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<br /> 7. CondemnatiaA. In thc event the Pcoperty,or any part thereot,sh�ll be txken by emiaent domaln,the Mortgagee
<br /> is empowered to collect and recelve all compensatton whlch map be paid for any pro�erty taken or for damages to proprtty
<br /> not taken. and Martga�tee shall apply such compensatlan,at itv opUon,eithAr to a red«crion oi the lndabtadne°„s secuzcr!
<br /> � hernDy or to repair an@ restort�the property so dama�ed.
<br /> 8. P�rtormance by Mort�a�ee.Mortgagee m�y. but shall hAVe no obli�atlon,to do any Act which the MnrtgaRar
<br /> � h�s ��reed but falls to do,ind Moitgagee may also do any act lt deems necessiuy to protect the lien hereof.Mort�a�(or
<br /> - �..�+ees to r�»;�,t►g��a�ss�,zaS sum:�a��nriad by ih:.Itsari�a�«fa�ihe abava�►usposea,and any sums zo ea�pended
<br /> by the MortQa�ee shvl be�dded to the lndebtedness secured hereby and 6ecotne subJect to the lien henwf.Mort�a�ee
<br /> ahall Aot incur�ny peisonal ilabpity because of�nythin�it may do or omit to do hereunder,
<br /> 8. DeGult;Ad�ament oi Renta T1me ds of the easence hereof,and upon Mort�or's default 1n any covenant
<br /> or a�rcement of this Mortgage,�ncludln�covenants to pay when du�the sums secured by thls Mortga�e,the Mort�aree sh�U
<br /> � be endtled,at its sole option and wlthaut notice,to declare all sutns secured by thia MortQa�e.to be immedlately due and
<br /> p►yable and may commeace foreclosu�+e of thls Mortgag�e by judiclal proceedtn�;aud,provlckd tUrther,that upoa such
<br /> deLul!the Mort�a�ee,or�receiver appointed by a court,msy at its option and vriihout�e�ard ta the adequacy oi tde
<br /> �ecutlty,enkr upon wd talce poesession of the Property and collect the renta,ie�ua and protita theretrotn and spply them
<br /> ifrat to the cost oi collection and opention of the Property and then upon the indebtedness�ec�i:ed by tbis Mortp�ee;
<br /> eaid rena. Iceuea and pmfits bein� u�i�ed to the Mortgagee as f�rtbe: secuilty for the p�yment of tbe indebtedness
<br /> secured hereby.
<br /> 10. 75r�nafer of Property, It all ot any part ot the Ptoperty ls sold or transfen+ed without the ezpresa writien con-
<br /> senG of the Mort�ee. Mortga�ee may at its sole optivn,declue all swna.secured by this Mort�e'ta be imraediately due
<br /> and payable. •
<br /> 11. Ftit�u�e Advancea. Upon request of Mortgagor, Mortgagee may make addltional and il�ture advances to
<br /> Mottgsgor. Such advances, with interest thereon,shall be secured by this Mort�age when evidenced by promisaory notes
<br /> stating that said notes sre secured hereby. At no time shaU the principal amount of the indebtednesa secured by this
<br /> Murthgr,not includin�sums edvanced to pmtect the secuHty of this Mortgage,exceed the orl�inal Note.
<br /> 12. Miscellaneous Provislons.
<br /> (a) Any foiebeuance in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver thereof.
<br /> (b) All remedles provided here9n ere distinct and ewnuldive to any other rleht afforded by law or equity,
<br /> and msy be exereised t�ncurrently,lndependently or successively.
<br /> � (c) �e covenants and agreements contaiued herein shall bind, and the rights inure to, the respeetive
<br /> +���.°�P:.���:oMV:�.^o v�,viio oivit��Vi�V iPC 1�1Clt��t�1.'l,.�
<br /> � _.
<br /> (d) All covenants and agreements of the Mortga�or ue jolnt and several.
<br /> __e (e) �e headin� of the paragraphs of this Mort�ge are tor ooavenience only and shaIi not be used to inter-
<br /> pret or define the provisions hereof.
<br /> 18. R�le�. Upon p�yment of all sumc secured by thia Mortgage, Mortgagee shall discharge this Mortgage and �
<br /> ahall execute and deliver a satisfactory release therefor. =�i
<br /> IN R►ITNESS WHEREOF,Mortgagor hu executed this e on the�.63hay o ,19�. `.
<br /> � �
<br /> o ert . upp so,r,...:. �
<br /> �y' � _ �-�_
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<br /> (Mar EII upp) s�aoxu '. :
<br /> State ot Nebtasta, Hal t Cc�uaty ss:
<br /> On thls 16th dey of 1anVarv , 19_9.Q, before me, the undersigned,a Notary Public
<br /> duly commissluned and qualified forsiid county,personally came-Robert W. R��n and Mary Elipn
<br /> Ruun, husband and wife , to me known to be ta�e
<br /> - idantical p�rson(s) �vhose name(s) sre subsc�ibed to Uie foregoing instrument and aclmowtedged the execution thereoi
<br /> �be tt�pi r voiuntuy act and deed.
<br /> Witness my h�nd and notarfel seal at__ Granrl Icland, NphraSke in s8id county,the �
<br /> date aforesaid.
<br /> ` My Commission expires ���� � , _ -_ -
<br /> V� Q 011lt Mw�;1� �buo �
<br /> � �
<br /> (sDace Helow TEI�L1ne Re�crved Fo:Lende:aad Aecordu) �
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