-ec�uires,Borr�v�rer sha�l prompt�y give�a
<br /> Lender a11 rece�pts of paid premit�ms a�d rene�aZ na�ices. In�he event of Ioss, Borrativ�r shall give prompt n�tice
<br /> �o�he�x�suranc�carrier and Lender.Lender may�.nake pr�of�f lass if no�rriade prompt��by Borra�ver.
<br /> Un�ess Lender and Borrower otherwise agre� in wr��ing, insurance proceeds sha�l be app�ied �o res�ora-tion or
<br /> reparr of the Proper�y damaged, if, in Lender's �ole d�scret�o�, �he res�or�.�ion nr repair �s econamically f�easib�e
<br /> and Lend�r's s�curity is not�essened. If, in Lender's sole discretion, �he restoration or repair is nat eco��mi�a�l�r
<br /> feasib�e or Lender's seCuri�y wouXd�e Iessen�d,the insurance procee�ds sha��be appl�ed�o�he sums secu.���by this
<br /> Secur�ty Znstru�nent, Whe�her or not then due, with any excess p�id �o �orrovver. �f Borrovver aband�ns the
<br /> Property, �r da�s no�answer with�n�he nurn�a�r of days prescri�ed b�r Applicable Lavv as se�forth in a na�ice from
<br /> Lender�� Barrovver that the �nsurance carrier has offered to s�ttle a claim, �hen Lender may collec��he insurance
<br /> pr�ceeds. Lender may use the proceeds ta r�pair or res�ore the Prop�r�y or to pay sums secured�y this Security
<br /> Instrumen�,vvheth�r or n�t then due. T�e perxod of time far Borrower�o an�wer as set forth zn�he notice w�I�begin
<br /> �vhen�he n�tice is given.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrawer otherwise agree in wr��ing, any applicati�n o��'praceeds ta pr�nc�pal sha11�ot ex�end
<br /> or p�stp�ne�he due da�e of the payments due under the �antract ar cha�gn�he amoun�af�he paymen�s. If under
<br /> �he section��t�ed Ac�eleratinn; Remedi.es, the Froperty is acquire�by Lez�der, Borrovver's righ�to any�nsurance
<br /> polic�es and proceeds resul�ing fram damage ta the Property pr�or �� the ac�uis�t��n sha�� pass �o Ler�der ta the
<br /> ex�en�af the sums secured b�this Securi�y�nstru�nent irnmediate�y pr��r to the ac�uisition.
<br /> Preservat�on, Maintenance and Protecti�r� �f �he Proper�y; �orr�v�rer's Loan .A.pplication; L�as�holds.
<br /> Borraw�r shall no�des�ra�, damage ar impaYr�he Property, allavv�h�Prap�rty�a de�eriarate, ar commit�vvas�e on
<br /> the Praperty.�.3orrourer sha�1 be�n defaul�xf any forfeiture action or prncee�ing,tivhether civil or cr�mina�,is begun
<br /> tha� in Lender's good faith judgment cauld resu�� in farfexture of�h� Pr�p�rfiy or other�vise ma�erial�y ir�pair �he
<br /> ��en crea�ed b� this Security �ns�rument or Lend�r's security �n�eres�. B�rrower may �ure such a d�fau�� and
<br /> r�in�tate, as provided in sec�ion ti�led Bar�-ow�r'S l�igh� �o �2.eins��te, by caus�ng�h.e action or proceeding ta be
<br /> �isn�is�ed With a ru�ing�hat, �n Lender'�good faith determina�ion,prec�ude��f�rf�iture af the B orrower's in�terest in
<br /> �he �roperty or ather mater�a� im.pa�rmen� af the lien created �by th�s Security Ins�rumen� ar Lerider�s s�curity
<br /> �nteres�.Barro�er shal�also be in default if Borrower,dur�ng the l�ar��.pplzcatian process,gave mat�riall�fa�se ar
<br /> ina�curate �nfarmati�n or s�atements �o Lend�r �or failed tio pr�vide Lender �with any ma�erial infarma�ion� in
<br /> cflnr�ec�ian u��th.the Ioan evidenced by�he CQn�rac�. If th�s S�curity�nstrul:nent is on a�easehald, Borrawer sha��
<br /> comply�vith a���he prov�s�ons of the lease. If Borro�ver acquir�s fee��t�e to�he Pr�perry,th.e�easeho�d and�he f�e
<br /> �itle sha1�no�m�rge unless Lender agrees��th.e merger in v�rr�txng.
<br /> Prote�t�on of I�ender'� Rights i.n th� Proper�.y. �f BorroWer fa��s to perfarm �he c�venan�s and agreements
<br /> conta��ed in this Security�ns�rumen�, ar there �s a legal proceeding that may sign�f can�ly affect Lender's righ�s in
<br /> the Property �such as a proce�ding �n bankrup�cy, proba��, f�r condemna�ion or farfei�ure or �o enfflrce lativs or
<br /> regula�iaris�y �h�n Lender may da and pay for �vha�ev�r �s necess�.ry to protect �he value flf�he �r�per�y and
<br /> Lender's r�ghts �n�he Praperty. Lender's actions rnay�n�lude paying any surns secured b�a lien which ha�priori�y
<br /> over thi s S e cur��y�nstrument, app e aring ua court,p a�ring re as o r�ab 1 e a���rne,ys'fe e s an d en�erzng an the Frop erty�a
<br /> make repa�rs.Although Lender may take ac�ion under�his section,L�nder daes not have to do so.
<br /> A.ny amounts disbursed b� Lender u.nder t�axs sec�ion shal� become addi�ionaX debt �f��rro�wer secu.red by �h.is
<br /> Security �nstrument. IJn�ess Borrower and Lender agree ta ��her ��rms r�f paymen�, �hese amoun�s sha�� bear
<br /> C�20�4-241 S CompIiance Systems,Inc.618A-41FD-2015.12.3.t,I�l 5
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