2� 1 ��7214
<br /> ��DSS C���AT�RA�IZ�.T�aN. �t is the �xpressed �nten� of �ran�o�• �o cross col���era�ize a�t of i�s
<br /> �nd�b�edness and �b�iga�ions �o �ender, howsoever ar���ng and whensoev�r ir��urred, excep� any obl�gatian
<br /> exis�ing or arising agains�the principai dwe�l�ng of any�rantor.
<br /> '4�4�A�R.A.�'Z`zES. Grantor, for itse�f, i�s heirs, persanai representa�ives, successors, and assigns, repres�n�s,
<br /> warrants, cflvenan�s and agrees with Lender, i�s succe���rs and assigns, as foilovvs:
<br /> �erforman�e of �bliga�ians. �ran�nr pramt�es �o perfarm aIi t�rms, condi�ions, and c�venants of �h�s
<br /> Security�ns�rumen�and kelated Documen�� in accor��ance with�he�erms contained�here�n.
<br /> D�fense and Ti��e�o �'roper�y. At�he�ime�f�x�cu�i�n and delivery of�his instrument, Grantar is �awfu��y
<br /> ��is�d of�he estate hereby conveyed and has �he exc�usi�e right t� mflr�gage, gran�, car�vey and assign the
<br /> Pr4perty. �rantor covenants tha��he Praperty�s unencumbered and free of aIl Iiens, exc�p�for encumbranc�s
<br /> of record ac;e�pta�le to L�nder. Further, Grantar covenants �ha� �ran�ar v�rill warran� and defend generally
<br /> �he ti��� �� the Proper�y agains� an� and a�I claims and demands wh�a�saever, subjec� to the e,as�rnents,
<br /> res�ric�ians, or o�h�r encumbrances of reeord acceptab�� �o Lender, as may be lis��d �n �he sch�du�e �f
<br /> excepti�ns to co�erage �n any abstrac� of title or �i��e �nsurance �olicy insur�ng Lender's interest in the
<br /> Property.
<br /> ��nditifln of Property. �xan�ar p�omises a� a�l times t� preser�e and t� maintain �h� property and every
<br /> part th�reaf xn gofld repair, w�rk�ng order, and c�ndi�ion and v���l from time ta time, make a�l needfuI and
<br /> pr�per repairs sa�ha��he value of the Property shai�nat in any way b� impaired.
<br /> Removai ��'any Par� of the �roper�y. �rant�r promises not �o remo�re any par� of the �'raperty fr�m its
<br /> pre�ent l�catian, �xcept for r�p�acemen�,main�enance and rel�cation in�he ordinary course of business.
<br /> A.I�era�i�ns ta �he Pr�perty. Grantor pramises �o abstain from �he comm.ission of �.ny vsraste on or in
<br /> connection�uith the Property, Fur�her, Grantar sha��make no ma��rial al�era�ion�, addi�ion� or impro�vemen�s
<br /> �f any �ype wha�soev�r t� �he Praperty, regardless of wvhe�her such aiterati�ns, addi�ions �� �mprav�ments
<br /> wou�d increase �he value of the Property, nar permit anyone �o do so ex�epfi for xenan� impravements and
<br /> comp�etian af items pursuan� to appro�ed p�an� and specifica��4ns, withou� Lend�r's prior �vritten consen�,
<br /> u�hich consent n�ay be wx�hheld by Lender �n its so�e discret�on. �ran�or wi�l comply with a�� laws and
<br /> regula�i�ns of a�l pubii� authori��es having jur•isdic�ion ov�r the Proper� inc�uding, wi�hou� Iimitation, thnse
<br /> relating ta the us�, flccupancy and maintenance �her�of and shail upon reques� promp��y submit to Lender
<br /> evidence of such compliance,
<br /> Due on Sai�-L�nder's �ansenf. �ranfior shal� not sel�, fur�her encumber or�therwise dispose of, excep�as
<br /> herein provid�d, any ar a�l of its �n�erest in any par� of or aI� of�h� Properry wi�hout f rs� ob�aining the
<br /> written ��nsent of �ende�-. �f any en�umbza�cea Ii�n, transfer or sale or agreemen� for �hese is created,
<br /> L�nder may declare�rnmedia�e�y due and payable,�he entir�ba�ance of�he�ndeb�edness,
<br /> Insurance. Grantor prom�s�s to keep the Proper�y i.nsured against such risks and zn su�h form as may tivithin
<br /> �h� so�e discr��ion of L�ender be accep�abl�, causing I�ende� to b� named as Ioss payee or if requested by
<br /> Lend�r, as martgage�, The insurance company shal� be ch�sen by Gran�or sub�ec� �� Lender's appraval,
<br /> wh��h shall not be unreasonab�y �nri�hheld, Al� �nsurance po�icies mus� provide tha� Lender w��I �et a
<br /> minimum of 1.fl days notic�priar ta cancella�ion. At Lender's discretion, �ran�or may be required�o produce
<br /> receipts of paid premiums and rene�val palicies. �f�ran�or fai�s to ob�ain�he required c�verage, Lender may
<br /> da s�a��rantor's �xpens�. Grant�r hereby direc�s each and every insurer of the Property fo make payment af
<br /> Ioss ta Lender wifih the prflc�eds�o be applied, oniy a� Lender's optiQn, �o the repair and rep�acem�n� af the
<br /> darnage or�oss or to be applied t❑the�ndebtedn�ss with the�urplus, if any,to b�paid by�,ender�o�rantor.
<br /> Paymen� of "�axes and 4ther Applicable �harges. Grantor promises �o pa� and �o discharge �iens,
<br /> encumbrances, �axes, assessrnent�, lease paymen�s and any��her charges re�ating�o�he Property when ��vied
<br /> or assess�d agains�Grantor ar the Proper�y.
<br /> Envirvnmen�al �aws and �a�ardaus �r Tt�xic IVra�erials. Grantor and e�rery tena�� ha�re b�en, are
<br /> presen��y a�ad sha�I can�inue t� he in s�r�c� compiiance �nrith any app�icab�e ��cal, sta�e and federal
<br /> environrnental laws and reguiations, Fur�her, nei�her�rantor nor any tenant shall manufac�ure, s�ore, handie,
<br /> diseharge o�• dispose of hazardaus or� t��ic mat��ials as may be d�fin�d �y any s�ate or federai Iaw on �h�
<br /> Pr�perry, e��ep� �o �he extent �he exis�ence �f such rna���-ia�s has been presen��y disclos�d in writing ��
<br /> Lender. Grantor wil� imm�di���ly notify�ender�n writing�f any asser�ion or ciaim made by any party as�o
<br /> the passible vioiation of appiicable state and federat environm�ntal laws includ�ng the Iocation of any
<br /> hazardous �r�oxic materials on or about�he Proper�y, Grantor ind�mnifies and holds Lender harm��ss fr�m,
<br /> withoufi Iimi.tat�on, any Iiabzlity ar �xpen�e of v�hatsoever nature incurred direc��y or indir�e�tly out of or �n
<br /> conr�ect��n��th: �a� any env�z•onmenta� lavtirs affe�t�ng a�I or any par�of the Proper�y or Cran�or; �b��he past,
<br /> pr�sent ar fu�ure �xis�ence of any hazard�us rnaterials in, fln, under, about, ar emanat�ng fram or passinb
<br /> �hrflugh �he Property ar any par� thereof or an� properfiy ad�a�ent there��; �c� any pas�, present or future
<br /> hazardaus ac�ivi�y a� or in connection with the :Praperty or any part thereof; and �d} the nancompiiance by
<br /> �ran�or or�ran�or's failure�fl compl�ful�y and�i�nely wi�h enviranmen�a� laws.
<br /> �'inane�a�Z�f�rma�ion. �rantor agrees to supply Lender sueh financia� and��her in�'ormation concern�ng its
<br /> affa�rs and the sta�us of any of i�s assets as L�nder, from t�me �� tim�, may reasonably request. Grantor
<br /> further agrees ta permi� Lender �o verify accoun�s as well as �o inspect, �opy and �� examine �he b�oks,
<br /> records and fi��s of�rant�r.
<br /> �20�4-2015 Cam�liai�ce Sy�tems,Irtc..548&�FAS-2015.E?.3.1.IQ39
<br /> Commcrcia!R�aF Estatc Sceurity 2�tstrurnen[-DL4Q07 Pa�e 2 of S ��v.compliaa�csystems.cor�
<br />