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2� 1 ��7229 <br /> �EED �F T"�UST <br /> iContl r1 u�d} Page 4 <br /> Taxes. The f�llvwing shail �ons�itute taxes to which this section appl�es: (�} a specific tax upon this type of <br /> C]eed of Trust ar upon all or any part of the �ndebtedness se�u�ed by this C�eed o�Trust; (2� a specifi� #ax an <br /> Trustv�wh�ch Trus#ar�s authoriaed o�requir�d to deduct f�om payments on the lndebtedness secured by this type <br /> of Deed o�Trust; �3} a tax�n this type of Deed of Trus#chargeable agains�th� Lender�r the holder of the Nate; <br /> and �4} a spe�ific tax on a�l or any��rtion o�the Indebtedness ar on pa�rr�ents of principal and interest made by <br /> Trustar. <br /> Subsequent Taxes. If any tax to which this se�tion applies is enacted subsequent to the date of this �eed of <br /> Trust, this euent sha#� haue the sarrye Qff�ct as an Event of De�ault, and Lender may exerase any ar all of its <br /> a�ailable remedies for an E�ent a# Defauit as pro�+ded below unless Trustvr �ither t'�} pays the tax before it <br /> becvmes delinq�ent, or (�) ovntests the tax as prvuided above in the Taxes and Liens section and deposits with <br /> Lender�ash ar a sufficient carporate surety bond or other secur�ty satisfactary ta Lender. <br /> SECURtTY AGI�E�MENT; F�NANCING STATEMENTS. The f�llow�ng pravisions re�at�ng to fhis Deed af Trust as a <br /> securi#y agreement�re a pa�t of this �eed of Trust: <br /> Security Agfeement. This instrument shall constitute a Securi#y Ag�eement to the extent any af the Praperty <br /> cvnstitutes fxtures, and Lender shall ha�e a{I of the rights vf a secured party under the Uniform �amrnerctal Code <br /> as amended#ram time ta time. <br /> Security interest. Upon request by Lender, T�ustor shal� take whate�er a�t�an �s requested by Lender to perfect <br /> and continue Lende�'s security interest in the Persona� Praperty. In a�ditinn t� recording#his Deed of Trust in the <br /> real property recvrds, Lendsr may, at any time and without further auth�ri�ation frvm Trustvr, file executed <br /> counterparts, capies or reproduct+ans of this Deed vf Trust as a frnancing statemen�. �rustor sha�l �e�mburse <br /> Lender far all expenses incurred in perfec�ing or cantinuing #his security interest. Upon default, Trustor shal! not <br /> remove, se�er ar detach the Persanal Prvperty from the Proper�y. Upon default, Trustor shall assemble any <br /> PersQnaj Property not affixed t� the Property in a manner and at a place reasanably cvn�enient to Trustar and <br /> Lender and make it a�atlable ta Lender within three �3} days after receipt of wr+tten demand from Lender to the <br /> �xtent perrnitted�y app�icab�e law. <br /> Addresses. The mailing addresses af Trustor �debtor} and L�nder {secured par�y} from which in�ormation <br /> con�erning the security interest granted by this Deed of Trust may be abtained 4each as required by th� Un���rm <br /> Commercial Cade}are as s#ated on the first page of th�s Deed of Trust. <br /> FURTHER ASSLlRANCES; ATT�RNEY�IN-FACT. The fallowing pravisions relating tv further assurances �nd <br /> a#tarney-in-fact are a part of tf�is Deed of�rust: <br /> Further Assuran�es. At any ti�e, and frvm time tv time, upan request of Lender, Trustor wil! make, execute and <br /> deiiver,or will cause�o be m�le,executsd�r deli�eredF to Lender vr ta Lenders designee,ar�d when requested by <br /> Lender, c,ause#o be fi�ed, reovrded, refiled, or�ereQv�rded, as the�may be, at such t�mes and in such affives <br /> and pla�es as Lender may deem apprvpriat�,any and al! such mortgages, deeds of trus#, security deeds, security <br /> agr�ements, finanang st�tements, oontinu�tion statements, instr�rr�nts Qt further� assuranae, oertificates, and <br /> ather documents as may, in ths sole vpinion vf LF:nder, be neaessary or de�sirable in order to effectuate,comptete, <br /> perfect, cantinue, or preserve ('I} Trusta�`s abligat�ons under the Nate, #his D�ed o�f Trus#, and fhe Rselated <br /> Dociamen#s, and [2} the liens and security interests created by this Deed v�Trust on the Property,whether r�ow <br /> v�nmed or hereafter aoqui�ed by Trustar. Unless prohibited by law or Lender agr-+ees to the oantrary in wr�ting, <br /> Trvstar shall reimburse Lender�or ail oosts and ex�ense�incurred in conneckEan with the malters referred to in this <br /> ��9�h. <br /> Attvrney-in-Fac�. if Trustar fails to d�any of the th�ngs refemed ta in the preced�ng paragraph, Lender may do so <br /> for and in the name of Trustor and at Trustor's expense. Fnr such purpa�es,Trustor hersby irre�acab�y appaints <br /> Lender�s Trusto�'s attorney-in-fact for the purpr�e vf making,ex�cuting,del'tvering, hling, r+eoordirrg,and doing a�� <br /> vthe r th i ngs as may be neoessary or desi rabl e, i n Lender`s svle ap�n 9 on, to aocamp�ish the maite�s referred ta i n <br /> the preoedEng paragraph. <br /> FULL PERF�RM►4HCE. tf Trustar pays all the tndebtedness when du�, and vth�rwise p�rfvrms al! the abliga#ions <br /> imposed upon Trustor undsr this Deed af Trust, Lender shall execute and deli�er to Trustee a request for �ull <br /> recon�syance and sha�l execute and deli�er to Trustar suitable statements�f terminatian af any fir�an�ir�g statem�nt on <br /> file e�idencing L�nder"s security in�erest in the Rerrts and the I'ersanal Property. Any r�Gon�eyanoe fee requirec!by law <br /> shall be paid by Trus�or,if permitted by appiicab�e�aw. <br /> EVLNTS �F f]E�At�LT. At �.er�der's option, T�ustor wil� be in default under this D�ed af Trust if any of the fallowing <br /> happen: <br /> Payment Default. Trustor fails to make any payrnent when due under the�r�debtedness. <br /> Break �ther Promises. Trus#ar breaks any pramise made to Lende�or fails tc� perto�m promptly at the time ar�d <br /> strictly in the manner pro�ided in#his Deed vf Trust Qr in any agreement related#o this Deed of Trust. <br /> Cvmpliance �ertault. Failure tv comply with any other term, obligativn, co�enant vr condition cantained in this <br /> Deed of Trust, the�o#e or sn any of the Relate�flac�rrnsn#s. <br /> Default on�ther Payments. Failure of Trus#or within the time required by this❑eed of Trust#o make any payment <br /> fvr taxes�r insurance,vr any vther payment necessary ta pre�ent filing of vr to e#fect discharge of any�ien. <br /> Default in Fa�or o�Thi�d Parties. Should Grantor de�ault under any laan, extension❑f c�edit, secu+�ity agr-e�ment, <br /> purchase o�sales agreement, or any other agreement, in fa�or of any other creditor or pers4n that may materially <br /> affect any af Grantor's property vr Grant�r's abi�ity to repay the �ndeb�edn�ss �r Grantar's ability to �erform <br /> Grantor's obligations under this Deed of Trust or any vf the Related t]ocuments. <br /> False Statements. Any representation vr statement made or furnished to�.ender by Trustvr or vn Trustvr's behalf <br /> under this i�eed of Trus�or fhe�elated Dv�uments is false or misleading in any matet�ial�espect, e�ther r��w�r at <br /> the time made or furnished. <br /> Defecti►►e Co�laterali�,ation. This Deed of Trust ar any af the R�lated aocuments �eases tv be rn fuli force and <br /> effect �including failure o�any collateral do�Umsnt to create a ualid and perfec#ed seGurity interest or lien�at any <br /> t�me and for any reasvn. <br /> Dea#h or Insvl�ency. The death of Trustor,the insvi�ency of Trustor,the appointment of a receiver far any part of <br /> Trustor's praperty, an� ass�gnment f�r the benefit of creditors, any type of creditvr warkout, or the <br /> cammencement of any pro�eeding under any bankruptcy o��nsolvency laws by or against Trustor. <br /> Taking of the P�vpe�ty. Any creditvr ❑r go►►ernmental agency tries to fak� any af th� P�vperty ar any ather of <br /> Trustor's property in which Lender has a lien. This includes taking vf, garnishing vf or le�►ying on Trustvr's <br /> accounts with Lender. Howe�er, if Trustor disputes in gnvd faith whether the c�aim on which the faking of the <br /> Property is based is �alid or reasanable, and i� T�-ustor gi►►�s L�nder wri#ten notice of the claim and furnishes <br /> Lender wi#h manies ar a surety band satisfactory to Lender to satisfy the claim,then#his default pravision wili nvt <br /> apply. <br /> Breach of�ther Agreement. Any breach hy Trustor under the terms of any other agreement between Trustar and <br /> Lender that is nat remedied within any grace periad pro��ded therein, including wit#�out limitation any agreement <br />