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201607220 <br />LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP FOR <br />A WARD /INCAPACITATED PERSON <br />Nebraska State Court Form <br />1REQU1RED <br />IN THE MATTER OF THE GUARDIANSHIP OF <br />Ruly L Usas - <br />Ward /lnbapacitated Person <br />TO: Lfe Afe. Os 4S Z. lg DOr €c, h& Ai° Zl <br />Page 1 of 3 <br />Guardian <br />The co rt finds clear and convincing evidence that <br />Letters of auenianshlp fora WardIncopadtated <br />Person <br />CC 16:2.11 R®v09/13 <br />IN THE COUNTY COURT OF L L.. COUNTY, NEB <br />case # pfd. 1 5"' 1 - 7 <br />CC 16 :2.3.1p/ tiff; <br />JUL 2 4 Z015 <br />LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP FOR A <br />WARD /INCAPACITATED PERSON <br />The court finds you are qualified and you are appointed as the guardian of <br />y L uses Z. <br />You are authorized and empowered to perform the duties and responsibilities of guardian as <br />required by law, subject to the following limitation of powers until you shall be discharged according to law. <br />A full guardianship is necessary and is the least restrictive alternative. The guardian <br />is granted all powers conferred upon guardians by law as follow: <br />i. Selecting the ward's/incapacitated person's place of abode within or without this state; <br />ii. Arranging for medical care for the wardlncapacitated person; <br />111 Protecting the personal effects of the ward/incapacitated person; <br />iv. Giving necessary consent, approval, or releases on behalf of the wardfincapacitated person; <br />v. Arranging for training, education, or other habilitating services appropriate for the <br />ward /incapacitated person; <br />vi. Applying for private or governmental benefits to which the ward/incapacitated person may be <br />entitled; <br />vii. Instituting proceedings to compel any person under a duty to support the ward/incapacitated <br />person or to pay sums for the welfare of the ward /incapacitated person to perform such duty, <br />if no conservator has been appointed; <br />viii. Entering into contractual arrangements on behalf of the ward/incapacitated person, if no <br />conservator has been appointed; <br />ix. Receiving money and tangible property deliverable to the ward/incapacitated person and <br />applying such money and property to the ward's/incapacitated person's expenses for room <br />and board, medical care, personal effects, training, education, and habilitating services, if no <br />