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2� 1 ��7228 <br /> DEED C�F TRUST <br /> ��ontinued} � Page 4 <br /> Taxes. The following shall constitute taxes to which this sectivn applies: t1} a specific tax upan this type of <br /> Deed of Trust or upon all or any part of the Indeb#edness secured by th�s Deed of Trus#; �2} a specific tax on <br /> Trus#or which Trustor is authorized or requ�red to deduct frvm payments vn#he �nd�btedness secured by#his type <br /> of Deed of Trust; �3} a#ax an this type of Deed of Trust chargeabl�against the Lender or the holder of the Note; <br /> and �4} a specifc tax on all vr any portion o�the Indebtedness vr vn payments of princ�pal and interest made by <br /> Trustor. <br /> 5ubsequent Taxes. if any tax ta which this section appltes is enacted subsequen# ta the dat� of this D�eed of <br /> Trust, thEs e�ent sha�� ha�e the same effect as an E�rent o# Defauit, and Lendsr may exerase any vr ail of its <br /> a�ai#able remed�es for an E�nent v� Qefault as pro�ided below unless Trustor either (1� pays the tax before �t <br /> becomes d�linquent,vr �2} contests the tax as pro�ided aba�e in ths Taxes and Liens sect�on and deposits with <br /> Lender cash or a suff cient corporat�surety band or other security satisfact�ry ta Lender. <br /> SEC�RlTY ACREENiENT; FINANCING STATEMENTS. The following pro�isions relating tv this ❑eed of Trust as a <br /> security agreement are a part of this Deed af Trust: <br /> Security Agreement. This instrument shaii �onstitute a Security Agreement tv the extent any af the Prvperly <br /> canstitutes fixtures, and Lender shall ha�e all of the rights of a secured party under the Lln�fvrm Gammercial Cade <br /> as amended frvm time ta time. <br /> Security lnterest. Upon request by Lender, Trustor shall take whate�er a�tian is requested by Lender to perfect <br /> and continue Lender's security interest in the Personal Property. In addition to recarding this Deed of Trust in the <br /> rea[ praperty recvrds, Lender may, at any time and without 'fur#he� authorizatian from Trus#or, file executed <br /> counterparts, capies ar reproductions a� th�s �]eed o# Trust as a financing sta�emen#. Trustor shall re�mburse <br /> Lender'f�r a!I expenses incurred in perfec#ing or con#inuing this security interest. Upon default, Trustor shall nnt <br /> remo�e, se�er or detach #he Personal Praperty from the Praperty. Upvn default, Trustor shail assemble any <br /> Personal Properky not affixed to the Praperty in a manner and at a place reasonably con�enfent to Trustvr and <br /> Lender and make it a�ailable ta Lender within three {3� days after receipt af written demand from Lender to th� <br /> extent permitted by applicable�aw. <br /> Addresses. The mailing addresses of Trustor �debtor) and Lender �secured party} from which information <br /> concerning th� securi�y interest granted by this Deed of Trus# may be �btained (each as requir�d by the Uniform <br /> Comm�rcia�Cvde}are as stated on the first page of this Deed of Trust. <br /> FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATTQRNEY-lN-FAGT. The foilowing provisions relating to further assurances and <br /> attvrr�ey-in-fact are a pa�t o�th�s Deed of Trust: <br /> Further Assurances. At any time, and from time ta#ime, upon request af Lender, Trus#ar will make, exeaate and <br /> d��i�er, or wi�I cause tv be m�te,executed or deli�er�d,tv Lender vr to Lender's desigr�ee,and when requested by <br /> Lender, �ause to be filed, reoorded, refiled, vr rerecarded, as the case may be, a# sut��imes and in su�h affioes <br /> and pl aves as Lender may deem appr�ariate,any and al i su�h mortgages, deeds af t�u st, se�urity deeds, secu rity <br /> agreemen�s, financing statements, oantinuation statemen#s, �ns#ruments of further assuranoe, certifica#es, and <br /> other documents as ma�, in the 9als opinion of Lender, be nevessary or desirable in arder#o effectuate, aorr�plete, <br /> perfect, �orrtinue, vr preserve �'I} Trustor's obfi�a#ians unc�r the Nv#e, this Deed vf Trust, and #he F�ielated <br /> Documerrts,and �2} the liens anal security interests crea#ad by th�s D�eed of Trust on the Property,whether nvw <br /> owmed ar hereafter aoquired by Tnastar. Unl�ss prohibited by faw or Lender agrees ta the contrary in wri#ing, <br /> Trus#ar shall r�imburse Lender for all oos#s and expenses ina.frred in oonnectivn wi#h the matters referred to in this <br /> ��9�Ph. <br /> Attorney-in-Fact. If Trustor�ails to do any of the#hings referred t� in the preaeding paragraph, Lender may dv so <br /> for and in the name o�Trustar and at 7`rustvr's expense. For such purposes, Trustor hereby irre�ocably appaints <br /> Lender as Trustor's attomey-i n-fact for the purpose of making,executi ng,dei i��ring,fi I�ng, rec�rdi ng,and doi ng ali <br /> other things as may be necessary or des�rable, in Lende�'s sale apinion, to aovamplish the matters referred tfl in <br /> the precedi ng paragraph. <br /> FULL PERF�RMANCE. If Trustor pays all the �ndebtedness when due, and o#herwise per�orms all the obligations <br /> imposed upon Trustor under this Deed of Trust, Lender shall execute and deli�er �a Trustee a request for full <br /> reoan�eyanoe and shall execute and deli�er tv Trustor suitable statemen#s of termination o�any financing statement on <br /> file e�idenang Lender's security interest in#he Rerrts and#he Persanal Praperty. Any recon�eyanoe fee requi�ed by law <br /> shall be peaid b�Trustvr, if permitted by app�icabl�law. <br /> EVENTS DF �EFAULT. At Lenders op#ion, Trustor will be in defaul# under this D�eed af Trust if any of the fv��vwing <br /> happe�'i: <br /> Payment Default. Trustor fails tv make any payment when due under the�ndebtedness. <br /> Break �ther Promises. Trustor breaks any pramise made t� Lender ar fails #o perform prompt�y at the time and <br /> stric#ly in the manne�pr��ided in this Deed of Trust or in any ag�eement related#o this Deed of Trust. <br /> Campliance Default. Failure to comp�y with any other term, obiigation, covenant a� condition contained in this <br /> Deed of Trust,the IVote or in any of the Re�ated Documents. <br /> Defauit on Dther Payments. Fa��ure o�Trustor within the time required by this �eed af Trust to make any payment <br /> for tax�s or insurance,or any o�her paymen�necessary to pre�ent f iing�f or ta effect dis�harge vf any lien. <br /> [�efault in Fa�oc af Third Parties. Shou�d Grantar dsfault under any laan, extensian vf cred��, security agre�ment, <br /> purchase vr sales agreement, or any other agreement, in fa�ar of any other cred�tvr or person that may materially <br /> a�fect any of Grantar's praperty ❑r Grantor's ability tn repay the Indebtedness vr Grantar's ability to perfiorm <br /> Grantor's obligations under this Deed of Trust or any vf the Related D�cuments. <br /> False Statements. Any representatian❑r statement made vr furnished tv Lender by Trustor or on Trustor's behalf <br /> under this 1]eed of Trust vr the Related Dvcuments is false or misleading in any mater�al respect, either naw or at <br /> the time made ar fiurnish�d. <br /> �efecti�e Coliatera�izativn. This Deed af Trust or any of the Related Docum�nts ceases to be in �ull �arce and <br /> effect �includ�ng fai�ure of any cvllatera�dvcumen#ta create a�alid and perFected security interest ar lien) at any <br /> time and for any reaso�. <br /> �eath ar insal►►ency. Th�death of Trustor,the insolvency of Trustor,the appointment af a receiver for any part of <br /> Trustor's praperty, any assignment for the benefit of creditors, any type af creditor workout, or the <br /> commencement af any prviceeding under any hankruptcy or insolvency laws by ar against Trustvr. <br /> Taking of the Property. Any creditor ��go�ernmental agency tries to take any of the Praperty or any other vf <br /> Trustor's property in which Lender has a lien. This includes taking v�, garnishing of ar le�ying on Trustvr's <br /> accounts with Lender. H�we�er, if Trus�vr dfisputes in good faith whether the claim an which the taking of the <br /> Property is based is �al�d or reasonab�e, and if Trustvr gi�es Lender written notice of the claim and furnishes <br /> Lender wi�h mvnies or a surety bond sat�sfac�ory to Lender to satisfy the claim,then th�s default prv�ision wil� not <br /> appiy. <br /> Breach of L]ther Agreement. Any breach by Trustor under the�erms af any other agreement be�inreen Trustor and <br /> Lender that is nat remedied within any grace period prv�ided #herein, in�luding wi#hout limita#ion any agreement <br />