2� 1 ��72�3
<br /> a���a �� �r�u�T
<br /> ��on�in�[ed} page �
<br /> representat�on ta�'fustor about gor�awe�-�including without lim�talian the creditworthir�ess of�orrower�,
<br /> �RUST�R'S V�A1VE1�5. Trustor waives all ric�hts o�-defenses ar�sin�f�y reason of any"one action"or"anti-deficiency"
<br /> law� or �ny otF�er lav�r which rnay �revent �ender rrom �ring�nc� an� ac#�on against Trustor, including a claim ior
<br /> deficiency to the extent Lender is otherw�se er�titled tv a cl�irn for defic�ency, bef�r� or affer Lencter's comm�ncement
<br /> or completio�af�ny Eor�closure�ctivn�either judicially or�y�xercis�o�a potver o f sale.
<br /> FAYN1 E NT AN D PERF�FtMANC�. �xcept as otf�erwise pcovided in t�1is Deed of Trust, Borrower�nd Tru stor shall pay ta
<br /> Lender al[ [ndebted��ss secure�f by �I�is Deed of Tr��� as i t b�comes c�ue, and Borrawer ar�d Trustor shal[ slrictly
<br /> pe�forrn all tf�eir r�spective obligations u nder�he Note,tE�is Deed❑f Trust,and the Related�ocurnents,
<br /> P�SSESS I�[� AN D �AI Ni'ENAN C E flF TH E pR���R7Y. Bor�atir�rer and 7rustvr agree that Bvr�ov�rer's a�d �'rustat's
<br /> pvssessivr�a�d use ot the�roperty sh�l!be�ove�ned by the ffl[Iovving provisions:
<br /> Possession and Use. Ur�til the occurrence of an E�ent o� Defa�lt� Trustar �ay �'i� �ernain in poss�ssior� and
<br /> cont�ol o�tf�e Prop�r#y; {2y t�se,operate or rnanage the f�roper�y;�nd �3� col�ec�the Rents from��e Property.
<br /> Duty to iVlai nta in. Trustor shal I main tain t�e Prvperty in lenanlab�e conditio� and promptly Perform al I repairs,
<br /> replacements,and mai n lenance necessary lo preserve i ls value.
<br /> Cornp�iat�ce IJ�it� �nviranmental �.aws. Trustor represents and warr�nts t❑ Lencier lr�at: �'[� Durir�� the period of
<br /> TrUstvr's owners�ip of the Pro��riy, triefe M�s beec�no use,g�nera�ian, manufacture,storage, kreatment�disposal,
<br /> release or t�re�t�ned �elease of �n}r Hazart�ous 5ubstance by any pe�'son �n, under, �bout or�rom the Praperty;
<br /> �2� Trustor has no knowledge of, or re�son to bel��ve thal there has be�n, except as pr�viously disclosed to and
<br /> ackno�ruledged E�}� �ender in writing, �aj any breacl� ar vivlation of any Environmental La�us. �b) any use,
<br /> generation, rn�nufacture, slvrage� treatment, disposa[, re��ase or Ehreatene� re�ease of any Haz�rdaus Substance
<br /> on, under� abau� or from tf�e Prop��ty by any priflr owners ar oc�up�nts Qf tf�e �'roper�y� or (c} any actual or
<br /> thre�#ened litigation or el�ims of any kind by any persan relatir�g to such mafters; and �3� Except as pr��iously
<br /> disclased to and ack�ov+rledged by LEc�d�r in writing, �a� neifher'�rustor nor ar�y�enant�cantractor,a�ent or otF�er
<br /> �uthvrized user of the Prapeny shali use,gen�rat�, m�nufac�ure, stare, treat,d�spose af or re[ease any Ffazardvus
<br /> Substance❑�,unc�er, abaut or�rom ti�e p�operty;and 4b) any such a�tivity s�a[I be�onducted in camp[i�nce�nritf�
<br /> all app�icable fedefa[, state� �nd loca� la�nrs, reguf�tian� �nd ordinances. iC�cfuding wiihout limitation aEf
<br /> Environrnental �avvs. 7rustar authvrizes Lender and ifs agents to enter up�n the Proper�y fo make sUch
<br /> inspectior�s antf tests, af Trustor's ex�ense, �s Lender may deem appropriate to determine carr�pl�an�e vf �he
<br /> Prap�rly w�t� this s�ction oi th� Deer� of Trus�. Any �nspecli�ns flr tests rn�de b� �erider shafl be f�r Len�er's
<br /> purpvses oniy and shall not be conslrued io c�e�te any r�spansiE�ility ar liabilily an tl�e part of Ler�der�o Trustor or
<br /> to any ot�er persvn. The re�resen�ations and warra nt�es cantained herein are based on'�rustor's due�i�igence in
<br /> i�vestigating the Prope�Ey for F��zarcious Substances. 7rustor he�-eby �'I) re�eases and waives any future claims
<br /> against l.ender for indemnity ar contribu�ivn �n the e�ren�Trustar becomes liable fvr cleanup ar otl�er casts under
<br /> any such lavtirs; and (�� �grees to indemnify, defendt and�a1d harmless Lender against any and a11�laims�I055�5,
<br /> 1 iabil ities, c��m��es, per�a�tie�,and expenses uvhi ch Le�der may d irect�y or indirectly sustain or suffer resulti ng fro rr�
<br /> a b��ach of this section af the Qeed af Trusi or�s a �onsequ�nce of any use, c�enerafion, manuf�cture, storage,
<br /> dispasal+re�e��e or threafened r�le�se occurring priar!o Truslor's owr�ership or���erest in the Property,wh�t��r or
<br /> not the �ame was or should ha�e be�n knoti�n !o Tr�stor. �'he pra�risions oF lhi� seclion �f the �eed of Trust,
<br /> including t�e abCig�lion to ir�d�mnify�r�d de��n€i,$halt s4�r�ivc�the payment o�the]r�debtedness and t�e satisfaction
<br /> and rec�nveyan�e af the lien a�t�is Deed a�Trusi and shall rtoi be��fec�ed by�.e�d er's�cqt�is�tion�f�ny interest
<br /> i n the Praperty,r�vh�:ther by for�cl�st,re dr at���rwise.
<br /> Nuisance, 11�aste. Trustar shalE not c�use, cont�uct or permit any nu�sa�ce nor cammit, permi�, or suffer �n�+
<br /> strippjng �f or wasfe an or t❑ tll� Property or any por�ian of �he ���perty. 1Ni���ui fimiting the�enerality of the
<br /> foregaing, Trt�stor tinril[ n�t remove� ar grant to any other party the ri�ht to remave, an�timber, minerals�inc�ud�ng
<br /> vil and gas�,caal,clayr,scori�,soil,grave[or�ac�t�roclucts with vu f Lender's pri�r writte n consent.
<br /> Removal of Improveme�ts. Trustor sha�I nat cfemolish�r r�m�ve�ny Improvements from the Real Praperty ti+vithaut
<br /> Lender's prior vti►ritte n cansent. �1s a conciitian to the remov�[oF�r�y I mprovemenis,Lerider may require Trustor to
<br /> m�ke arrangemer�ts satisfactory rq [.en�er ta replace sucEi Improvements �i�h I mprov�m�nts o f at least �qual
<br /> value.
<br /> Ler�der's Right to �nter. Lende�and Lender`s agents and representaE�ves may enter u�on the F�e�l properly �t�ll
<br /> reasvn�ble time� tv attend lv Lend�r's inlerest� �nci l� inspecl ihe Real Pro�erty i�r �urposes �f Truslor's
<br /> compliance with lhe terms and canditi�ns of this Deed of�'rust.
<br /> �ampiiance with Gov�rnrnen�al �2�quirements. Trustor shall prompEly comp[y tirvitf� a!! faws. ordinances� anc�
<br /> regulation�, now ar hereafter in �ffect, nf al� gvvernmenEal autf�arities appli�a�le fo the use or oc�upancy of the
<br /> Property, including vw�thou� lirnit�tion, ti�e Ame�-i�ans With aisabiliti�s Act. Trustar may contest in good faiti� �ny
<br /> suc� iatir,r, ordinar�ce� ar re�ul�tion ancf vuithnold cvmpliance dur�n� any proceeding, inc[uding �ppropriate appeals�
<br /> so�ong as Trustor has natified Lender in v�r�tirtg �rior to doing sa and so long as, in Lender's sole opinion,Len�ier's
<br /> interests in the ProperEy �re not jeopardized. Lender may rec�uir� 7rusl�r to past adequate security �r a s�rety
<br /> bond,reasonably satisf�ctary ta Lend�r, to pr�Eect�encier's in�erest.
<br /> D uty tv Arotect, Tru stor �gr�es neither �o aband�n ❑r ieave unattencied #�e �roperty. �'rustor shall dfl all other
<br /> acts, in addi�ion to those�cts set�ort�7 abvve in t�is seclion,wnicf7 fram the char���er and use of the P�operfy are
<br /> reasvnably necessar3+�o protecl and�res�rve the P�op�rly.
<br /> �UE�N SALE-�ot�sEn�r�Y�.�No�R. Le�c�cr may, at L�r�der's vpti�n.deciare immed�ateiy due and pa�rable al[sums
<br /> secured by this Deed oE Yrust�pon lF��sale or�ransfer, wi��out E.ender's�rior wri�l�n consent, ot all or a�y par�of t�e
<br /> �eal Praperty, ot any int�rest in the �eal Property. A "safe or trar�sfer" mear�s f�e conveyance of Real Prvper�y or any
<br /> right� title or interesl in the Ra�f Pr�perty; w}�elher l�ga[, ben��ici�I ar ec�ultable; whe�t��r volUr���ry or fn�aluntary;
<br /> whethe r by o utrlg ht safe, c��e�i� f ns Ea11m�n t s�1� con�r�cl, Iand cvn[ra ct, cvn lra ct Ior deed, leaseho�d In terest w 1lh a
<br /> tertn greater than three (3� years� 1�ase-option cor��ract, or by s�le,assi�r�rt�ent, ���ransfer of any}�ene�icia! interesf in
<br /> o�to any land trust hol�ing title to the Rea� P�oper�y, qr by any other r�ethocf of conveyance of�n �nteres�in the Real
<br /> P�operty. �f a�y Tcustor is a �orporativn, partnersl�ip or limiled [i�bility comPany, transfer a�so i�clud�s any change in
<br /> ow�ership vi rr�vre than lw�nty-five percenl��5°!0}of th�votir�g slack, par�nership inlerests vr limited lia�i�ity com�any
<br /> in terests, as th e case may be, o F su�ch 7rus Eor. H vwever, t�is aption sh�ll n ot be exercised by Len�er if such exe rcis�
<br /> is prohibited by fed era I I�w or by Nebr�slta Eaw.
<br /> TAXES ANb LI�NS. The fQlioti��ng provisio�ns reEatinc� t� lhe lax�s �nd liens on [he Property are par� of fhis Deed of
<br /> Tr�st:
<br /> Payment, Trustar sh�lE p�y when c�ue��nd in af�ever�ts prior to t�elinqu�ncy)aIE �axes,special taxes, �ssessmenls,
<br /> ch�rges �including waier�nd sewer�. fines�nd impositior�s IeWied againsl or on accoun�of the property� and sha[I
<br /> pay when due�II claims �or worEc cione on vr for servic�s re�der�d Qr r�t�E�ri�l fufnis�ed fo the �'rope�ty. Trus#or
<br /> shall main�a�n the Properiy free of�II li�ns having�rioTity over or�qu�l tQ the interest of Lender un�er this aeed v�
<br /> Trust� except for the �ien o� taxe$ and assessments no t �ue and except as oli�erwise provided in thi� Qeed vf
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Ri�ht to Co ntest. Yrustor in�y wi�h hold p�yment af any i�x, ass�ssment, or�laim i rt cvnnection w ith a gvvd fai�h
<br /> cfispute o�er the obligation to pay, so Ion�as Lender's i�f�resl in lhe Property is nat jeop�rc�ized, 1f a lien arises or
<br />