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2� 1 ��7228 <br /> DEED �F TF�UST <br /> �Cont�nued} Page 7 <br /> INai�er v� Homestead Exemption. Trustor hereby releases and wai�es al� rights and benefits vf the homestead <br /> exemption laws of#he State�f Nebraska as to a�l Indeb#edness secured by this�eed of Trust. <br /> DE�INI'F��NS. The tollow�r�g words shall have the fallowing meanings when used in this Deed of Trust: <br /> Bene�ciary. The word "Benefi�iary"means First National Bank of�maha,and�ts su�cessors and assigns. <br /> Borrower. The word "Borrower" means �{enneth Price and Dina Price and in�ludes all co-signers and co-makers <br /> signing the Note and all#heir successors and assigns. <br /> Deed of Trust. The words "fleed of Trust" mean this Deed of Trust among Trustor, Lender, and Trusiee, and <br /> includes without limitatian a#I assignment and security in�erest prvvisions relating tv #he Personal Property and <br /> Rents. <br /> En�ironmental Laws. The words "En�ironmental Laws" mean any and atl state, federal and Iocal statutes, <br /> �egulations and ordinances relating to the prote�#ion v� human hea�#h or the en�ironment, including without <br /> limitation the Comprehens��e Environmen#al Response, Cvmpensation, and Liabil�ty Act of '198D, as amended, 42 <br /> U,S.C, Section 9601, et seq. {"CERCLA"3, the Superfund�mendrnents and Reauthorization Act of �986, Pu�. L. <br /> No.99-499 �"SARA"},the Hazardous Materia�s Transportation Ac#, 49 U.S.C.Sect�on 18��, et sQq.,th�Resource <br /> �onservation and Reco�ery Act, 42 L1.S.C. 5ectian 69a1, et seq., or Qther applicable state vr fede�al Iaws, rules, <br /> or reguiations adopted pursuant theretv. �" � <br /> E�ent of D�fault. The words"Event vf Defaul�"mean any of the e�en�s of defauit�et fvrth in this ❑eed of Trust in <br /> the e�ents of default section of this Deed of Trust. � <br /> Existing Indebtedness. The words "Existing In�ebt�dness" mean the 'tndeb�edness described in the Existing Liens <br /> provisian o�this Deed vf Trust. <br /> Guaranty. The wocd "Guaranty" means the gua�ranty from guarantor,endorser, surety,or accvmm�datian pa�ty to <br /> Lender,including wi#hvut limitativn a guaranty vf all�r part of the Nvte. <br /> Hazard�us Substances. The words "Hazardous Substances" mean materials tha#, because of t�eir quantity, <br /> cancentration or physical, chemical or infectious characteristi�s, may cause or pose a preseni ar potentia� ha�ard <br /> to human health or the environmen#when improperly used,treated, stored, disposed of, gen�rated, manufactured, <br /> transparted or othenivise handled. The words "Hazardous Substances" are used in their�ery braadest sense and <br /> in�iude wi�hout �imitatton any and alf hazardous vr tox�c substances, materials ar waste as defined by or lis#ed <br /> under the En�ironmenta! Laws. The term "Hazardous Suhstan�es"also inciudes,withvut limitatian, petroleum and <br /> petroleum by-products or any fractivn#hereaf and ashestos. <br /> Impro�ements. The word "improvements" means al� existing and future impro�ements, buildings, structures, <br /> mobile hames affixed on the Rea! Praperty, facilities, additions, replacements and o#her construct}on vn the Rea� <br /> Property. <br /> Indebtedness. Th� word "Indebtedness" mear�s al! principal, inte�est, and other amounts, �osts and expenses <br /> payable under �he Note or Related Documents, together with all renewa�s af, extensions nf, modifi�ations of, <br /> consolidations of and substitutions for the Note or Re�ated Do�uments and any amounts expended or advanced by <br /> Lender to discharge Trustor's abligations or expenses incurred by Trustee or Lender to en�vr�e Trustar's <br /> obligativns under this Deed of Trust,together with interest on such am�unts as provided in this Deed of Trus#. <br /> Lender. The wvrd "Lender" means First Nat�onal Bank of Qmaha, its su�cessors and assigns. The words <br /> "successors or assigns"m�an any person or company that acquires any interest in the Note. <br /> Note. The word "Note" means the promissory note da#ed Dctob�r 25, 2D16, In the original princ�pal <br /> amou nt �f$4�,�Q 4,0� from Trustor tn Lender,together with al�renewals of,extensinns vf, madifications af, <br /> refinancings of, consolidations of, and substitutians for the promissary note or agreement. The maturity date of <br /> this Deed o�Trust is�ctober 1 fi, 2�26. <br /> Personal Property. The words "Personal Rroperty" mean a�l equipmen#, fixtures, and othsr articles of persona� <br /> prvperty now or hereafter owned by Trustar, and now vr hereafter attached or affixed to the Rea� Property; <br /> together w�th�all accessions, pa�ts, and additions to, all rep�acements of, and all suhstitutions for, any of such <br /> property; and together with a�l proceeds �including without limitation all insurance pro�eeds and �e�unds �f <br /> p�remiums�fram any sale or other disposition vf the Property. <br /> Property. The word "Property"means co�lectively the Rea#Property and the Personal Property. <br /> Real Prvperty. The wnrds "Real Prop�rty" mean the real property, interests and rights, as fur�her described in#his <br /> Deed of Trust. <br /> Related Documen#s. The wo�ds "Relat�d ❑ocuments" mean all promissory notes, credit agreements, loan <br /> agreetnents, env�ronmental agreernents, guarant�es, security agreements, mortgages, deeds of #rust, s�curi�y <br /> deeds, collate�-al mortgages, and al� other ins#ruments, agreements and dacuments, whether now vr hereafter <br /> existing,executed in connection with the Indebtedness. <br /> Rents. The word "Rents" means al� present and �uture rents, revenues, in�ome, �ssues, royalties, profits, and <br /> other ben�fits derived from the Property. <br /> Trustee. Th� word "Trustee" means First Nativnal Bank of 4maha, whose add�ess is 162n Dvdge Street Stop <br /> Gode 320�, �maha, NE 68�97 and any substitute or successor trustees. <br /> Trustor. The wo�d "Trustar" means Kenneth Price and Dina Price. <br /> EACH TFtlJST�Ft ACKN�WLEDCES HAVIN� READ ALL THE PR�VISfC�NS �F THIS DEED �F TRUST, AND EAGH <br /> TRllST�R AG�tEES T�ITS TERMS. <br /> TRUSTDR: <br /> x <br /> Kenneth Price <br /> . <br /> x <br /> Dina Price <br />