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2� 1 ��7217 <br /> '19. 5ale vf Note; �hang�of Laan 5ervicer;Nr�tice af Grie�ance.The Nate or a partial�nter�st in the <br /> Note�to�etl�er with this Security�nstrument�can be sold one or more t�mes withaut prior notice to <br /> Barrower.A sale might result in a change in the entity�kno�vn as the"Laan Ser�icer")that c�llects <br /> PeriQdic Payrn�nts due under the N�tc and this Security Ins�rumen�ar�d performs other mortgage loan <br /> servicing ob�igati�n�und�r�h�Nate,this Seeurity�nstrume�at,and App�icable Law.There a1�o might be <br /> one or more�hanges of the Loan Ser�icer unrelated ta a sate of the Note,If there is a c�ange of the Loan <br /> Ser�icer,Borrawer wi11 be gi�en written notice of the change which will state the name and address af <br /> th�ne�v Loan Servicer,the address�to�hich payments should�e rn.ade and any other inf�rmation RESPA <br /> requires in conn�ctic�n with a natice�f tran�fer Qf se�tvicing. �f the Note is sold and thereafter the Loan is <br /> servi�ed by a Loan�ervicer ather than the purchaser of the 1�Tote,the mortgage loan servi�ing abligations <br /> to Barrower wilZ remain with the Loan Servicer ar be�ransferred to a successor Loan Ser�icer and are <br /> not assumed by the N�te purchaser unles$atherwise pravided by the Note purchaser, <br /> �either Borrower nar Lender may comrn�nce,jo�n,or be joined to any,�udicial action(as either an <br /> individuat litigant ar the member 4f a ctass}that arfses fr�m the other party's actions pu��uant to this <br /> Security�nstrument or that all�ges that the other party has breached any provisi�n of,or any duty ow�d <br /> by reason of,�his Securi�Instrument,until such�orr�wer ar�.eader has n�tified th�o�her part�r�wit�. <br /> such notice given in campliance with the requirements of Sectian 14)of such alleged brea�h an�afforded <br /> the o�her party hereto a reasonable period after�h�grving of such natice to take corr�ctive aetion.�f <br /> Applicable Law prav�des a t�m�period which must elapse before c�rtain acti�n can b�takenq that time <br /> period will be deemed�a be reasonabie far purposes af this Section. �'he natice of acce�eratioa�.nd <br /> apportuni�y to cure given to$orrower pursuant t� Section�2 and the notice of a�celeration given to <br /> $orrower pursuar�t to S�ction I7 sha1l be deem�d to satisfy the n�tice and opp�rtuni�r td ta�e corrective <br /> � actian pra�isians of this Section 19. <br /> 24. BvrrawerNot Third-PartyBeneficiaryto Contract of lnsurance,Mortgage�nsuran�e rei�rnburses <br /> Lender�or any entity�hat purchases the Note�for certain losses it may incur if Borrawer does n�t repay <br /> the Loan as agreed.Borr�wer ackno�vledges and agr�es that the BorrovUer is not a�hird party beneficiary <br /> ta the contxact of insurance between the Secreta.ry and Lender,nor is Borrower entitled to enforce any <br /> agreement between Lender and the Secretary,un�es�explicitly autharized to do sa by App�icabl�Law. <br /> �1. HazardousSubstanCes.As used in this Sectiar�2I: (a� '�Hazardous Subs�a.nces"ar�those subs�tances <br /> defined as toxic or hazardous su�astances,pallutants,or wast�s l�y Environmental Law and the following <br /> �ubstances:ga�o�ine,k�rosene,o�her flammabl�or toxic petro�eum products,to�ic pesticides and <br /> herbic�des,volatite solvents,materia�s c�ntaini���sbestos or farmaid�hyde,and radioacti�e m�terials; <br /> �b}"�nvironmentai La�v"means federai iaws and Iaws Qf the jurisdiction wh�re tbe Frap�rty is�ocated <br /> that r�late to health,safety ar en�ironm�ntal protection;�c�"Environmental C�eanup"includ�s any <br /> response actian,remediai action,or rernovai acti�n,a�defined in Environmental Law;and�d)an <br /> 'lEn�ironmental Candition"means a condition�hat can cause,con�ribute to,ar a�herwise trigger an <br /> En�ironmental Gleanup. <br /> Borro�rer shall n4t caus�or permit the pre�ence,use,dispo�al,storage,or release of any Hazar�laus <br /> Su�stances,or threaten to rel�ase an�Hazardaus Substances,on or�n the Property.Borrawer shail not <br /> do,nar allaw anyone else to do,anything affec�ing the Praperty�a��hat is in vialation�f any <br /> En�ironrnental Lat�,(b}which creates an Environ�nentai Condition,ar(c}which,due tQ�he pr�s�nc�, <br /> use,or release�f a Ha2ardous Substan�e,creates a conditian tha�t adversely affects the value of the <br /> Property.The preceding two senten�es sha11 not apply to tl�e presence,use,or storage on the Px`operty af <br /> � FHA Deed vf Trust With MERS-N� 913U12414 <br /> Bankers SyStemsT�+ VMP� VMR4N�NE}(15�5).QQ <br /> Wolfers Kluwer Financia!5ervi�es Page 13 of 17 <br /> q�336z?456�4 a233 318 131T <br />